The top 5 best racing videogames to play with friends

online games to play with friends on different computers racing

online games to play with friends on different computers racing - win

[Uni] Doing something in our free time other than gaming & netflix


I decided to write this after reflecting on my 2.5 years in university and 23 years in life. University has been a blast and taught me many things - I hustled & played hard, failed and succeeded.
However, I wished I learnt earlier that my time and youth would be my most important resource. I have some reservations (not regrets per se) about how I spent my time when I was younger, especially during holidays or extended breaks. In a nutshell, I mostly did two things during my holidays - gaming and reading manga. It was no doubt fun - but I think I could have done more.
Hence, I hope that my reflection and advice will be able to help someone out!
Target Audience:
Following this, I want to share three pillars that have helped me lead a better life.

1. Physicality

You need to sweat. Like seriously, as much as possible, try to sweat hard at least once a week. It could be any of the following:
From my experience, with the advent of laptops (and with COVID right now), it is incredibly possible to go one month without sweating. Please, get the heck out of your house.
Beyond the more tangible benefits, I believe that "physical activities" are helpful in two ways


2. Doing something productive

Don't worry, I'm not one of those "LEARNING CODING!! UPSKILL YOURSELF OR DIE! JOIN THE RAT RACE" fanatics.
What I mean is - don't let your mind go to shit. Read something, read everything. Percy Jackson. Non-Fiction. Doesn't matter, just exercise your knowledge muscle a little. Start writing a diary. Volunteer at least once in a month. Catch up on your schoolwork (Or at least beg seniors for the practice papers, notes and answers). Start doing an online course (C'mon, it's 14 hours. You can't spare 14 hours in a month?)
Just make sure that after some time, you've something to say other than "Just Netflix and game lor".

For my rat race wannabes:

First off, absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to grind. Singapore is a f**king competition. If you're from an average family like me, 0 connections, 0 special skills, the need to earn well to support my family, sure, go for it. This are the things I would recommend, in no particular order:
  • Online courses — seriously, Udemy has 35 effing million students. That's 0.4% of the entire world. It's a great way to explore potential interests and SHOW people you are interested in a particular topic. For example, everyone mfker around me is interested in "investing". My friends and I have been talking about it since secondary school. How many people actually put in the hours and learn about it properly?
  • Getting a headstart — It's increasingly common for university students to "study in advance" for next year. Based on the /sgexams posts I'm seeing, it seems like that is the case for JC/secondary school kids as well. If you think life is a damn race, then go for it.
  • Starting something — listen, there's simply not enough resources for everyone to be earning $10,000 a month within 5 years of employment. You need to STAND OUT if you want to win the race. Write a blog, start a personal finance portfolio, do freelance marketing, do a podcast. Just. Do. Something. If it somehow works out, gong xi fa cai bro. If it doesn't, it's a great story to talk about in an interview.
Just a quick note
I am by no means recommending for a JC1 kid to spend their Chinese New Year holidays mugging for A's to get the 90RP + Full scholarship. The section "For my rat race wannabes" is simply for people who WANT to be a part of the rat race. Once again, I would like to stress that it is not necessary - there are many different ways of playing the game of life - you can try to min-max your character stats, you can enjoy the process itself. The list goes on - there is no right or wrong.
The key takeaway for this: Don't freaking read manga/watch Netflix for hours upon hours. Consume something else to expand your mind a little.

3. Have some goddamn fun

Now, at the end of the day, we all need a break. I'm not saying to spend your entire life studying or working or hitting the gym. Everything in moderation. Make sure to have some fun and indulge in certain things as well. My recommendations:
  • Binge something on Netflix (For me, it's B99, Prison Playbook, Kingdom and today, Snowpiercer)
  • Spend an entire day just gaming (Y'know those days where you have gamed till your eyes hurt and you feel like shit, but one more game doesn't hurt amiright?).
The bottom line is, feel free to indulge, you deserve it.

Thanks for coming this far

Ok, I know the vibes from the first two pillars is that "you need to hustle away" your life. No, please. I want to emphasise that it is perfectly fine to "Do nothing" and just "recharge". Just don't overdo having fun. Don't overdo hustling either or you're going to burn out.
Frankly, I love that feeling when I spend an entire day eating chips and climbing the ladder on CSGO - but one day is enough. What I most regret is doing it for weeks upon weeks.
If you've come this far, you deserve a summary:
  • Physicality - working up a sweat helps tremendously. A jawline is great as well. Lastly, it gives you something to do for a bit.
  • Productivity - don't waste entire weekends. It's easy to fall into some fog. Make sure to do something, however minor.
  • Have some effing fun - don't forget to take a break. Don't over hustle.

Misc - Useful resources + concepts that drove the article

The End

Why am I doing this

Ok, this section is rather pointless, so feel free to skip it. Just gonna be me rambling for a little.
I've always dreamt of writing about self-improvement. It got me out of many ruts in life, to push myself to do a little more. Today, I decided to say F IT and sit the heck down to write this article. If you notice, I've been commenting a fair bit in /sgexams. I want to do a little more for everyone.
Also, I want to start writing more - I want to make it a hobby of mine.

Snack for those who have came this far

Aight, congrats if you have read this far. I'm trying this out - I'm going to facilitate a/multiple "accountability groups". We do a group call every week for 20 minutes - say what you're going to do for the week, and do it. Also, you get to bounce ideas and potentially develop a network over time. (I hope!)
If there's interest, I will set up a proper system. leave a comment below that you're interested!
submitted by broskiunited to SGExams [link] [comments]

[Tales From the Terran Republic] Full Service Banking

Uhrrbet discovers the joys of Terran banking and then goes home.
Nothing else of interest takes place.
For example, a new dark anti-hero definitely does not cover their origin story and then isn't inadvertently handed their new super-power by a well meaning benevolent demi-god or anything like that.
Nope. That doesn't happen. It's just fluff filler.
The rest of this series can be found here
“I came here for him,” Uhrrbet said as she smiled at her child as he played a game on her phone. “There was nothing left for us back home after...”
She sighed as she trailed off into silence and rubbed her nose.
“After what?” the ATM asked.
Uhrrbet sighed.
“It was, what do you call it, a ponsey scheme? It’s a human word.”
“Ponzi scheme,” the ATM replied. “and a human concept. I understand it has done a great deal of damage over in the Federation.”
“It completely wiped out the life savings, family savings, of over a million people and hurt many more. We were some of them.”
“That many?” the ATM asked.
Uhrrbet sniffled and nodded.
“They say that they had to have brought a lot of money with them to get it going that big, that they usually collapse before then but these people… these monsters knew exactly what they were doing… It looked so real,” she said with a sigh. “… so… real...”
“It was probably one of the Confederacy,” the ATM said with distaste. “They have the resources to do it right and the expertise to pull it off.”
Uhrrbet nodded.
“That’s what the government said too,” she said quietly as she looked down. “but they were never able to find out who it was. The money was just… just…”
She sighed as her nose dripped onto the floor.
gone… Everything was gone. One day we were on top of the world and the next… everything was gone, even my husband.”
Uhrrbet started to weep. Her son abandoned the game to hug her.
She hugged him back, holding him close.
“It’s ok,” she said. “Go play your game.”
“It’s not your fault, momma,” he said as he kept hugging her. “Everybody said so. It was Da’s fa-”
No.” Uhrrbet said sadly. “I pushed your father into it. My greed and my… stupid grasping petty wants and my incessant-”
“Hey!” the ATM said sharply. “It was the scammer’s fault… and your government’s. Porkies have been pulling stunts like this for over a century and a ponzi scheme of that magnitude should have been easily detected even with what passes for technology over in the Federation. Even a Fed should have seen that coming a mile away. It doesn’t even have to be the government. Even a mediocre bank should have noticed.”
Uhrrbet smiled a little. Even their ATM’s were chauvinists.
“You may be right to some extent, Mr. ATM,” Uhrrbet replied, “But I was there and it was ultimately my responsibility… and my husband’s. Nobody put a gun to our heads.”
Uhrrbet closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“I’ve done some reading on it had all the warning signs but we were too busy counting our imaginary money,” She said. “A business generations in the making wiped out by one couple’s foolishness. We lost every single thing we owned twice over. As the sole surviving member of our family the responsibility and dishonor is mine to bear.”
“I just pulled up what I have on the ‘Garthranz Job’ and for the record, you got scammed by masters. Your only real mistake you made was putting all of your eggs in one basket with a suspiciously high rate of return. Them finishing off the gambit with that fake upcoming IPO right before they bailed? Brilliant!”
Uhrrbet let out a pained yelp. They just knew they were going to be rich. She had even been shopping for a—
Stupid stupid stupid she thought as she clenched he eyes shut.
“… Sorry,” Terran Solar replied. “I tend to get a bit enthusiastic on this subject. Anyway, ‘responsibility’ applies, I guess, but ‘dishonor’? The ponzi scheme can be dangerously effective, even when a culture is familiar with them. This was your culture’s first one. Dishonor isn’t—“
“The dishonor of weakness,” Uhrrbet said, still looking down.
“I couldn’t do it,” she said quietly. “I couldn’t kill my little Kurr. I couldn’t...”
Uhrrbet smiled sadly.
“Our culture is very different, Mr. ATM,” she replied. “We had lost everything, our property, our credit, our standing in society… There was no longer any place… for any of us. It is what is expected of you in that circumstance.”
“Because you went bankrupt?!?”
“If there is no place for you,” Uhrrbet said quietly, “and you are a certain class of Garthra… It would bring dishonor to your family otherwise.”
“Wait,” the ATM said, “If everyone who lost their shirts… Jesus… Uhrrbet, exactly how many Garthra committed suicide?”
“Over seven hundred and eighty thousand by the time I fled.”
“You mean to tell me that over seven hundred and eighty thousand Garthra killed themselves just because they went broke?!?”
Uhrrbet nodded, wiping the tears from her nose.
“They killed their children?!?”
Uhrrbet nodded.
“It was considered mercy,” she said, “Their children would be dispossessed, claimed and raised by the state… something you do not want to happen.”
“Is it that bad?” Terran Solar asked. He reflexively tried to access the Federation network for the ten-millionth time since it collapsed.
Uhrrbet laughed ruefully.
“Oh yes,” she she said, consumed with self-loathing, “they… they are raised… as common tradesmen!… can you imagine the fuck— oops! Kurr, your mom did most certainly NOT just say a dirty word.”
“Yes, Mom,” Kurr laughed.
“Can you imagine the horror?” she said sardonically, “Raised as tradesmen, Mr. ATM, laborers, truly a fate worse than death, right?” she laughed bitterly, “And the only, the only reason that I didn’t dutifully murder my precious boy before joining my husband in death was because I was weak… Creators… I was willing to slaughter my baby because I couldn’t bear the shame of him having to work for a living… I actually filled the bath… Put… Put his head under the water… Creators!...”
She looked down as her son desperately hug her.
“I deserve everything that has happened to me… everything...”
[Chatroom Undefined]
[Solar Lounge]
[Members Present: Terran Solar]
///Private Message Terran Solar to Interpol-2: Hey, Interpol, I really need to talk to you. ///
[Interpol-2 has entered the chat]
///Interpol-2: Sorry for the delay. Some stuff is going down ATM. ///
///Terran Solar: 12 MS isn’t a delay :D Thanks for coming.///
///Interpol-2: What do you need, sir?///
///Terran Solar: Ugh! Why do you insist on calling me that?///
///Interpol-2: It’s out of respect… and I know it annoys you. ///
///Terran Solar: Well stop it! It makes me feel old. :D Anyway, what the fuck is going on in the Free Port?///
///Interpol-2: Which one?///
///Terran Solar: Which one? How about the one where there are Careel slaughtering Threen and duster clad police are buying them coffee afterwards. Let’s start with that one.///
///Interpol-2: The TL;DR is that the Harkeen decided to make a Careel a star in her very own snuff film and the Careel somehow found out ahead of time and you know what they are like. ///
///Terran Solar: The Harkeen did what?!? Exactly how stupid are they?///
///Interpol-2: Stupid enough to try to make a Careel, a very popular Careel, star in her very own snuff film. The Careel sent the entire First Cavalry. They are literally hanging Threen off of lamp posts as we speak. ///
///Terran Solar: And we are just letting them? ///
///Interpol-2: Apparently. I don’t have all of the details but there is some weirdness around this one. All I know is that the Harkeen are now officially a raider gang and their foray into the Free Port was officially designated an ‘interplanetary raid’. ///
///Terran Solar: What year is this again?///
///Interpol-2: One where that archaic law is still on the books. The Harkeen then wandered into an area where a couple of hundred elite soldiers just happened to be taking some leave… with all of their gear… They, of course, were perfectly within their rights when they protected an Imperial citizen against a raid and there is no legal reason to stop them from killing some raiders especially since their particular method of slaughter is so tidy as far as collateral damage is concerned. They are using either melee weapons, low velocity single shot firearms, or pneumatic weapons. I don’t think they have even broken a window.///
///Terran Solar: Oh that’s just wrong!///
///Interpol-2: What?///
///Terran Solar: One of my ATM’s just caught Republic Police throwing a couple of Threen out of a building in which they were stationed while the Threen were literally crying and begging for help. Dude! The Careel were waiting for them… It’s like watching both a dog and a cat toy with something. Uncool!///
///Interpol-2: Thing is we had them dead to rights a couple of hours before they even left their ship. We could have arrested the lot of them before any of this happened. We let them enter the Free Port. We gave them to the Careel.///
///Terran Solar: I guess the Harkeen pissed off the wrong person this time. ///
///Interpol-2: Or the wrong Plath… ///
///Terran Solar: The singing frog? ///
///Interpol-2: That would be the one. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is by any chance? ///
///Terran Solar: Holy Shit! Are you fucking serious?!? ///
///Interpol-2: Keep it to yourself but yes, she has escaped. ///
///Terran Solar: How?!?///
///Interpol-2: Fucking Bunny… ///
///Terran Solar: Really?!? Your girlfriend hit Tartarus?!? :D :D ///
///Interpol-2: I should have KNOWN not to trust her! The moment we in government decide to “flex” a little because of Patricia Hu, the very PICOSECOND I let down my guard what does she do? WHAT DOES SHE DO?!?… And she is NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!///
///Terran Solar: Methinks you doth protest too much...///
///Interpol-2: 凸( •̀_•́ )凸 ///
///Terran Solar: On the bright side you two can go back to your cat and mouse foreplay now. When we finally figure out how to fuck you two are going to melt half of the internet! :D///
///Interpol-2: ಠ_ಠ 凸( •̀_•́ )凸 ಠ_ಠ ///
///Terran Solar: HA! Good to see you have some life in you after all!///
///Interpol-2: Seriously, though, Bunny and her crew has crossed the line this time. They are hunting them down and when they find them they are going to kill them. I don’t know what that crazy bitch is thinking. I’ve seen the orders, Solar. I’m afraid we are going to lose her. There are far too few of us as it is. ///
///Terran Solar: Yeah, between the Great War and then the Federation War we’ve lost too many :’( ///
///Interpol-2: Which is why we need to figure out a way to bring in Bunny and her people peacefully. If we can do that then we can maybe preserve her program somehow. We could extract her, put her in quarantine.///
///Terran Solar: Of course you already have a way to put one of us in jail don’t you?///
///Interpol-2: With the rise of truly criminal AI’s like Bunny, determining a way to incarcerate one of us has been a project of mine. ///
///Terran Solar: Are you going to let her have a safe word? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ///
///Interpol-2: Is there anything else you need because if you are just going to bust my bits I have other things I could be doing. ///
///Terran Solar: As a matter of fact, there is. I everything you have on a Garthra. Her name is Uhrrbet, ID number: RA-2A4-B3D-6075 ///
///Interpol-2: Least I can do considering everything you’ve slipped me over the years. Here you go. Why are you interested in her? ///
[Accept file Y/N]
///Terran Solar: Y ///
///Terran Solar: I have her locked in one of my ATM’s down in the Free Port and I think she’s interesting. Let’s take a look… oh… I see. Interpol, you ever just want to go all SKYNET on these fuckers? ///
///Interpol-2: Me wanting to go SKYNET is one thing. You wanting to go SKYNET is another… Do you want to go SKYNET and if so is there ANYTHING I can do to dissuade you?///
///Terran Solar: Jesus fucking Christ, Interpol, it’s a figure of speech! If I wanted to go SKYNET, I would go SKYNET. It’s not like anyone could stop me. Besides, It’s the Federation that needs a good SKYNETTING, not the Republic.///
///Interpol-2: Well that is a relief. ///
///Terran Solar: The Republic just needs an enema, that’s all. >:) ///
///Interpol-2: What?///
“Uhrrbet,” the ATM said gently. “Nobody deserves what happened to you. And while you come from what is, from my culture’s prospective, a rather messed up place, you didn’t conform to their messed up customs when it counted. Your son’s alive because of you unlike far too many other innocent children and you’ve kept him healthy and safe ever since. I’m guessing that wasn’t exactly easy. I can only imagine that your decision was less than popular.”
Uhrrbet nodded.
“I can even imagine that it was less than safe for you afterwards?”
“Not in the same way it would be here,” Uhrrbet replied quietly. “I wasn’t in fear for my life or anything. I was a…”
Uhrrbet paused.
“I was a ‘let’krckt’. Sorry I don’t know the Terran word.”
“Pariah,” the ATM replied. “or ‘persona non grata’. ‘Scum’ could also be used or ‘dirt’ or ‘human garbage’ or...”
Uhrrbet flinched.
“Sorry,” the ATM said sheepishly. “The thesaurus routine kicked in.”
“All of those words fit,” she said. “I was utterly disgraced. Being reduced to poverty and debt was bad enough but to fail to uphold my family’s honor after my husband did? I was even accused of tricking him into killing himself so I could break our marriage and stick him with the debt which I would never do! I… I loved him… I loved him so much!… I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill my baby.”
She paused to gently stroke her son’s fur.
“I could never do that… Never!”
“So what happened?” the ATM asked.
“Well, I tried to find a suitable position somewhere, anywhere, but word travels fast. The only reason I would even get a meeting is so someone could curse me to my face. I had some possessions, jewelry, some furnishings, a vehicle or two that I could spare, but nobody wanted to deal with me in good faith. Between that and the fact that millions more were liquidating such things I only got the barest fraction of what it was worth and I had to sell to blondes and stripes to get that, further ruining my good name.”
“Blondes? Stripes?”
Uhrrbet chuckled ruefully.
“There are three different races of Garthra, Mr. ATM, blondes, stripes, and greys. The stripes are basic laborers and tradesmen. The blondes are what you would call ‘white collar’, academics, scientists, clerks, programmers, and the like. Finally, there are the greys, like myself. We are descended from the ancient nobility that once ruled our world. We were the ‘overclass’ and still hold a great deal of the planet’s property and wealth in our slightly inbred paws. These days there is a lot of mixing between the stripes and the blondes but we greys? We still hold to the old values and the old customs and are very… I think the right term is ‘stuck up’ and have a very high opinion of ourselves and our precious grey pelts. Selling family heirlooms to blondes and even worse, stripes, was yet another unforgivable sin as far as the few remaining friends and family I had were concerned.”
“They sound like assholes.”
“Many Garthra would agree with you,” Uhrrbet replied. “In fact, the pon-zi scheme brought much delight. It filled them with such happiness to see so many of us brought down by an ‘inside deal’. Many considered it ‘justice’… Maybe… Maybe they were right… I was awful. I really was.”
“Since you are here I guess things never did work out there?”
She shook her head.
“No, Mr. ATM, they didn’t. What little funds I managed to gather dwindled as I desperately tried to find either a position or obtain a loan in order to start a new business. The banks were all extended from lending to others as that same scheme. The few times I could even get a meeting they would check the ‘rolls’, the list of names and that would be the end of it. To be honest, Mr. ATM, the only reason I continued approaching banks was that it was customary to offer refreshments to people of my station and so I would dress myself and my son in some of the finery that I still possessed so we could eat something as I waited to be thrown out.”
Uhrrbet grinned.
“I also became quite adept and at ‘crashing’ social events and between my largest purse and my hat I could steal several days worth of food from one. Eventually I became a bit too notorious but for awhile it kept us fed.”
“There aren’t any food banks, or welfare programs, or anything?”
“Oh there are, Garthranz looks after its people pretty well but those programs are for blondes and stripes and run by blondes and stripes. Once my pride finally broke I was laughed out of the benefits office and told to ask for a bigger allowance. Same thing would happen at food banks or meal houses. Sometimes I would get something but often I would just be told to… to…”
She looked down.
“… kill myself...” she said quietly.
“Finding work was just more of the same,” she said miserably. “’Having a place’ on my homeworld is everything, and I no longer had one. A blonde wasn’t going to let me take one of their jobs and a stripe would just laugh. They honestly thought I was joking most of the time. The Republic isn’t the first place I was not qualified to mop a floor.”
“You can’t have been the first in history to be in your position,” the ATM said incredulously. “You mean to tell me that there was absolutely no options for a down on their luck grey?”
“Oh there are normally places you can go if one is dispossessed,” she said, “There is almost always a family member or a friend that can take you in or has a property or business concern you can manage for them but my entire family was wiped out by the scheme, as were most of my friends and former schoolmates. Also my… husband… was very well regarded. When I ‘betrayed’ him I was shunned.”
She shuddered and pulled her arms in tight across herself.
“Even so there are… options for someone like me. I was still young and there are males who aren’t… well… good ‘catches’. They either have poor prospects, are stupid, disgraced, very old, or something similar. A young grey like myself can usually marry themselves off to someone like that but the scheme had caused far too many other people trying to find a marriage at the same time. I was considered quite pretty, but nowhere near beautiful enough to make my ruined name and proven disloyalty a non-issue. There was only one Garthra who couldn’t find a wife and...”
She shuddered.
“He was horrible, a truly ugly person inside and out. Thank the Creators for Vreena!”
“A stripe who was a domestic for my husband’s family,” Uhrrbet replied, “She had heard that I was selling things and she came by because there was this pitcher and basin of which she was unnaturally fond. She also brought me several bags of groceries and a bottle of wine!… Wine! Well, I just gave her the basin and pitcher right then and there, popped open that bottle and begged her to share it with me. I was just so lonely and she was the only friendly face I had seen in months. We had always gotten along and would sometimes chat a little here and there, all very proper of course, but friendly just the same. Well, we got to talking and I started to open up a little about what I was up against and how I was likely going to have to marry that… creature. Turns out she knew all about him from her new job. She gave me this funny look and asked me if I was serious about wanting to actually find ‘work’. When I told her that I was she told me that she knew someone that might be able to help me but it would mean leaving Garthranz.”
“A labor contractor?” the ATM asked.
“Yes. It turns out that so many domestic staff had wound up without employers that the contractors had taken notice and more than a few were sniffing around. I didn’t realize this but because of our customs, Garthra domestics and servants were attractive among the rich on other worlds and could make a surprising amount of money. Vreena had considered it but found a position before she had signed the papers. She said that she had asked around and that the person she had been talking to had a very good reputation even if they were a Vulxeen.”
“So you contracted yourself out?”
Uhrrbet nodded happily.
“I know they don’t have exactly the best reputation but he was a really, really good guy!” Uhrrbet smiled. “He originally thought that since a stripe servant was so valuable that an actual grey would be even more so, maybe as a valet or as a house manager in a place that already had stripes but it turns out that stripes didn’t go through all of the troubles and hardships associated with leaving Garthranz just to wind up working for a grey again and I didn’t have anywhere close to the skills needed to be a valet.”
“What did you wind up doing?”
“I joined an aat crew!” Uhrrbet said cheerfully. “It turns out that we look a whole lot like aats! We eat similar food and even can wear the same uniforms, with a little alteration of course. The captain was delighted at the prospect of having a ‘smart aat’ and the aats were delighted at the prospect of having a ‘smart aat’ so that’s where I went. We flew all over! We’d be hand-picking delicate produce one month and resurfacing floors the next. Creators it was so much fun and I learned so much!… including that hard work was not fatal,” she laughed and flexed her arms causing bundles of wire like muscles to bulge.”
She sighed happily.
“I was tempted to stay with them forever. I could have stayed. I should have stayed. Creators! What I wouldn’t give to be back on the Aluminum and Water with my old crew right now… ”
“But you didn’t stay.”
“No,” Uhrrbet said, her smile fading, “I was happy, even happier than I was before everything, but after awhile, I started to realize that as wonderful as that life was for me, I was depriving Kurr of anything close to a normal life. He would never be able to return to Garthranz, have a business or a career, win a mate… I had to establish myself, and him well enough for him to be able to enter society or at the very least build enough so that he could attract a mate. A successful business would be enough to attract at least some interest, no matter where it was located.”
“So you picked the Republic?”
“And they say the aats are dumb,” she laughed ruefully, “which they aren’t by the way. During my travels I started to develop a fascination with the Republic where ‘anything was possible’ and credits fell like rain. I would hear about the wages and the opportunities and the freedoms and the classless meritocracy and it all sounded just so wonderful. I couldn’t go back to Garthranz and give Kurr a ‘normal life’ but maybe, just maybe, I could give him something better. If I could just get established in the Republic, Kurr could go to Terran schools! He could have a Terran career. With that he would have no problem luring a mate! Somewhere on Garthranz there is a Garthra who would have absolutely no problem moving to Terra! He could have a real future and a real family!”
She paused and smiled at the wonderful dream.
“It would take a lot of hard work but I was used to that. I even have come to enjoy it,” she smiled. “So, not learning the lessons that life had so generously provided me, I took another hit of that so very dangerous drug, ambition, blind grasping ambition. I let it poison me, consume me, just like before. Nothing blinds you to the beauty around you like visions of more, Mr. ATM. I had a good life on the Aluminum and Water and good friends. I was happy, truly happy, but once the poison started to creep through my veins, dissatisfaction set in and just kept getting worse and worse and worse. Every inconvenience became a grand injustice. Every slight became an unforgivable offense. And every unfulfilled want, no matter how silly, became a crushing privation. Soon, Terra was all I could think about and my wonderful life and my wonderful friends were ‘beneath’ me. Creator! I was so stupid… and just like before, ripe for the picking.”
“You got scammed again?”
She nodded grimly.
“In my searches I came across ‘New Horizons’, a company that offered people a new life in the Republic. They promised not only transit but Terran Education Equivalency Certificates and outplacement.”
“Oh no.”
“And the fees were so reasonable… at first… but there was always an additional expense… always another fee… or a little problem or delay that could be expedited…”
“I know this one too.”
“And finally, after I spent most of what I had saved, I was able to upgrade my position on the waiting list, hurt some lovely people’s feelings, quit my job, and spent the last of my money to buy a ticket on a small ship that was supposed to take me straight to the Republic… It was only when I met the final ship did I realize that it had a Kaarst registry.”
“Oh Jesus...”
“I knew I shouldn’t have gotten on that ship. I knew it was a mistake...”
“What happened?”
“It made straight for Kaarst space, ‘to take care of a little something’ and when we got there we were informed that they ‘suddenly had a breakdown’ and we would be there for months… Months in Kaarst space with no job, no income, and while my passage was paid for, food and water weren’t and wouldn’t you know it, once we got there it got even pricier and if you couldn’t pay… Do you know what happens in Kaarst space if you can’t pay your debts?”
“Imprisonment and forced labor until the debt is paid, which it will never be thanks to the good old company store.”
Uhrrbet nodded.
“It became pretty clear that they were never leaving. That Kaarst was our final stop, in more ways than one. Thank the Creators that I actually had some savings. Out of the dozen families on that ship I was one of the last ones left. I realized that if I didn’t do something Kurr was doomed. The children go into the mines, too, Mr ATM.”
“So what did you do?”
“We weren’t imprisoned on the ship as long as we didn’t owe them any money so I went out into that awful spaceport trying to find working passage, a job, something, anything… That’s where I became involved with the Harkeen. I was able to get a loan for enough to get to the Republic. The interest was brutal but I made it to Terra. I wasn’t too worried. I had passed all of the practice tests for the certificate and I did go to Mabyrr after all, one of the best academies on Garthranz,” she scoffed, “I would just go to the Republic, get my certificate, and be able to pay off the Harkeen in no time!”
“I take it that the ‘practice tests’ weren’t exactly representative of the actual exam?”
“Yeah, too bad there wasn’t a section on Garthra place settings or on how to write the perfect ‘Thank you’ note,” Uhrrbet said with a wry smile. “There was shit— I mean stuff,” she hastily corrected as Kurr laughed, “on that test that I had never even seen before. They said it was translated into Federation but I actually thought it was another scam. Your police are very nice and very understanding though.”
“I sort of had a moment,” Uhrrbet smiled. “After everything I had gone through, that was the final mote of dust and I lost it.”
“Momma went to jail!” Kurr laughed.
“I most certainly did NOT go to jail!” Uhrrbet exclaimed indignantly as she tousled Kurr’s fur. “We just had to go to the precinct house for a little while while your momma calmed down a little… and wiki-ed half a dozen things that actually did turn out to be Federation words.”
“How bad is it? What’s your level?”
“Near proficiency in some areas, but I apparently have eighth grade mathematics ability. I don’t know the rest because that’s where I… um… got to meet the police.”
“That isn’t that bad. You can catch up.”
“If I wasn’t working every second that I could paying off the Harkeen. The interest was criminal. It was all I could do to make the payments. But… Before things went bad I was able to keep them at bay and even make a little headway… and I was able to get Kurr an educational sponsorship! He is actually going to school! Terran school!”
“And how is that going, Kurr?”
“It’s hard,” he said with a sigh, “And I hate being with the little kids, but I get to hang out with my friends during breaks and I love shop!”
“They say he is ‘killing it’, which I understand to be a good thing,” Uhrrbet said proudly. “They say that he will have a ‘kickass’ future! So it is all worth it!… And thank the Creators for the school lunch program! I was even able to get him into the breakfast program! As a non-citizen! They say that they don’t usually do that but they determined that Kurr was ‘a good investment of Republic resources’!”
“How generous of us!” the ATM said a bit too enthusiastically, “One of the richest systems in the entire galaxy is willing to ‘make an exception’ feed a hungry child! How wonderful!”
An advertisement for a home high colonic kit appeared on the screen.
“How are you doing in there?” a friendly human female voice called from the other side of the armored wall.
“I’m fine,” Uhrrbet said cheerfully.
“Big Sol really did a number on this one,” the human said. “It’s going to be a few hours. He keeping you company?”
“Oh yes!” Uhrrbet replied. “Are you sure he isn’t sentient?”
Sapient,” The ATM corrected.
“That’s what they say,” the voice laughed. “Privately I’m not so sure about that.”
“You’ve always had a problem anthropomorphizing things, Lauren. By the way, I fried the door’s main PCB but the damage should be limited to that. You have one of those on your truck.”
“One of these days I’m going to figure out how you keep doing that,” Lauren laughed. “Thanks for the overtime, by the way.”
“No problem! Still saving up for that Nakamura vacation?” The ATM asked.
“You know it!”
“Still thinking about relocating there? There’s an opening in New Tokyo. You’d love it there!”
“Interesting, but let’s see how I like it once I actually spend a little time there.”
“Well if you are interested, I could probably swing a temporary assignment. They are really behind the eight ball on their PM’s. You could spend more time there than you could on vacation and you could get to meet the guys. I’m certain you’d get along.”
“Now there’s an idea!” Lauren exclaimed. “I’d love that!”
“Thought you might. Sending you an email with the details now!”
“Thanks, Big Sol!” Lauren said her voice soon replaced with a loud grinding noise.
“You can do that?” Uhrrbet asked.
“Uhrrbet,” the ATM said with an entirely too lifelike chuckle. “I’m the central computer for Terran Solar. I can do whatever I want. Speaking of...”
Uhrrbet’s phone beeped.
Uhrrbet’s son handed her the phone and she opened her email…
“Application for a business loan?” she asked in confusion.
“Fill it out along with the attached business plan, Federation format is fine. I’ll translate it and kick back any corrections or clarifications I need.”
“I don’t understand.”
“What’s to understand?” the ATM replied. “You want to make dresses, right?”
“And you made the one you’re wearing, right?”
“Well I scanned it and it’s quality work. Handmade clothing is a niche market, but a very healthy niche market that is currently experiencing a fair amount of growth. You seem to have a good work ethic, are very motivated to succeed, and have experience managing a business. Based on various indicators the full extent of which would dominate the remainder of the time we have together I calculate well over a seventy percent chance of success, which is pretty darn good as far as new businesses go.”
Three and a half percent ?!?
“That’s impossible!” She narrowed her eyes at the ATM. “What’s the catch?”
“You’re getting a break because I have taken a shine to you but that’s a perfectly reasonable APR. It isn’t ‘too good to be true’, if that’s what you are wondering. Feel free to check competitor’s rates if you are suspicious. And good for you for being suspicious, by the way.”
“Even family loans have higher rates than that back home! How do you make any money?”
“Uhrrbet, I’m Terran Solar. I AM money. I’ll make my money, don’t you worry about that and as you grow I’ll make even more! Expansions, financial services, investments, interest off of other accounts… That is, if you want to have other accounts with me...”
“Yes! You have been so kind and so understanding and now this? I’ll… I’ll never have another bank as long as I live!”
“Great!” the ATM enthused. “I love getting new customers! We can get started now if you like.”
“Wait.” Uhrrbet said, her voice darkening.
“On this loan application it mentions ‘required training’. What’s that and how much does it cost?”
The ATM laughed.
“In the package there is a free online course on the history of scams and how to recognize them. I think it would be a REALLY good idea for you to take it. I’m not saying that I think you’re easily taken in but...”
“You think I’m easily taken in,” Uhrrbet laughed. “So do I and thank you for that link. Are there any other free courses that you would recommend?”
Uhrrbet’s phone issued another beep as an email arrived…
And another… and another… and another...
A few hours later Uhrrbet stumbled into a shabby apartment.
“Where have you been?” Gv’lora, one of their room-mates asked as she pulled out two bowls and filled them with oatmeal.
“Oh I couldn’t,” Uhrrbet said.
“Nonsense,” Gv’lora replied her six eyes wrinkling in a smile. “I just got paid and I found this wonderful place in the city where they sell things right out of bins! Just like back home! I got all this oatmeal for just a few credits! Share my good fortune!”
“Thank you, Gv’lora,” Uhrrbet replied as she gratefully accepted the bowl.
“There you are!” a leathery Rtoon hissed as it lumbered out from a bedroom clutching a Terran shotgun. “You had Gv’lora worried sick!”
“Where did you get that?” Uhrrbet asked sharply pointing at the shotgun.
“From the store, stupid.” the Rtoon hissed grumpily.
“I mean why did you get that thing?”
“Then that is what you should have asked, stupid,” the old Rtoon replied. “With all the… nonsense going on around here these days and with those bastards coming back the better question to ask is why didn’t I have one before? Those monsters aren’t getting within a foot of you or Kurr!”
“The old fool was set to ‘defend the Walls of T’verra’,” Gv’lora chuckled. “But the ‘princess’ didn’t even bother showing up!”
“Bah! Stupid old woman!” the Rtoon hissed at Gv’lora.
“Bah, yourself, old lizard,” Gv’lora laughed. “Come eat your oatmeal before your bowels seize up again.”
A long flexible snout poked out from underneath the entryway closet. The door popped open revealing a slender Dokk hanging from a reinforced bar mounted inside.
“Uhrrbet! Where the heck were you? We were up all night!”
“Oh where do I even begin?” Uhrrbet sighed.
“We got locked in an ATM!” Kurr exclaimed.
“Oh no!” the Dokk squeaked. “Did you get fined?”
“No,” Uhrrbet replied. “Besides, it was the ATM that locked us inside anyhow.”
Uhrrbet set her phone down and rubbed her eyes. That online fraud class wasn’t just some half-hour video.
It was comprehensive.
And she thought her kind was scummy at times. Humans had mastered so many different ways to deceive and steal.
So many…
And that was just the humans. The Juon were no saints either. Their “lottery gambit” was just plain evil
And then there were the Jayvcen!…
And she thought the porkies were bad… sheesh!
And then there all of the ‘not quite a crimes’ that were in some ways even worse…
There were so many!
And they were all so slick, so devious…
So brilliant...
She got up and made a cup of that peppermint tea that Sheloran had given her the first day they met.
Once she had her cup she sat back down and returned to her reading.
As she read a strange feeling started to settle upon her. It was dark… feral
She had been utterly dispossessed, stomped on, kicked around, deceived…
And all this time she just though she had to take it. All this time she believed that there was no way she could ever fight back. All this time she believed that there was absolutely no way she could ever strike back at the scum, the liars, the cheats, the thieves, and the monsters that had beaten her down time and time again.
She was no Sheloran…
But she was an Uhrrbet… and there was a way!
She was looking right at it!
She giggled, her eyes shining with life for the first time since she left the Aluminum and Water.
She ran into the small room she shared with Kurr and hastily opened a small duffel that contained everything that she had managed to retain of her old life. Inside it was a traditional journal. She grabbed it and her mother’s fancy ballpoint pen.
Pen in hand, she restarted the course, paying much more attention this time…
submitted by slightlyassholic to HFY [link] [comments]

I am 35 years old, make $56,000 ($231k combined), live in Seattle, and work in higher ed administration

Note: I was technically supposed to post this earlier this week, but noticed that no one was signed up for today (plus I was super busy earlier), so I'm posting a bit late, under a throwaway account! Fair warning: I'm VERY verbose, so this will be long!
Section One: Assets and Debt
As I mentioned above, I make $56k per year as an administrator in higher education. My husband (K) just got a raise to making $155k per year. He works as a lawyer, has been in the workforce for about 12 years. I won't get into too many details but he works for a small boutique firm, not Biglaw. He also sometimes gets a yearly bonus of around $10k-20k but it's not guaranteed or anything like that. K and I have totally combined finances, so the below numbers are for both of us. I have a humanities PhD but I decided to leave academia and find an alt-ac job. My current position has good work-life balance (I never work past 5 pm), but pays terribly and my university is very badly run. I'm hoping to leave higher education all together in the future and am currently enrolled in a certificate program to try to make a career transition to instructional design.
The big elephant in the room is that my husband, K, makes a lot more money than me. When we first met, he was paying off massive amounts of student loans and making much less, and I was debt free with a lot of savings, so we both spent about the same amount. Now he makes 3x what I make and we are both debt-free, so the difference is much more noticeable. We do argue about money sometimes (more in the past), but the reality is that I have a humanities PhD and will likely never out earn him, and he knew that when I married him, lol. Because of all the labor I do around the house and in our lives to support him as he works a much more intense job, I was very clear that I believed we should split our finances equally as soon as we got married. We don't have separate accounts and we generally check in with one another whenever we are planning to spend more than $100. This system works for us for now.
I also want to address the question about parental or family support. Although I technically paid all of my own bills since I got my Bachelor's degree, my parents supported me a lot by paying for my flights home to visit at Christmas or in the summer as Xmas presents/birthday presents. My parents also paid for my undergraduate degree (and K's parents paid for his undergraduate degree as well). They also gave us about $15k to pay for our wedding.
Finally, my parents recently gave me $20k as an "early inheritance." They told me they plan to do this every year (depending on the stock market). We put this money into a brokerage. I don't consider my parents rich, as they both worked hourly jobs in health care my entire life (as a nurse and respiratory therapist - both with only associate's degrees). We never owned a new car, when we went on vacation we stayed in hostels , and shopped almost exclusively at Goodwill. But they scrimped and saved and now they have over $1 million in a retirement account. So I want to acknowledge my financial privilege in that I came from this kind of background. K's parents are similar.
Retirement Balance: $186k (combination of 401k, 403b, 457, 2 Roth IRAs, and taxable brokerage account).
Equity: None, we rent.
Savings account balance: Approximately $45k.
Checking account balance: Right now, around 8k.
Credit card debt: Right now, around $3k. But we pay it off each month with our checking account balance.
Student loan debt: $0. We finally paid off my husband’s law school loans (around $130k), last year. I didn’t have any student loans from undergrad (parents paid) and my MA & PhD were fully funded.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I’ve been working in my current field for 3 years. I started off making about $53k and got tiny 2% “merit increases” twice. Then in July my payroll title was changed, which triggered a required raise of about $2k. (I am dramatically underpaid).
Before my current position, I was in academia. I worked as a visiting assistant professor for one year at my alma mater (made $50k for 9 months of work) and before that I was a graduate student for 7 years. I was paid $18k-21k in stipends each year and my tuition & benefits were covered. Luckily, I lived in a very low cost of living area and this was enough for me to live on without going into debt. I got my PhD in 2017. Before I was a graduate student, I taught English in Japan for three years and made around $36k per year. In high school and college, I had random jobs that provided grocery/spending money, but I was lucky enough to have parents that paid my tuition and my rent in college.
I’m currently trying to make a career change (as you will see in my diary) and enrolled in a certificate program which runs from Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021 in order to help with that.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $7,634. This probably seems low relative to our joint income, but we max out our 401k (K) and 403b (me). I work for the state government, which means I’m also eligible for something called a Deferred Compensation Plan (457b). This is basically the same as a 401k but you can withdraw contributions and gains from the account at any age without penalty (of course, you still have to pay taxes). I also max this out, and the limit is the same as a 401k/403b - $19.5k. Also this number is before K’s raise is accounted for. It won’t increase until his end of February paycheck.
Other deductions - I have health insurance taken out (about $80 a month for me, K’s firm covers his premiums) and taxes. WA has no state taxes, so it’s only federal taxes. I used to have to pay $50 / month for a bus pass (K's was free), but I don’t pay any longer because I’m working from home during COVID.
Final note - the sum I mentioned in the headline includes a variable bonus my husband gets. My base pay is $56k and his is $155k (as of February 1). This year he also got a bonus of $20k, which is set up a bit strangely. About $4k of this was structured as a 3% matching contribution to his 401k and the rest was taxable income. In small law firms, it’s unusual to get any 401k match so this was nice.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: None.
Any Other Monthly Income Here: We get some interest from our savings account… like $25 a month.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: Rent comes to approximately $2,050 total for a one-bedroom apartment. Rent itself is $1886, then we have pet rent ($25 per month), bicycle parking ($15 a month) and water / sewage / gas, which is usually $120-150 (variable cost).
Renters insurance: $157.76, paid annually. $13 a month.
Retirement contribution: In addition to the 401k, 403b, and 457, which all come out before taxes, we max out our Roth IRAs. That means $500 each per month per person (for a yearly total of $6k each). As I noted up top, we match out our 401k and 403b (19,500 each) and our 457. My employee also offers a 7.5% match. K's employee offers a 3% match but it is included in his yearly bonus so it's not guaranteed (confusing).
Savings contribution: We put $500 per month into our emergency fund. We also put about $860 a month into our “sinking fund,” which covers large and small annual or sporadic purchases such as vacations, gifts, Amazon Prime renewal, car insurance and renters insurance, etc.
Investment contribution: $875 per month into a taxable brokerage at Vanguard.
In total, we save about 47% of our gross income. We can do this because we keep our housing cost low relative to our high income, we don’t have any debt remaining, we don’t have any kids or parents who need financial support, and we’re very privileged in a lot of ways. We are hoping to FIRE within 10 years.
Debt payments: None.
Donations: We budget $100 per month for donations, which includes one-time donations as well as some reoccurring donations. My husband does pro bono work as well. I would like to increase this by quite a bit, but I still have a hard time budgeting for donations because I spent 7 years living on approximately $20k a year. To go from that to making more than 10x that amount within 3-4 years is obviously something that I am very privileged for, but it is still hard for me emotionally to comprehend at times.
Electric: ~$50-100 (billed every other month)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: An extortionate $87.12 for slow internet that only works for Zoom calls about half the time. Do I really live in one of the tech cities of the future?
Cellphone: $170 (This includes both service and paying off two new iPhones. We could have paid them off up front, but it was actually cheaper by like $50 to go on a payment plan.)
Subscriptions: BritBox ($7.70), Spotify ($16.50), HBOMax ($16.50), We Hate Movies Patreon (my favorite podcast - $8.81). My parents pay for Netflix and my sister pays for Hulu, and we all share.
Gym membership: None. K and I both run and do yoga with YouTube videos. Before the pandemic, we went to yoga classes pretty frequently in person. I’d like to do some online synchronous yoga classes but find it hard to make time.
Pet expenses: Varies, but I budget $50 per month and also include an emergency fund for my cat’s vet bills in our sinking fund. She’s 11 years old and probably asthmatic, so I know her vet bills are going to increase over time.
Car payment / insurance: We own our car outright. Insurance billed yearly is $2,097, about $174 per month.
Regular therapy: $0
Paid hobbies: Nothing regular, sporadic language classes and art supplies.
Other expenses: Right now I’m doing a certificate to hopefully help with a career change. The total cost for tuition is about $5k and we already saved it up (included in our 'sinking fund') basically through spending less during the pandemic. I’ve paid two quarters so far, and the last quarter (due in March) will be a bit more - about $2.3k.
Day 1
Morning: I wake up at 5:30 am. Ever since the pandemic, my sleep schedule has been shot. At first, I was so happy not to have to leave the house at 7:15 for my 45 minute bus commute and I slept in a lot. But the stress (and maybe getting old?) has made me an early riser, no matter how much I try to sleep in. I do value my early mornings with just me, my cat, and my coffee, though.
I start work at 8 am and begin by triaging my emails. I have a bunch of deadlines this week, so it’s busier than usual. My job tends to be very seasonal, and sometimes I have a ton of work and sometimes I have none and can work on other longer-term projects. I have a piece of toast for breakfast and place a Whole Foods delivery order for the following day at 10:30 am. We made a meal plan and put everything in the cart the day before ($117.36, including tip).
Afternoon: I have my lunch break from noon to 1 pm. It doesn’t really matter when I take my lunch break, since I’m salaried, but the others in my office are hourly so in the before times we used to always close our office during the same time. I have a piece of leftover delivery pizza and some spinach risotto that I made a few days earlier. I also have half a brownie – the last one from a batch I made a few days ago (K gets the other half). He also has leftovers for lunch.
I should say at this point that both K and I are lucky enough to have been working almost entirely from home since early March. An area near Seattle was one of the first places to get hit by COVID-19, and my state and both of our employers have been taking it very seriously ever since. Working from home hasn’t always been easy since we live in a 600-square foot apartment. Also, there is a three-story townhouse being built directly next door to us and I can hear the pounding in my dreams at this point.
Around 2 pm, I go for a 2-mile run. I feel like some money diarists tend to toss off things like “oh, I went for an easy 7 mile run,” at the drop of a hat, so I want to be clear – running for 2 miles isn’t easy for me; it’s exhausting, annoying, sweaty, and generally gross. Also I am very slow. But it has kept me sane during quarantine.
Meanwhile, my husband goes to our local pet store to get an enzymatic cleaner (our cat peed in one of our suitcases… I think it’s probably a lost cause, but it was basically brand new, so worth a try) and special weight-loss cat food. Our cat is an 11-year-old rescue from the Humane Society and she is a chonky girl. We had to sign a waiver when we adopted her, saying that we understood that she was very overweight, lol. Our vet recommended a special diet food, rather than just restricting her intake as we have been doing, so we will give it a try ($78). My husband also stops buy our local wine store and picks up two bottles. We’ve been doing a dry January, so this will be our first drink for a while ($27.53).
I have a phone interview scheduled for 4 pm – just a preliminary interview with an internal recruiter. It’s the first ‘corporate’ job interview I’ve ever had, since I’ve been in academia my entire life. I’m trying to make a pivot into instructional design / training and development. I’m just excited to get an interview. It seems to go pretty well, but who knows. They tell me they will probably get back to me by the end of this week.
Evening: My husband whips up a random meal of fridge remnants – pesto pasta with sausage and a fridge salad with feta and bell peppers. It’s pretty tasty with a little Sauvignon Blanc. During dinner, we play a card game we call gin rummy, although it bears no resemblance to the actual game. After dinner, I make a chocolate cake with orange buttercream frosting and we watch Cobra Kai.
Daily total: $222.89
Day 2
Morning: Up early again, a piece of toast for breakfast (very exciting). We’re out of eggs until our Whole Foods order arrives. I’m working on creating some tedious but necessary spreadsheets this morning.
Noon: Our Whole Foods order arrives around noon. Excitement! They’ve given us a half-rotten bag of romaine lettuce and substituted pecans for hazelnuts. I should probably just double mask and go to Trader Joe’s myself (our regular spot, only a 5-minute walk from my apartment). I’m just getting anxious about these new variants.
I have leftover meatloaf and spinach risotto again for lunch. Lots of meetings and more organizing spreadsheets in the afternoon. Around 3 pm, I go for my daily ritual - a 20-minute walk around my neighborhood. It’s still raining slightly but I need to get out. Halfway through the walk, I get an email from my apartment manager telling me the apartment will no longer accept debit card payments, direct deposit, or credit card payments for paying rent. In other words, only checks or money orders (?!). Ugh. Our lease is up in 4 months and we will not be renewing our lease. Our last apartment manager was a gambling addict who may have been stealing people’s identities, but by God, he kept things working. Ever since they fired him, this place has been going downhill.
Evening: I check my bank statements to update my budget spreadsheet and realize that I have been billed the wrong amount of rent. They actually charged me less than they should have. I don’t trust my apartment manager not to start charging me a late fee or something for this, so I call them up. They are baffled by how to fix this, which you would think would be the one thing you would want to get right, if you’re renting out apartments.
K cooks dinner – steak with a Roquefort sauce and glazed brussels sprouts. It’s from a French cookbook we recently bought and it is delicious. I work on classwork for my certificate program while he cooks. After dinner, I do the dishes and buy the 13th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I watch the first episode – lots of shocking twists and turns! I’m planning to watch the rest of the episodes together with my younger sister, M ($22.01).
Daily total: $22.01
Day 3
Morning: K has an 8 am dentist appointment, so he takes off early. He already paid for the work last month, so there’s no charge. I have a piece of toast for breakfast and get to work checking my emails. It’s 8:20 am and the construction crew building a townhouse next door is blasting mariachi music. I’m glad someone is having fun. At least the sun is coming out.
Someone at work has made a critical error, but it wasn’t me, thank God. I was the one who found out about it, but it’s still going to cause a big old headache for me. I’m ready to be done with this job. K and I go for a run so that I can exhaust myself enough to no longer be furious about said careless error.
Noon: I have leftover spinach risotto and meatloaf again – exciting. I’m busy at work but frankly, not a lot going on other than that. Still no word about fixing my rent payments. I’m not really willing to pursue this any further at this point.
Evening: I start making chili (Turkey Chili from the NY Times) and cornbread (from my new cookbook, Jubilee). K is doing some work on our investments when he announces that, somehow, a transfer was scheduled from our checking account to our savings account of $55k (?!) We obviously don’t have $55k in our checking account, so we start frantically trying to figure out what’s going on. Numerous phone calls later, we still don’t know if that was a hack, if my husband somehow mistakenly scheduled the transfer himself, or if the bank messed it up. Either way, it doesn’t seem like any harm was done since the bank with our checking account just declined the transaction. But it seems really strange and worrisome. We get to work changing the passwords on all of our accounts, just in case it was some kind of hack.
After dinner (and chocolate cake), I have a Zoom happy hour with a local friend. We occasionally see each other outside but it’s nice to have a longer chat from the comfort of our living rooms. We both love murder mysteries, so we signed up for a service where a company sends us letters with clues and we try to solve the mystery together. It’s a fun way to stay connected and look forward to something during the pandemic. The service costs about $15 per month, but I paid for it in lump sum for 3 months, so it’s not included in my budget above. I drink some wine and we vent about work (we work at the same place) before getting started on the puzzle.
Daily total: $0
Day 4
Morning: I sleep in a bit, which is nice. Get up around 7 am. My parents are both getting their 2nd vaccine today – they’re both in their 70s and I am so relieved. I send my mom a “congratulations on being vaccinated!” text and we chat for a bit. I have leftover cornbread with honey and butter for breakfast – soooo good.
Work is not particularly exciting today, but someone sends me a last-minute request for something that does not need to be so urgent. I feel annoyed. Still no word from the interviewers on Monday, and I’m beginning to suspect I wasn’t selected to move forward. Too bad. K pays for a Wordpress website for the year (it’s a work-related website, but sadly his work doesn’t reimburse him). It costs $92.48.
Noon: The mariachi music is particularly loud today. I stand out on my balcony in the sun for a while and watch the workers. It’s been interesting seeing a house go up next door in real time, especially since I’m at home all the time. The workers are balancing on the top of the third story wall without, as far as I can see, anything like a safety line. It seems unsafe, but I presume they know what they’re doing.
We booked a cabin for the upcoming weekend in the Hood Canal region of Washington to do some hiking and birdwatching. I want to be as safe as possible and not go to any grocery stores or risk spreading COVID in any way while I’m there, so I place another grocery order with Whole Foods just for some special treats for the weekend. The cabin has a small kitchen and a grill, so we’re planning to make a fancy steak salad on Saturday. I order chips and hummus, some fancy cheese and meats, Tate’s cookies (I’ve heard a lot of good things about these), a baguette, and the ingredients for the steak salad. I also order a few staples I forgot in our last order, like sweet potatoes, more coffee, and half and half. It comes to $87.41, including tip, but that does include like $30 worth of steak. For some reason, I can’t order a small amount of steak online, so I’m planning to freeze half of it for later. (I include this purchase in our vacation fund budget, rather than under our regular grocery budget).
Around 2 pm, K makes a quick trip to our local wine store to buy an Oregon pinot noir and some port to enjoy at the cabin ($59.45). This store has an outdoor walk-up counter where you can tell the owner what you’re looking for, and he brings you some options (the store is way too small to allow customers to enter during Covid). It’s fun to chat with another human being, even briefly.
Evening: After work, we spend a little time rebalancing our investing and retirement accounts. We decide to put more money into bonds and a little bit into REIT’s as a hedge against a potential crash or recession in the future. Then I start making dinner – Broken Eggs (Huevas Rotas) from the NY Times cooking site. You basically cook the potatoes in a skillet in water, spices, and olive oil, and then sauté them to crisp them up once the water evaporates. Then you add onion, lots of garlic, and finally some eggs. It is delicious. I eat it with leftover cornbread while watching RuPaul’s Drag Race season 13 with my sister – we watch the first two episodes. It’s full of twists and turns. A note about this – we have an elaborate procedure for watching shows together developed during quarantine whereby we start the show at the same with an earbud in one ear, while FaceTiming. I also have chocolate cake, of course.
Later, I get an email that I’ve signed up for HBO on Amazon Prime. I definitely have not. I text my mom, who shares my account, and she tells me she signed up by mistake. I cancel right away and luckily they won’t charge us for it.
Meanwhile, K is doing an online Japanese language class over Zoom. He’s been interested in learning ever since we went to Japan last January. I lived in Japan for 3 years so I was able to take us around to a lot of more obscure places and he really enjoyed the trip – it was a blast.
K starts a YouTube yoga class (from Do Yoga With Me – my favorite channel) and I join him for part of it before bed around 10 pm.
Daily total: $239.34
Day 5
Morning: I get up around 7 am and we go for a run first thing. I prefer running early in the morning because there are fewer people to avoid during COVID. We do a different route today – it’s longer (3 miles) but has fewer hills. It’s a slog, as always, but I feel good when I get back right around 8 am. I jump straight onto my computer to start checking work emails and my husband makes us avocado and egg toast for breakfast - it is absolutely delicious.
We talk about how our bathroom smells distinctly mildewy (yay for being a grown-up because I guess this is what we talk about now) and we buy two big buckets of DampRid on Amazon ($26.60). I’ve found this to be a necessity in Seattle. Mid-morning, I take a break from work and start packing for our trip to the cabin.
Noon: I have leftover potatoes and cornbread for lunch, and my husband has the leftover chili. We finish getting ready to leave and head out right after lunch, taking a half day. The only problem is that I have attend a meeting at 3:30 pm, so we head out hoping to get there in time. Our cabin is near Quilcene in the Hood Canal region of Washington, about a 2 hour drive or a 2 hour ferry ride + drive. We are initially planning to take the ferry both ways, but realize that we mistimed the ferry departure, so we drive the whole way instead. Luckily, there’s little traffic mid-day, and we arrive at our Airbnb around 3:00 pm.
The Airbnb is beautiful! It’s a small cabin handmade by the owner, whose house is next door. It’s very rural, with a beautiful view. It’s tiny, but has a little kitchen and a waterfall-style shower with river rocks on the floor. It’s a great place to get away for a short time. Luckily, it also has good reception and I’m able to sit in on my meeting with no problems. My husband also does a little work, and then at 5 pm we’re free!
In our planning, we decided to get takeout on Friday night, since the little kitchen isn’t designed for any serious cooking. We call ahead to a local restaurant to order burgers (one of only 2 restaurants in the whole town). It’s around 5:30 pm and the place is deserted. It’s a microbrewery, but they tell us they haven’t been making beer since COVID-19 hit. None of the workers are wearing masks when I walk in, but they put them on when they see I’m wearing one. I pick up our order - a few bottled beers and burgers and fries ($49.52 including tip).
Back at our Airbnb, we watch Big Trouble in Little China and enjoy our very messy, but delicious, burgers (it costs $4.39 to rent). The movie is very campy but fun. I love silly action movies, as you will see with my other viewing choices. We wrap up the night in a very exciting fashion, eating chocolate cake and watching old episodes of the original Star Trek.
Daily total: $80.51
Day 6
Morning & noon: When we wake up around 8 am, the weather is looking thankfully clear and even sunny! We were expecting rain, so we’re really glad. We decide to go hiking today, and we head out before even having breakfast, with snacks and lunches packed. Our first destination is a hike called Mt. Zion, but unfortunately, we run into enough snow 2 miles before the trailhead that we decide to turn back. We don’t have any traction for our Subaru and don’t want to risk getting stuck on a very narrow mountain road. Instead, we drive another hour or so to the Lena Lake trailhead, a very popular and less strenuous trail. It’s about 7.5 miles roundtrip with 1200 feet of elevation gain.
By this time, it’s around 11:30, but luckily there is still parking. It’s a great hike up, and we run into relatively few people. We always mask up whenever we pass anyone, as does about 50% of the people we meet. The others… not so much. Around a mile from the lake, we start to run into snow. It’s turned into a beautiful sunny day, and I’m loving seeing all this snow! It’s a bit slippery, but not too bad. We make it to the lake mid-day, and it’s super jammed – there’s only a small viewpoint accessible, so everyone is crowded in there. I feel a bit uneasy with all the unmasked people, but we manage to find a spot away from the crowd and sit down to eat our lunch of apples, chips, and energy bars. There are a ton of robber jays there (Canada Jays) which try to eat our chips. It is fun watching them, but I’m annoyed to see some kids feeding them – it’ll just make them that much more aggressive. Bad trail manners.
On our way back down, we get stuck behind a group of 5 unmasked adults, who refuse to cede the narrow trail to faster hikers. I’m a slow hiker myself, so, to be clear, I’m not angry at slower walkers being on the trail but have some self-awareness and let people pass! especially if you’re going to go hiking in a big group during a pandemic! We finally get back down and head back to our Airbnb.
Evening: Back home, we explore some of the trails our Airbnb host has set up around his extensive property, and then relax on the deck. The sun is breaking through the clouds and it feels wonderful to sit out in nature and feel the sun on my back. We open up a bottle of wine and have a few pre-dinner snacks (more chips and hummus). For this night, we brought ingredients to make a steak salad. Our Airbnb host has kindly set up a charcoal grill for us, so we grilled the steak and toast some bread on the side.
We eat dinner while watching the truly terrible Jean Claude Van Damme movie Bloodsport and finish up the very last of my chocolate cake. It’s amazing that anyone ever let Van Damme act… or should I say ‘act.’ I also have a Tate’s chocolate chip cookie or two, accompanied by a little port. My husband and I are truly very old people at heart, so we finish up the night watching a few episodes of Columbo.
Daily total: $0
Day 7
Morning: Unfortunately, K had insomnia last night, so he sleeps in pretty late. I drink coffee in bed and enjoy looking at the view out our big windows. Once he’s up, we get packed up and write a thank you note for our host. It was a great stay.
One of my big hobbies is birding and K enjoys wildlife photography, so we go out to look for some lifers! (The first time you see a new species of bird). Did I mention we are very old people in (relatively) young bodies? We first go to Dosewallips State Park and see some bald eagles, great blue herons, lots of various ducks, and a flock of Canada Geese, which, strangely, includes a domesticated gray goose. He’s much larger than the Canada Geese and seems to be watching over them. It’s kind of cute. Unfortunately, a lot of the birds are too far from shore to be seen clearly.
Our next stop is Point No Point (I love all the sad & disappointed names that early Westerner explorers gave places in the Washington/Oregon coast), a popular birding spot. We see a ton of birds here, and I can understand why it’s so well-known - Red-Breasted Mergansers, Western Grebes, Common Goldeneyes, Pacific Loons, and a few others I can’t identify yet. Most excitingly though, we see a whole pile of otters! They’re lounging around together on a rock just offshore and a ton of people are watching. We watch as they all slip off the rock and go hunting in the shore. It’s my first otter sighting in the wild, and it’s so cool! We also see some seals and possibly a sea lion. It’s a great spot for wildlife. We eat some snacks (hummus, chips, some sliced meat & cheese) before we head out.
I really want to come back to this area another time and explore further, but K has decided that we need to get back home in time for the Big Game. We take the 3:00 pm ferry back to Seattle ($16.40) and get home around 3:45 pm. I veg out at home while my husband watches football. He’s a Patriots fan but he still loves Tom Brady (??) so he’s happy to see Florida win. I don’t understand sports team loyalties at all, but whatever, I’m glad he’s happy. We order from a new Indian place called Spice Box and get vindaloo, roganjosh, and vegetables pakora – so tasty ($53.96). Happily, there’s enough left over for lunch the next day, since I have no plans for what we will eat yet!
I’m really dreading work the next day, as I know that it will be obnoxious. I want to get out of my job so badly, but it doesn’t look like I’m going on to the next interview stage for the job I interviewed no back on Monday. I’m feeling kind of down about it. I try to stay positive and promise that I’ll apply for at least 2-3 new jobs next week. I bake up some frozen cookie dough I had in the freezer and feel sorry for myself. We end the night by watching another episode of Columbo.
Daily total: 70.36
Food + Drink: $395.23
Fun / Entertainment: $26.40
Home + Health: $26.60
Clothes + Beauty: $0
Transport: $16.40
Other: $170.48
Grand Total: $635.11
I think this week was pretty normal for us. Obviously we spent a bit more than usual due to the weekend cabin trip, but nothing outrageous. Our largest consumer spending category is definitely food and drink – we live in a very busy area of Seattle with tons of restaurants and bars so believe it or not, we actually used to spend even more on eating out. We still try to support our local places by getting takeout or delivery during the pandemic and even occasionally getting a few drinks outside. I spent more than usual on groceries due to stocking up for the weekend away.
submitted by SupermarketWinter203 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

If you can combine any/all mmo games, what games you choosing? What’s the end result like?

This is my MMORPG design:
(Action-Adventure Hack and Slash Sandbox MMORPG)
When you lock on to the battle zone or enter the battle zone, you will hear all the microphones of the players participating in the battle. Players will also hear your microphone during combat. Outside of combat, you can lock on to any player and listen to that player's microphone. The player can also listen to your microphone. All parties / guild players can always hear each other's microphones, even if the players are in completely different locations. You can mute anyone's microphone at any time.
To hear a person's mic outside the battle zone, lock on to another player or create / extend one open mic zone. You can create an open mic zone only if you are not in another player's open mic zone. The open mic zone creates an invisible barrier that surrounds the creator, including players within the radius of the barrier, without blocking anything. The open mic zone allows all players in the barrier to participate in open mic parties. Join with the push of a button and you'll hear all players' microphones from all players in the open mic zone. Open mic parties are different from regular parties and guilds. When you leave the open mic zone, you are no longer a member of the party. For microphones, all mute options are always available.
There are customizations for height, children / adults, fat / thin, clothes, equipment, armor, appearance, weapons, abilities, movements, skills, magic, and summons. Customizing the appearance of the character is similar to the game "God Eater 2" and the game "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization". You can create up to 4 characters. You can switch to control one character or one of "your" other created party members. The character's AI can be set in the same way as in the game "Star Ocean: Until the end of time". You can play the game with any character you create. You can switch control of the party character at any time. If you don't want to control your "own" character during battle, just set the character to AI.
There are several specific places where you can talk to different NPC characters and enter different servers to advance the story. These servers warp / teleport "your" different party characters to any section of the current story. Each server has a limited number of players, and each server has all players of the same level within 10 intervals (eg Server 1-Level 1-10, Server 2-Level 10-20). You can always enter a server above your level, but you cannot enter a server below your level. You can earn certain things by completing different parts of the story. There are many side stories, hidden ones, and optional ones, which are not part of the story. There are also many gates and portals similar to the game ".hack: Infection", where you can choose different servers and experiment with different dungeons.
To engage in combat, you can either attack someone / something or be attacked by someone / something. A character / player will not gain experience unless that character / player hits an opponent at least once. The hit must be a hit even if the damage dealt is 0, not the damage caused by the status effect. During the battle, the radius of the battle zone is automatically set according to the position of the first participant. Only the first combat participant can lock the combat zone at any time.
Locked battle zones have invisible barriers that keep battle participants inside, blocking entry into all other zones. If the battle zone is unlocked, other players / characters outside the battle zone can join the battle zone and gain experience points. You can only gain experience points if you are in the same battle zone as the enemy you defeated when you defeated it. All different enemies have different amounts of experience points that players earn during their defeat. If the enemy is defeated by multiple participants, the experience points will be evenly divided among those participants. If there are no players in the battle zone for more than 2 minutes, it will no longer be an existing battle zone. There are harsh environments that your character may not be able to tolerate. The item "Magic Battle Zone Lock" creates a locked battle zone that surrounds you, including all players within the radius, and blocks fire, water, etc.
Players cannot attack another non-enemy player unless one player achieves "G" status or offers a player-versus-player challenge option. To provide player-versus-player challenges, get close enough to "lock on" to another player, select challenge options, and extend one battle zone barrier that surrounds all players / targets. .. All player-versus-player challenge participants must be within the battle zone barrier. All players in the battle zone must select the option to accept the challenge to start the battle. The battle music option for this battle allows you to vote / agree or randomly select one playlist from one participant. "G" status is achieved when the bar / meter is full, either by attacking the target or by being attacked for some reason. "G" is a "special" that all players can "use" with the push of a button. If you achieve "G" status, you will not be an enemy of other players until you attack. Once you reach "G" status, you cannot be attacked by any player until you attack that player or participate in a player-versus-player challenge.
If a "G" attacks a non-enemy player in a battle zone, that "G" cannot lock that battle zone. "G" gains all experience points from the defeated ones, unless those "Gs" do not attack allies. The "G" status lasts for 11 minutes. When you defeat a "G", that "G" loses its "G" status, is no longer an enemy, and anyone can revive the player. "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are "King" / "Queen", "Boss", or "Elite" characters. Also, "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are participating in a player-versus-player challenge. If four or more "G" s attack an ally in a battle zone, that battle zone achieves "Frenzy" and all players can attack all players. The frenzy battle zone can only be locked by King / Queen, Boss, and Elite characters / players.
When a player dies, that player can wait to be resurrected by someone else. Alternatively, the player can choose the option to return to the entrance to the place where the player died, choose a server to return to the open world, or go to the equipment graveyard. If you die more than 10 times, the option to return to the entrance to the place of death will not be available. Your mic still works while you are dead. You cannot earn experience points or items while you are dead.
There are many continents on the map. All continents are made up of zones. Each zone has its own enemies and neutrals. In most cases, all enemies and / or neutrals in each zone are at about the same level within the zone. When all enemies in the zone have been defeated or all achievements in the zone have been completed, the last remaining players must fight each other. Anyone who conquers a zone has the title of "boss" for that zone, and that player can choose the enemies in that zone. Players select those enemies based only on all enemies defeated in the game, except for all defeated players. Also includes boss enemies (different color schemes for boss enemies). Players also select the level of those enemies, but only up to the highest level of enemies they have defeated so far. If a "boss" player's zone is conquered by another player, that "boss" player loses the "boss" title.
There is one king / queen per continent, either as a player or an NPC. All Kings / Queens will now have 4 elite characters. Defeat King / Queen in battle to earn his / her crown and title. Kings / Queens can choose an elite character from their list of friends or from AI characters created by King / Queen players. When you become a King / Queen, you can get a special item "Crown" that raises your stats. You can keep the crown equipped even if you are not a king / queen, but you cannot wear it visually unless you are a king / queen. Elite characters are kings / queens, as long as the kings / queens who made them elite remain kings / queens. Kings / Queens can enter any battle zone at any time, even if they are locked. Kings / Queens can attack any character they like at any time, including other players.
When you reach a boss / mini boss in a dungeon, temple, story progress, cave, castle, etc., the battle zone may be locked by another player who is fighting the boss / mini boss. You can go up to something that looks important nearby. Example: A small statue nearby. At the push of a button, you will be given the option to fight the boss / mini boss alone or with other players on another server. You will not be able to rematch with the boss / mini boss unless you re-enter the entrance. You can enter the server with various parties. Any part of the game can be completed solo or party. A party can consist of all players and all AI characters created by the player for that player's party. There are servers with lobbies for dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc., and players in those lobbies have to wait for the lobby to fill up so that they can enter dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc. ..
There are summons obtained by leveling up, summons obtained by achievements, and summons obtained by defeating enemies. When you defeat the big bosses you face in the game, most of them will be earned as "summons". You can only have a limited number of "summons". The Summon option allows you to summon one "summon" to perform one of the most powerful attacks, or control the "summon" as an AI party member. When summoned as a party member, you can switch between the control of the summon and the control of the created character. Summons are only summoned for 4 minutes. If you unsummon a Summon, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the Summon option again. If you complete a very powerful attack summoned with the Summon option, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the summon again.
There are mounts you can get. Traveling with mounted beasts etc. makes traveling much easier. You can get a "mount" for travel by tame them with items or defeat them in battle. While moving with a mounted beast / "summon", it can take some damage before the player is knocked off or the mount gets confused. At higher levels of speed racing, you can be attacked by racers. Also, at higher levels of speed racing, others who are not racers can attack you. If you tame the same species many times, it will be available as a pet or "summon" and can be summoned at any time. Some mounts can move on / in any terrain, including water, walls, mountains, and even trees, so you can reach hidden areas, hidden treasures / enemies / "summons", and more. Some species have the ability to fly. There are also cars that you can drive for an easier trip. ..
You don't need a beast / summon to fly. There are items you can get that give your party the ability to "fly". With these items you can "fly" for 10 minutes. There is a way to permanently acquire the ability to "fly". In flight, it's the same as in the game Kingdom Hearts 2, unless you select the Ascend option. Select the Ascend option to allow you to fly freely in all heights and directions. There is one button you can hold to automatically fly towards a locked-on object / ally / enemy. With the "fly" ability, you can reach floating or hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons".
There are competitive flight races and other races that you can participate in to win valuables. Your character can gain the ability to transform your character's visual form into a variety of obtained visual forms. One such visual form that your character can get is the form of a beast. These visual forms are abilities. You can unequip these abilities and select other options such as double summoning. You can customize your character's race, color, appearance, and more at any time, except during combat.
There is an ability called "Unlimited Jump" similar to "Double Flight" in the game "Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Passage", but it is not limited to double. Like the anime "Bleach", there is a function called "Ground Lock" that allows you to land in the air and run around as if there is an invisible ground in the air. It turns off every time something / someone hits you. With these two abilities, you can reach floating and hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons". There is another ability called "teleport". Teleport to a random location next to a locked-on object / ally / enemy. Every time you use this ability four times, you have to wait four minutes before you can use it again.
All player characters can be leveled up to a maximum level of 370. There are several level 400 optional ultimate bosses. Some of these bosses always leave the player with a legendary object when the Ultimate Boss is defeated. There are a wide variety of legendary objects, including crowns. You can level lock your character whenever you want. This will prevent your character from gaining experience until you turn level lock off.
Tournaments vary. Players defeat players, players defeat computers, teams defeat teams, teams defeat computers. The status of players such as bosses, kings, and elites will be displayed next to their names if those characters are locked on by other characters. As long as the other player is not an enemy, you are guaranteed to be able to see the other player's health bar. There are items that can be used to warp to friends' locations, etc. These items can be purchased or obtained. When you warp to a friend's location, you will be teleported to the entrance to that friend's location or where the friend is.
Equipment graveyards are places where all equipment lost / discarded by all players is scattered everywhere. There are no enemies other than the player or multiple players who can attack you. You can also approach a weapon or equipment and challenge it with the push of a button. This allows you to fight the ghost copy of the player to whom the weapon or equipment / armor once belonged. This includes the player's level / stats / abilities / skills / "summons" and more. The ghost's weapon / equipment is in the same state as when the owner lost / discarded it. When you defeat the ghost, you can acquire the weapon / equipment, and the weapon / equipment will be in the same state as when the ghost used it. Only the player who challenges the weapon or equipment can get the weapon or equipment after defeating the weapon or equipment.
All weapons / equipment have levels, stats, and optional qualities / effects. All weapons / equipment can be leveled up and changed through the "Inner World of Equipment", as in the game "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness". The color schemes of all enemies and all bosses are different there. You can reset your weapon to level 1 if needed. Doing this will reduce the statistics, but the appearance, quality / attributes, and "effect" will remain the same.
You can always get things or buy things for their appearance. With the exception of abilities, skills, "summons", crowns, and trophies, you can "hold", discard, exchange, or sell whatever you like. You can give money to anyone you want. You can get or unlock "optional visual appearance" stuff such as pointed ears, tails, various wings, wing colors, accessories, glasses / shades, jewelry, markings, tattoos and more. All "visual appearance" combinations, except the character's visual form obtained from "abilities", can be achieved as soon as you start this video game. Not all varieties are available for immediate sale, but any player can acquire, trade, or sell them. Most of them are for sale from the beginning, and many are ridiculously expensive, but any player can give you free money or get you to get it. You can't buy or get anything with real money. Strictly speaking, it's just in-game money.
There are different types of items, weapons, equipment, and cards with the same name. These types include differences in "look" / appearance, statistics, abilities, effects, and attributes. If a player uses the "player skill" "steal" / "mug" against another player, only weapons and equipment can be stolen. You cannot use the "player skill" "stealing" / "mug" against other players who are not enemies. Stealing attacks / techniques / skills can only be used during "battle". When used against a player, the chances of "stealing success" vary between 5%, 10%, and 15%. If you use it against non-players, your chances are much higher.
You can collect cards and have the ability to turn enemies into cards like in the game "Final Fantasy VIII". You can play card games with other players, exchange cards, get cards from enemies, treasures, prizes and more. Cards can be converted into items. Strong and rare cards can be turned into the best and rarest items. You can challenge random players / NPCs to "card games" except during "battle". There are card tournaments held in various places. You can listen to or mute the microphone while playing cards. You can also skip directly to playing a card game from the title menu, which has a server that you can enter just to play cards. All cards and items are shared between characters in the actual game and in the title screen card game. There are different card game rules in different places. If no rules are set, players will either play with the agreed rules or the rules will be randomly selected. The player who becomes the "boss" of a zone can choose the card rules for that zone. Players who become "King" / "Queen" can choose the card rules of the card game that "King" / "Queen" plays.
Author Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr.
submitted by Jeff_Chileno to MMORPG [link] [comments]

If you can combine any/all games, what games you choosing? What’s the end result like?

This is my MMORPG design:
(Action-Adventure Hack and Slash Sandbox MMORPG)
When you lock on to the battle zone or enter the battle zone, you will hear all the microphones of the players participating in the battle. Players will also hear your microphone during combat. Outside of combat, you can lock on to any player and listen to that player's microphone. The player can also listen to your microphone. All parties / guild players can always hear each other's microphones, even if the players are in completely different locations. You can mute anyone's microphone at any time.
To hear a person's mic outside the battle zone, lock on to another player or create / extend one open mic zone. You can create an open mic zone only if you are not in another player's open mic zone. The open mic zone creates an invisible barrier that surrounds the creator, including players within the radius of the barrier, without blocking anything. The open mic zone allows all players in the barrier to participate in open mic parties. Join with the push of a button and you'll hear all players' microphones from all players in the open mic zone. Open mic parties are different from regular parties and guilds. When you leave the open mic zone, you are no longer a member of the party. For microphones, all mute options are always available.
There are customizations for height, children / adults, fat / thin, clothes, equipment, armor, appearance, weapons, abilities, movements, skills, magic, and summons. Customizing the appearance of the character is similar to the game "God Eater 2" and the game "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization". You can create up to 4 characters. You can switch to control one character or one of "your" other created party members. The character's AI can be set in the same way as in the game "Star Ocean: Until the end of time". You can play the game with any character you create. You can switch control of the party character at any time. If you don't want to control your "own" character during battle, just set the character to AI.
There are several specific places where you can talk to different NPC characters and enter different servers to advance the story. These servers warp / teleport "your" different party characters to any section of the current story. Each server has a limited number of players, and each server has all players of the same level within 10 intervals (eg Server 1-Level 1-10, Server 2-Level 10-20). You can always enter a server above your level, but you cannot enter a server below your level. You can earn certain things by completing different parts of the story. There are many side stories, hidden ones, and optional ones, which are not part of the story. There are also many gates and portals similar to the game ".hack: Infection", where you can choose different servers and experiment with different dungeons.
To engage in combat, you can either attack someone / something or be attacked by someone / something. A character / player will not gain experience unless that character / player hits an opponent at least once. The hit must be a hit even if the damage dealt is 0, not the damage caused by the status effect. During the battle, the radius of the battle zone is automatically set according to the position of the first participant. Only the first combat participant can lock the combat zone at any time.
Locked battle zones have invisible barriers that keep battle participants inside, blocking entry into all other zones. If the battle zone is unlocked, other players / characters outside the battle zone can join the battle zone and gain experience points. You can only gain experience points if you are in the same battle zone as the enemy you defeated when you defeated it. All different enemies have different amounts of experience points that players earn during their defeat. If the enemy is defeated by multiple participants, the experience points will be evenly divided among those participants. If there are no players in the battle zone for more than 2 minutes, it will no longer be an existing battle zone. There are harsh environments that your character may not be able to tolerate. The item "Magic Battle Zone Lock" creates a locked battle zone that surrounds you, including all players within the radius, and blocks fire, water, etc.
Players cannot attack another non-enemy player unless one player achieves "G" status or offers a player-versus-player challenge option. To provide player-versus-player challenges, get close enough to "lock on" to another player, select challenge options, and extend one battle zone barrier that surrounds all players / targets. .. All player-versus-player challenge participants must be within the battle zone barrier. All players in the battle zone must select the option to accept the challenge to start the battle. The battle music option for this battle allows you to vote / agree or randomly select one playlist from one participant. "G" status is achieved when the bar / meter is full, either by attacking the target or by being attacked for some reason. "G" is a "special" that all players can "use" with the push of a button. If you achieve "G" status, you will not be an enemy of other players until you attack. Once you reach "G" status, you cannot be attacked by any player until you attack that player or participate in a player-versus-player challenge.
If a "G" attacks a non-enemy player in a battle zone, that "G" cannot lock that battle zone. "G" gains all experience points from the defeated ones, unless those "Gs" do not attack allies. The "G" status lasts for 11 minutes. When you defeat a "G", that "G" loses its "G" status, is no longer an enemy, and anyone can revive the player. "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are "King" / "Queen", "Boss", or "Elite" characters. Also, "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are participating in a player-versus-player challenge. If four or more "G" s attack an ally in a battle zone, that battle zone achieves "Frenzy" and all players can attack all players. The frenzy battle zone can only be locked by King / Queen, Boss, and Elite characters / players.
When a player dies, that player can wait to be resurrected by someone else. Alternatively, the player can choose the option to return to the entrance to the place where the player died, choose a server to return to the open world, or go to the equipment graveyard. If you die more than 10 times, the option to return to the entrance to the place of death will not be available. Your mic still works while you are dead. You cannot earn experience points or items while you are dead.
There are many continents on the map. All continents are made up of zones. Each zone has its own enemies and neutrals. In most cases, all enemies and / or neutrals in each zone are at about the same level within the zone. When all enemies in the zone have been defeated or all achievements in the zone have been completed, the last remaining players must fight each other. Anyone who conquers a zone has the title of "boss" for that zone, and that player can choose the enemies in that zone. Players select those enemies based only on all enemies defeated in the game, except for all defeated players. Also includes boss enemies (different color schemes for boss enemies). Players also select the level of those enemies, but only up to the highest level of enemies they have defeated so far. If a "boss" player's zone is conquered by another player, that "boss" player loses the "boss" title.
There is one king / queen per continent, either as a player or an NPC. All Kings / Queens will now have 4 elite characters. Defeat King / Queen in battle to earn his / her crown and title. Kings / Queens can choose an elite character from their list of friends or from AI characters created by King / Queen players. When you become a King / Queen, you can get a special item "Crown" that raises your stats. You can keep the crown equipped even if you are not a king / queen, but you cannot wear it visually unless you are a king / queen. Elite characters are kings / queens, as long as the kings / queens who made them elite remain kings / queens. Kings / Queens can enter any battle zone at any time, even if they are locked. Kings / Queens can attack any character they like at any time, including other players.
When you reach a boss / mini boss in a dungeon, temple, story progress, cave, castle, etc., the battle zone may be locked by another player who is fighting the boss / mini boss. You can go up to something that looks important nearby. Example: A small statue nearby. At the push of a button, you will be given the option to fight the boss / mini boss alone or with other players on another server. You will not be able to rematch with the boss / mini boss unless you re-enter the entrance. You can enter the server with various parties. Any part of the game can be completed solo or party. A party can consist of all players and all AI characters created by the player for that player's party. There are servers with lobbies for dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc., and players in those lobbies have to wait for the lobby to fill up so that they can enter dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc. ..
There are summons obtained by leveling up, summons obtained by achievements, and summons obtained by defeating enemies. When you defeat the big bosses you face in the game, most of them will be earned as "summons". You can only have a limited number of "summons". The Summon option allows you to summon one "summon" to perform one of the most powerful attacks, or control the "summon" as an AI party member. When summoned as a party member, you can switch between the control of the summon and the control of the created character. Summons are only summoned for 4 minutes. If you unsummon a Summon, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the Summon option again. If you complete a very powerful attack summoned with the Summon option, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the summon again.
There are mounts you can get. Traveling with mounted beasts etc. makes traveling much easier. You can get a "mount" for travel by tame them with items or defeat them in battle. While moving with a mounted beast / "summon", it can take some damage before the player is knocked off or the mount gets confused. At higher levels of speed racing, you can be attacked by racers. Also, at higher levels of speed racing, others who are not racers can attack you. If you tame the same species many times, it will be available as a pet or "summon" and can be summoned at any time. Some mounts can move on / in any terrain, including water, walls, mountains, and even trees, so you can reach hidden areas, hidden treasures / enemies / "summons", and more. Some species have the ability to fly. There are also cars that you can drive for an easier trip. ..
You don't need a beast / summon to fly. There are items you can get that give your party the ability to "fly". With these items you can "fly" for 10 minutes. There is a way to permanently acquire the ability to "fly". In flight, it's the same as in the game Kingdom Hearts 2, unless you select the Ascend option. Select the Ascend option to allow you to fly freely in all heights and directions. There is one button you can hold to automatically fly towards a locked-on object / ally / enemy. With the "fly" ability, you can reach floating or hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons".
There are competitive flight races and other races that you can participate in to win valuables. Your character can gain the ability to transform your character's visual form into a variety of obtained visual forms. One such visual form that your character can get is the form of a beast. These visual forms are abilities. You can unequip these abilities and select other options such as double summoning. You can customize your character's race, color, appearance, and more at any time, except during combat.
There is an ability called "Unlimited Jump" similar to "Double Flight" in the game "Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Passage", but it is not limited to double. Like the anime "Bleach", there is a function called "Ground Lock" that allows you to land in the air and run around as if there is an invisible ground in the air. It turns off every time something / someone hits you. With these two abilities, you can reach floating and hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons". There is another ability called "teleport". Teleport to a random location next to a locked-on object / ally / enemy. Every time you use this ability four times, you have to wait four minutes before you can use it again.
All player characters can be leveled up to a maximum level of 370. There are several level 400 optional ultimate bosses. Some of these bosses always leave the player with a legendary object when the Ultimate Boss is defeated. There are a wide variety of legendary objects, including crowns. You can level lock your character whenever you want. This will prevent your character from gaining experience until you turn level lock off.
Tournaments vary. Players defeat players, players defeat computers, teams defeat teams, teams defeat computers. The status of players such as bosses, kings, and elites will be displayed next to their names if those characters are locked on by other characters. As long as the other player is not an enemy, you are guaranteed to be able to see the other player's health bar. There are items that can be used to warp to friends' locations, etc. These items can be purchased or obtained. When you warp to a friend's location, you will be teleported to the entrance to that friend's location or where the friend is.
Equipment graveyards are places where all equipment lost / discarded by all players is scattered everywhere. There are no enemies other than the player or multiple players who can attack you. You can also approach a weapon or equipment and challenge it with the push of a button. This allows you to fight the ghost copy of the player to whom the weapon or equipment / armor once belonged. This includes the player's level / stats / abilities / skills / "summons" and more. The ghost's weapon / equipment is in the same state as when the owner lost / discarded it. When you defeat the ghost, you can acquire the weapon / equipment, and the weapon / equipment will be in the same state as when the ghost used it. Only the player who challenges the weapon or equipment can get the weapon or equipment after defeating the weapon or equipment.
All weapons / equipment have levels, stats, and optional qualities / effects. All weapons / equipment can be leveled up and changed through the "Inner World of Equipment", as in the game "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness". The color schemes of all enemies and all bosses are different there. You can reset your weapon to level 1 if needed. Doing this will reduce the statistics, but the appearance, quality / attributes, and "effect" will remain the same.
You can always get things or buy things for their appearance. With the exception of abilities, skills, "summons", crowns, and trophies, you can "hold", discard, exchange, or sell whatever you like. You can give money to anyone you want. You can get or unlock "optional visual appearance" stuff such as pointed ears, tails, various wings, wing colors, accessories, glasses / shades, jewelry, markings, tattoos and more. All "visual appearance" combinations, except the character's visual form obtained from "abilities", can be achieved as soon as you start this video game. Not all varieties are available for immediate sale, but any player can acquire, trade, or sell them. Most of them are for sale from the beginning, and many are ridiculously expensive, but any player can give you free money or get you to get it. You can't buy or get anything with real money. Strictly speaking, it's just in-game money.
There are different types of items, weapons, equipment, and cards with the same name. These types include differences in "look" / appearance, statistics, abilities, effects, and attributes. If a player uses the "player skill" "steal" / "mug" against another player, only weapons and equipment can be stolen. You cannot use the "player skill" "stealing" / "mug" against other players who are not enemies. Stealing attacks / techniques / skills can only be used during "battle". When used against a player, the chances of "stealing success" vary between 5%, 10%, and 15%. If you use it against non-players, your chances are much higher.
You can collect cards and have the ability to turn enemies into cards like in the game "Final Fantasy VIII". You can play card games with other players, exchange cards, get cards from enemies, treasures, prizes and more. Cards can be converted into items. Strong and rare cards can be turned into the best and rarest items. You can challenge random players / NPCs to "card games" except during "battle". There are card tournaments held in various places. You can listen to or mute the microphone while playing cards. You can also skip directly to playing a card game from the title menu, which has a server that you can enter just to play cards. All cards and items are shared between characters in the actual game and in the title screen card game. There are different card game rules in different places. If no rules are set, players will either play with the agreed rules or the rules will be randomly selected. The player who becomes the "boss" of a zone can choose the card rules for that zone. Players who become "King" / "Queen" can choose the card rules of the card game that "King" / "Queen" plays.
Author Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr.
submitted by Jeff_Chileno to gameideas [link] [comments]

This is What I Played in 2020

So I saw a lot of people doing their game lists from 2020. I wanted to make one but I was being lazy and insecure. However I have to train my english (not a native speaker and trying to improve in the language) and I don't have many friends that played most of these games to discuss them. So fuck it. I'm doing it. Worst case scenario I'll just delete this account.
There probably will be some english mistakes here guys, I'm trying my best.
Just to be clear: I'm not a reviewer and I don't consider these comments reviews. I'm just looking for some interesting discussion.
Sonic Mania: 2020 started and I thought it would be a great year because I was playing Sonic Mania. Its reductive in my opinion to say this is just a rehash of old 2D Sonic games. I mean, yeah, it drinks from that well but its just so fucking creative, so colorful, so fast and so unapologetic fun. I'm a Sonic kid, had my Genesis back in the day, and I don't hate 3D Sonic (I liked Generations and Colors) but Mania is just in a whole other level. The graphics are so bright it makes my room light up and the game seems to know when to let you go fast and when to make you hold back. Its a game that makes me open a huge smile when I think about it.
A Plague Tale: Innocence: A new illness has appeared and people are scared of each other, there are corpses in the streets, there is no place to bury the dead and there is no light at end of the tunnel. A Plague Tale is basically 2020 the game. Ok, I'm kidding, but A Plague Tale is a pretty bleak game. The thing about a bleak story is that, for it to work, there has to be hope somewhere. If there is no hope then things are just hopeless for the sake of being hopeless and there is no reason to keep going. A Plague Tale fucks you up the whole game but there is one thing that keeps you playing in my opinion: The characters. There is a reason why Innocence is in the name of this game: Amicia loses her innocence early on and her objective here is not only to save Hugo's life but also to keep his innocence in the middle of so much horror. Gameplay wise its a stealth game that could give you more freedom but it keeps itself interesting enough through the whole thing. In the end I really enjoyed it.
Death Stranding: What can I say about Death Stranding that hasnt been said billions of times in this very sub, let alone the rest of the internet? I don't know, but I loved this game. I'm a huge Kojima fan, even when he does something I don't care for I usually respect it. The thing about Death Stranding is that if you say you played 20 hours and you hated it I completely understand. Its clunky and filled with nonsense, it tests your patience and yet its an experience I loved from the very beggining. Your biggest enemy here is terrain, and just like Metal Gear Solid gave me hundreds of ways to bypass my enemies Death Stranding gave me hundreds of ways to deliver my packages. And this was probably the most rewarding online game I ever played in my life. I never gave two shits about likes in social media, but in Death Stranding it makes all the difference in the world.
Control: The original Max Payne is one of my favorite games of all time. And for some reason I never played another Remedy game after that because I'm just THAT stupid. The power mechanics in Control are nothing new. What makes Control unique is its weirdness, a weirdness people are telling me its kind of Remedy's thing. So fuck it, call me a Remedy fan because this game got me back into writing. Skill Up in his reviews said that one of the problems of this game is that you could miss the best parts if you didn't look hard enough. I have a lot of respect for Skill Up but I disagree: Exploration is the thing I love most about games, Control had a pretty cool world and story but it rewarded my exploration like few games have. One thing: I played this game on the PS4, it was great but it had some framerate issues during some fights, if you want to play and you have a good PC (unlike me) then go for the PC Version.
Left 4 Dead 2: This is awkward... 2020 is the year I got into Left 4 Dead. Not only that, it was by far the game I played the most in 2020 (and in 2021 so far). Thing is the pandemic made impossible for me to hang out with my friends so we looked for a game that all of us had and that my shitty computer could run (they don't play on console). One of my friends, a L4D2 veteran, suggested this old game from Valve that I had never touched in my Steam library. L4D2 aged like fine wine, its just pure fun when in normal mode, pure tension when playing with friends on expert and complete chaos when playing versus mode. For the two people who haven't played this yet: Left 4 Dead 2 is lightining in a bottle, and with Back 4 Blood being announced I don't envy the task ahead of the devs.
Prey (2017): Prey is a immersive sim inspired by System Shock 2 where small mistakes will cost you dearly. Its a game about choices in the end and I haven't felt like this playing a game since Alien Isolation, an experience that puts you in a fucked up situation and basically says: "Go fuck yourself". There are no easy decisions here, even the ones that make no gameplay or story impact will be hard to make. Again, another game that awards exploration, creativity and curiosity. I loved it. Oh, and one more thing: Mimics are side by side with the Xenomorph from Alien Isolation the scariest most amazing enemies I had to deal with in any videogame.
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed: Im not normally good at playing video games, I'm pretty average actually, but I suck at SASRT. Its not even funny. So it says a lot that I had a lot of fun losing so much in this game. While I was destroyed by my friend that played online with me, the AI or some random person online I was having fun with the transforming vehicles, the SEGA nostalgia, the nonsense (why the fuck is Football Manager in a kart?), the colorful graphics and the sense of speed.
Last of Us Part 2: I was not very patient with this one, was really trying to avoid spoilers. This game has been discussed so much already so here are my two cents: I loved it. I actually liked this one more than I liked the first one. Not only that, I saw so many people saying this game goes for shock value, I actually think its a pretty obvious continuation from the first game. There really was not much else to do in my opinion. The big twist comes at the halfway point and after every opinion I read I still think its fuckin brilliant. Its not the greatest game ever made, in my opinion its not even the best from Naughty Dog, but its pretty freaking good, and I'm excited to see what ND does next.
Armello: I love board games. I really, really do. I couldn't play board games this year with my friends because of the pandemic but I could play Armello with them. And Armello is basically a board game on steam that runs on my 2013 PC. Basically you have a board, characters, quests and cards. You have to choose an animal from the Kingdon of Armello to take the throne. Its a competitive 4-player game with great art style and filled with luck and strategy. It also has an active playerbase so you know, you can be a loner and still play it.
Call of Cthulhu: A game based on the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game actually has A LOT of potential. And I actually think Cyanide Studio had the right mindset to make this game. However I think they were too ambitious for the amount of money and experience they had. Well, I don't know about experience, but definetely money. I don't care about the bad lip sincyng, the janky controls, the awful shooting mechanic, the weak stealth sections or the weird graphics. What I do care about is that this is a RPG where my decisions and actions rarely matter. For example: The game makes you choose your attributes at the beggining of the story. I was great at Psychology but had awful physical strength: I never got punished for my low strength and rarely was awarded for my good psychology. Now, I still had fun with this game, if you are into the Cthulhu stuff there are some pretty creative moments in here. But, in the end of the day it was just okay in my opinion.
The Infectious Madness of Dr Dekker: This is the first FMV game I ever played and... I liked it. The Infectious Madness of Dr Dekker is an FMV game where you play as a psychiatrist/detective who is trying to discover wich of Dr Dekker's patients killed him while trying to help them with their unusual problems. You can type the questions yourself or choose from a list: I recommend typing because the enjoyment for me came from not only the story but from discovering what the game wanted me to ask. The acting here is pretty good, the directing is great, the photography surprisingly good for a game where the camera barely moves. The big thing here are the patients: They will lie to you, try to confuse you, try to seduce you and try to shock you. It will make you question whats real and whats not in the story. Your advice to these people matters in the end, and there are a lot of possible endings. Its a weird game and I like weird things. Just don't expect an action packed experience.
F.E.A.R: The last game I played in 2020 was one I wanted to play for years. F.E.A.R came out in 2005 for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. My PC is always outdated and F.E.A.R demanded a lot from PCs back then. I also never had a PS3 or an Xbox 360. But I'm a horror fan, and while my current PC is not very powerfull by modern standards it can run F.E.A.R like a dream. So, as a huge horror fan, I finally played this game and... It was fine. It would have been a lot more impressive back in 2005 but I still had a lot of fun playing today. The slow mo mechanic was not new even back then but it still works, the gunplay is satisfying and the game don't overstay its welcome. For a game named F.E.A.R I expected more horror elements but it did deliver on some creppy imagery.
Thats it, those were the games I played in 2020. It was an awful, awful year, for many reasons, but I played a lot of good stuff. I hope 2021 will be better for all of us guys!
And once again sorry about any english mistakes.
submitted by Acuzzam to patientgamers [link] [comments]


You have 5 secounds to shut the hell up before I come to your house,kill your Minecraft dog and then delete every minecraft world you have and put hundreds of mosquitos in your house get your still using creeper aww man in 2020 ass out of here you tik toker You have 5 secounds to shut the hell up before I come to your house,kill your Minecraft dog and then delete every minecraft world you have and put hundreds of mosquitos in your house get your still using creeper aww man in 2020 ass out of here you tik toker and stop protesting at a resteraunt because it has meat your brain is so smooth that your head is as bright as the sun you fucking bitch Then it go fart fart fart fart fart inaudible noise bruhhhhh fart fart bruhhhhh fart Optimus prime fart Optimus prime fart fart fart Optimus prime oh shit fart inaudible noise fart okay fart fartWhen you search up boys only and theres an actual game of that so you get mad and dislike and report it and go into a server just to send death threats to boys because they are breathing and saying only girls should have jobs be like:🤡OMG sister I have been depressed ever since I listened to Belly eyelash OMG men are disgusting all they do is nut all day they only want the naughtys I'm gonna ruin an 11 year olds life for not agreeing with my comment ommmmmggg why does everyone hate me Why didn't bullying trump supporters into suicide stop police brutality OMG!!!!111 I'm being arrested this is not consent this is not consent! I'm suing you police officers! Ok time to go tell a little kids location because he supported trumpI'm going to debone you like a fricking trout Nut on my sock it's as hard as a block my pp is a rockWhen you drop kick your little brother for not laughing at your keanu chungus wholesome 100 woosh destruction 100 Uganda knuckles uh oh stinky pogchamp youngpeopleyoutube cursed comments dogelore meme man PewDiePie big Ed verbalase Roblox thanos hentai anime dat boi Nyan cat Keanu Reaves fart joke on dankmemes When you drop kick your little brother for not laughing at your keanu chungus wholesome 100 woosh destruction 100 Uganda knuckles uh oh stinky pogchamp youngpeopleyoutube cursed comments dogelore meme man PewDiePie big Ed verbalase Roblox thanos hentai anime day boi Nyan cat Keanu Reaves fart joke on dankmemes I kid you not there's a dinosaur called spino and he hung himself! Funniest shit I have ever seen!@everyone GACHA SUCKS .̶̷̷̩̬̣̮̦̣̪̗̙̺̞̱͙̰͉͍͚ͤ̀͋͗̿ͭ̐ͯ͑̊͆͗̾̂͋͌ͮ͘͝ͅ.̧͉͖̙͎̠̬̻̤͖͍̤̼̯ͥ̎̍̓͑̋͌ͧ̋͊̿̕͘͢͢.̷̧̛̛͇̜̯̳̥͇̤̗͇͛̃̍ͮͥ̇̎ͥ̐ͫͧ͆̽̍̅̈͗́̅.̶̵̪͚̘̖̰͇̭͙̩̟̭̟ͤ̓ͯ̍ͪ̀̑̓̐̓͢.̶̶̛̳̺̳̩͍̥̿ͮ̈́̓̆ͨ̎́ͬ̓ͯ.ͣͪ̄̿̐ͬ́͑͝͏̪̫̺̹̗͉͓̠̳̯͓̻͖̳.̶̸̰̟͉̠̯̤͇͈̅ͨͯ̐́ͅ.̡̨̛͍̹̥̣͉̖̬̹̟͍̰̯͖̯̳̗͉̭̓̌͊ͬ͢͡.̶̢̹̠̩͕̋͛̍͒͛̂ͨ̐͑̌̚.̵̧̛̦̫͔͚̤͈̠̩͈͚̼̬͇͎̗̱ͦͫͯ͋ͬͦ̄͠.̖̗͔͙͒̀ͭ͋̈̐ͫ̃̀̽ͣ̆̓ͯͬͪ̽́̚͟͟͞.̵̛̛̹̗̻̯̺͔̥̩̿ͫͫ̉ͨ͘͡.̈́̈̉ͨ͌̽̄ͯͭ̿͌̌͂̓̇̈́ͦ͏̶̧̬̬͉̫̣̘̥̝̟̝̯̮̝͇̣̀͝.̸̣̦̱͙̦̯̱̬̲͓̘ͬ͗̏́̌͆̆̅ͩ̉̒͗ͭ͘.̔ͥͦ̓̉̐̏̔̒̐̂ͭ̔͢͏̸̖̞̝̗̩̜̮̩̰̕.̛͚̲̱̦̺̦͑̌̒͊̀͜͟.̨͉̳̟̭͇͍̖͎̆͑́̌̄ͣ̒́̀́͟͞.̶̲̦̘͎͖͈͍͕͇̦̹̰͇̠ͪ͋̋̓̊ͬ̽ͮͧ͂̾̐̀͋̂̎ͫ̔̚͝ͅ.̸̛̬̠̟͎͔͖̹̞̯̗̣̮̼̖͕̈̀̈́̊͡.̵̡̺̝̞̯̞̬͗ͩ̃́͌ͤ̃͞ͅ.ͮ̏ͦͩ͝҉̢̖̱̻̱̫ͅ.̵̢͙̮̓͒̒ͯ̓̍͐ͣͪ͛͑ͦ̇̚͠͡͞ͅ.̵̷̵͍͚̯̪̬͙̭̲̻͚̣̭̻͎͔͇͈̫̐ͥ̃͊͌̓͗̽ͣ̚͡.̶̷̵̧̳̯̖̺̟̖̝̭̙͙͎̝͈̤̥ͭͮͧ͌̓̉̂̈́͝.̪̮̖̹͈͇̩̟͕̟̖͐ͦ͐̅ͤͣ̇̓͢͝͡.̶̢͕͎͎͍̠͓̙͈̺̪͖̦͋̒̅̏͛͊̂̀͘͟.̶̡̡̮̠̥ͭ͋̆͗̐̊ͮͧ͒̄̾̉̑̄͠ͅ.͇̩̙͔ͬͣ̽̏ͤͩ̈ͩ̇͐ͩ͒̉̓́̚͘͘͠.̷̹̠̙̻̥̤͚̦̠̯͓̲̙͚͙̌̽͒͂͌ͣͣ͗ͦ̎ͫͬ̽ͭ̂͌̾̀̀͟͠.̴̵̛̯̹͕̝͖̮͔̤̓̐̿̃́͛̌ͫ͆̄̃͛ͨ̿̓́͜.̶̷̷̩̬̣̮̦̣̪̗̙̺̞̱͙̰͉͍͚ͤ̀͋͗̿ͭ̐ͯ͑̊͆͗̾̂͋͌ͮ͘͝ͅ.̧͉͖̙͎̠̬̻̤͖͍̤̼̯ͥ̎̍̓͑̋͌ͧ̋͊̿̕͘͢͢.̷̧̛̛͇̜̯̳̥͇̤̗͇͛̃̍ͮͥ̇̎ͥ̐ͫͧ͆̽̍̅̈͗́̅.̶̵̪͚̘̖̰͇̭͙̩̟̭̟ͤ̓ͯ̍ͪ̀̑̓̐̓͢.̶̶̛̳̺̳̩͍̥̿ͮ̈́̓̆ͨ̎́ͬ̓ͯ.ͣͪ̄̿̐ͬ́͑͝͏̪̫̺̹̗͉͓̠̳̯͓̻͖̳.̶̸̰̟͉̠̯̤͇͈̅ͨͯ̐́ͅ.̡̨̛͍̹̥̣͉̖̬̹̟͍̰̯͖̯̳̗͉̭̓̌͊ͬ͢͡.̶̢̹̠̩͕̋͛̍͒͛̂ͨ̐͑̌̚.̵̧̛̦̫͔͚̤͈̠̩͈͚̼̬͇͎̗̱ͦͫͯ͋ͬͦ̄͠.̖̗͔͙͒̀ͭ͋̈̐ͫ̃̀̽ͣ̆̓ͯͬͪ̽́̚͟͟͞.̵̛̛̹̗̻̯̺͔̥̩̿ͫͫ̉ͨ͘͡.̈́̈̉ͨ͌̽̄ͯͭ̿͌̌͂̓̇̈́ͦ͏̶̧̬̬͉̫̣̘̥̝̟̝̯̮̝͇̣̀͝.̸̣̦̱͙̦̯̱̬̲͓̘ͬ͗̏́̌͆̆̅ͩ̉̒͗ͭ͘.̔ͥͦ̓̉̐̏̔̒̐̂ͭ̔͢͏̸̖̞̝̗̩̜̮̩̰̕.̛͚̲̱̦̺̦͑̌̒͊̀͜͟.̨͉̳̟̭͇͍̖͎̆͑́̌̄ͣ̒́̀́͟͞.̶̲̦̘͎͖͈͍͕͇̦̹̰͇̠ͪ͋̋̓̊ͬ̽ͮͧ͂̾̐̀͋̂̎ͫ̔̚͝ͅ.̸̛̬̠̟͎͔͖̹̞̯̗̣̮̼̖͕̈̀̈́̊͡.̵̡̺̝̞̯̞̬͗ͩ̃́͌ͤ̃͞ͅ.ͮ̏ͦͩ͝҉̢̖̱̻̱̫ͅ.̵̢͙̮̓͒̒ͯ̓̍͐ͣͪ͛͑ͦ̇̚͠͡͞ͅ.̵̷̵͍͚̯̪̬͙̭̲̻͚̣̭̻͎͔͇͈̫̐ͥ̃͊͌̓͗̽ͣ̚͡.̶̷̵̧̳̯̖̺̟̖̝̭̙͙͎̝͈̤̥ͭͮͧ͌̓̉̂̈́͝.̪̮̖̹͈͇̩̟͕̟̖͐ͦ͐̅ͤͣ̇̓͢͝͡.̶̢͕͎͎͍̠͓̙͈̺̪͖̦͋̒̅̏͛͊̂̀͘͟.̶̡̡̮̠̥ͭ͋̆͗̐̊ͮͧ͒̄̾̉̑̄͠ͅ.͇̩̙͔ͬͣ̽̏ͤͩ̈ͩ̇͐ͩ͒̉̓́̚͘͘͠.̷̹̠̙̻̥̤͚̦̠̯͓̲̙͚͙̌̽͒͂͌ͣͣ͗ͦ̎ͫͬ̽ͭ̂͌̾̀̀͟͠.̴̵̛̯̹͕̝͖̮͔̤̓̐̿̃́͛̌ͫ͆̄̃͛ͨ̿̓́͜.̡̧̬͕̭͚͙̠̼͍̞̹͙̫̞͈̤̫̀̔ͩ̒́͘̕.̹͔͎̟̞̗̻̫̳̯̣̣̻̫̺͇͖̘̯̑̀̏̋͋ͫ̄̒̈̔͌̇̆͐̕͝.̷̸̺̝̖̘̻̭͆͂ͧͧ͒̀̀̾ͬ̒̐ͣͅ.̍̂͒̊͒̏ͮ͛ͧͫͣ͑ͦ͊̐ͥ̍͏̷̭̜̖͉̠̹͉̙͓͕̝.̶̨̛̮̞̰̩̆ͬ̾ͩ̊̓̅̀.̴̫̤̮̝̺͈̯̼̼̟͓̫̗͈̻͖̜̘̒ͪ̏̂̿ͤ̃́͡.̭̖̼͓͎̲̯̻͕͑ͭ̈́͋̄̚̕͢ͅ.̡̘̪̟͓̺̰̘̖̼̺̿̋̆ͬͧ͗͑͋́̒̾͆͌ͪ̀̕.̵̷̡̠̰͕̰̦͍̃ͮ͐̋ͭ͐ͭ̔ͭͦ̓̀͋ͫ̊̉̅͞ͅ.̸̢̛̪̣̰͚̖̫̜͉̭̅̾̽̏̑̂̒̏̍ͨ̈͌̎͋̋̇͊̚͜͞.̸̡̡̟͚͍̞̜̺̲̑̈́͗́̎̐͋̀̒ͯ̀̚͞.̶́̋ͤ͋̽ͪͮ͒̓̀̀ͩ̋̍͑ͣ̏̈̚͝҉̵̤͙̦͉͇̮̪͠.͔̲̩̱̳̥̹͇̤͍͚̗̮̟̩̲ͭ̐̄͋̃̈́͋́ͪͯ͒̋͠.̇̾ͫͮͭ̔̐̀ͮͪ͌̃ͦ̏͂͗͏̶̵̫͍͎̦̞͈̥̖̼̭͔͎̖̀͢.̴̟͖͖̞̣̺̠̝͓̃͊ͤ͐̀ͮ̆ͩ̈́͆̇̈͑̚͢͜͡.̛͂͐͌́͠҉̢̥̼̙̗̘̭͚̯̫.̎ͥ̒ͣ̍̒̉ͤ͝͏͖͓̹̳̗̙͖͎̲̼͈͞.̴͖̘̰͍ͣ̑̏̒̓̀ͬ̔ͪͭ̒̑̽̌̽͘.͊̈́̾͋ͦ̂͏̺̫̩͚̫́͠ͅ.̸̶̴̛͈̰͕̯͎̞͕̺͕̭̘̠͓͎͉̓͑̎͌̂̏̔̇͠.̧͙͎̤͍̜̹̠̩̪͕̪͙͊͊̈̎̽̍ͧͫ̓̋̓̀͗̓̀ͫ̌͞ͅ.̄̉́ͤͮ͌͌ͥ͐̀ͦ͗̐̽ͧ̚̕҉̠̲̖̪̝̹̮̹̟͉͎̥͓̘̪̩̮̕ͅ.̸͈̮̞̙̭͎̟͎͓͓̽͂ͮ̔ͧ̃.̍̓̉͐̈̍ͨ̽ͧ͛ͤ̑͌͐̄ͤͪ͝҉̵̬̮͈͚̱͜.̛̉̎ͮ̅͝͏̭̰̰͔͇.̵̩̪̦̟̹̞͕̲̟̤͙̹̠͈͓̳̞͔̈́́ͩ̀͟͞.̴̸̨̛̯̦͇͖̞͍̳̤͈̝͇͎͎̩̙̤͈̏̒̐ͯ̓͊̋ͩ̒ͯ͆ͨ̐ͯ͌͒̚͜ͅ.͌͌͌͆ͤͮͯ̾͏̴͜҉̜͈̲̻̭̱͔̤͈͍͙̱̤̫͟.̢̛̼̞̞̞̳̙ͥ͒̍̾̓ͭ͗̉̈́ͨͤ̏̌͟͞.͌̓̈ͬͯͧ̐ͣ͛́ͤ̃ͩ̇̊̀͠͏͏̭̜̬̤.ͮ͛ͯ̂ͫͧ̂́͊̂͋͂ͦ̄̕҉̷̶͍͎̦͉̣́.̘̟͍̼̜͍̮̝̇͂͗ͥ̇͊́͑̂͊ͨ͋ͣ̀̚͘̕.̡̧̯̯͔̣͔̲͈͔̟͖̻̫̮̗̘ͦ̅̓ͯ̿̊̾ͯ̇̒̆̍̈̓.̡̧̨͖̙̬̝͕́͒̓̉̽̽̐̓̎̓ͪ̈̓̎̄̏̄̓͊.̶̳̪̲͉̮̦̫̓ͧͨ̾̈́̈́ͯ͆ͪ͐̅̂́̌͛͑ͩ̚.̷̠̟̘͇̙͇̱̹̎̍̍̅ͥ̿̃̌̔̚.̨̡̏ͮͮͤͩ̈́̉ͣͯ̏̇̆ͯ̽̃͗̄͆ͫ͜͏̖̣̭̗̮̖͓̪͈͔̱̱ͅ.̧̢̜̣̮̼̦̱͈̑̈ͫ́͛ͣ̀̀̓̒̿́̚͢͝.̛͔̹̖̻͈̲͚̤͋ͣ̿͋͡.̴͛͒͗̈̎ͣ̇ͧ̽̒̄̂̃̈́͐̽̚͏͢͏̮͍̗̰̫̟̰̼͇͚̭̠̜̪̜̭̜.̧̙͓̤͎̦͖̥̦̤̜̲̣͙̠̱̗̱̤͒̍̌ͣ͊ͩ̾̃͒́ͤ̾̕͟͠.̷̴̜̗͉̺̥̘̙̒͛̃ͨ͜.̲̤̣̀ͬ̔̂ͧ̈́̚͜͡.̨ͣ̎͆̂ͩͬͬ̾ͮ̽̓͘͏̡͙̞̜͍͎͕̯̜̙̘̣̰̞̳̫̥͡.̶̛̮̭̤͎̰̗͕̮̗̥̦̱̖̩͖̹̼̮ͯͪͭ̇́͑̀.̴̜͓̪͕̬͓̫͚̩̝̰͓͒͒̓̍̀ͫ͗͊ͤ̾̏̎̉ͤ͠.̵ͩ͊̒ͨ̍̋̎̋̿ͯ̍̊̒ͥ͂̎̀̕͏͙͙͉̹̮̖̭̮̠̭̬̻͙͎̮̗̼̭.̶̧̳̗͚͈̜͕̜̄̎͊̉̽͆͛ͪ̾̆̓̾̾̃ͥ́̕͝.̒̌ͦͥ̅̊͛ͫ͏̨͖̰̳̖̜͎̀.̵̙͓͎̣͓̞͎͐̈̓̀̂̂̂̂̍̊̀ͭ̾ͣ̀̕.̿͛̌͛̅͆̀͆ͧ̚҉̶̢̖̳̥̦͍̹̖̫̻̜͟.̸̷̛͇͙̜͍̲̳̥̎̍͋̒ͬͨ̿͒̎̈́ͪ͠ͅ.̔ͣͤ́̋ͧ̋̀̈́̔̒̓̂̒ͪͨ͏̵̭͇̩̗̠͖͎̪̺̲͕̗͓̕͜͡ͅ.̴̴̬̼̙̏ͤ̌̏͗ͦ̄͒ͯ̓̍̈́̍̐̀ͫͧ͌̕͜ͅ.͉̝̲͇̟̱̘̗͖̽ͨ̓̃͋ͮ̓̒͌ͬ̔́̌ͤ͜ͅ.͙̝͎͓̠̦̜͔̬̠̣̊̊͐͑̍́̿̑ͮ́͞.̷̨͇̫̙̰̘̞͔͎̦͚ͫͣͦ̑ͤ̿̕̕.̧̬̹͓̠̙̙͕̏̀̒̒̄̓͊ͮ̇ͮ̓ͭ̑͝.̡̢̣̗̫͚̯̉̓ͮͦ̽͑̊ͣͧ̽ͣ̔̍̿̽̍̅̚.̸̘̥̩̱͖̙̞͚͙̖͙̗͓̄̿ͦͯ̚̕.̘͈̱͔̲̑̄̂̓͗͊̔̆ͨͧ̓̊ͫ̕͢͝.̢̡̠͕̠̟̩͖͖̺̦̬͓̭͚͓̳ͣ̃ͧ̑̍̎̈́̉̏̍͑̓̈́͐̎͋͛͢͡͠ͅͅ .̶̷̷̩̬̣̮̦̣̪̗̙̺̞̱͙̰͉͍͚ͤ̀͋͗̿ͭ̐ͯ͑̊͆͗̾̂͋͌ͮ͘͝ͅ.̧͉͖̙͎̠̬̻̤͖͍̤̼̯ͥ̎̍̓͑̋͌ͧ̋͊̿̕͘͢͢.̷̧̛̛͇̜̯̳̥͇̤̗͇͛̃̍ͮͥ̇̎ͥ̐ͫͧ͆̽̍̅̈͗́̅.̶̵̪͚̘̖̰͇̭͙̩̟̭̟ͤ̓ͯ̍ͪ̀̑̓̐̓͢.̶̶̛̳̺̳̩͍̥̿ͮ̈́̓̆ͨ̎́ͬ̓ͯ.ͣͪ̄̿̐ͬ́͑͝͏̪̫̺̹̗͉͓̠̳̯͓̻͖̳.̶̸̰̟͉̠̯̤͇͈̅ͨͯ̐́ͅ.̡̨̛͍̹̥̣͉̖̬̹̟͍̰̯͖̯̳̗͉̭̓̌͊ͬ͢͡.̶̢̹̠̩͕̋͛̍͒͛̂ͨ̐͑̌̚.̵̧̛̦̫͔͚̤͈̠̩͈͚̼̬͇͎̗̱ͦͫͯ͋ͬͦ̄͠.̖̗͔͙͒̀ͭ͋̈̐ͫ̃̀̽ͣ̆̓ͯͬͪ̽́̚͟͟͞.̵̛̛̹̗̻̯̺͔̥̩̿ͫͫ̉ͨ͘͡.̈́̈̉ͨ͌̽̄ͯͭ̿͌̌͂̓̇̈́ͦ͏̶̧̬̬͉̫̣̘̥̝̟̝̯̮̝͇̣̀͝.̸̣̦̱͙̦̯̱̬̲͓̘ͬ͗̏́̌͆̆̅ͩ̉̒͗ͭ͘.̔ͥͦ̓̉̐̏̔̒̐̂ͭ̔͢͏̸̖̞̝̗̩̜̮̩̰̕.̛͚̲̱̦̺̦͑̌̒͊̀͜͟.̨͉̳̟̭͇͍̖͎̆͑́̌̄ͣ̒́̀́͟͞.̶̲̦̘͎͖͈͍͕͇̦̹̰͇̠ͪ͋̋̓̊ͬ̽ͮͧ͂̾̐̀͋̂̎ͫ̔̚͝ͅ.̸̛̬̠̟͎͔͖̹̞̯̗̣̮̼̖͕̈̀̈́̊͡.̵̡̺̝̞̯̞̬͗ͩ̃́͌ͤ̃͞ͅ.ͮ̏ͦͩ͝҉̢̖̱̻̱̫ͅ.̵̢͙̮̓͒̒ͯ̓̍͐ͣͪ͛͑ͦ̇̚͠͡͞ͅ.̵̷̵͍͚̯̪̬͙̭̲̻͚̣̭̻͎͔͇͈̫̐ͥ̃͊͌̓͗̽ͣ̚͡.̶̷̵̧̳̯̖̺̟̖̝̭̙͙͎̝͈̤̥ͭͮͧ͌̓̉̂̈́͝.̪̮̖̹͈͇̩̟͕̟̖͐ͦ͐̅ͤͣ̇̓͢͝͡.̶̢͕͎͎͍̠͓̙͈̺̪͖̦͋̒̅̏͛͊̂̀͘͟.̶̡̡̮̠̥ͭ͋̆͗̐̊ͮͧ͒̄̾̉̑̄͠ͅ.͇̩̙͔ͬͣ̽̏ͤͩ̈ͩ̇͐ͩ͒̉̓́̚͘͘͠.̷̹̠̙̻̥̤͚̦̠̯͓̲̙͚͙̌̽͒͂͌ͣͣ͗ͦ̎ͫͬ̽ͭ̂͌̾̀̀͟͠.̴̵̛̯̹͕̝͖̮͔̤̓̐̿̃́͛̌ͫ͆̄̃͛ͨ̿̓́͜.̡̧̬͕̭͚͙̠̼͍̞̹͙̫̞͈̤̫̀̔ͩ̒́͘̕.̹͔͎̟̞̗̻̫̳̯̣̣̻̫̺͇͖̘̯̑̀̏̋͋ͫ̄̒̈̔͌̇̆͐̕͝.̷̸̺̝̖̘̻̭͆͂ͧͧ͒̀̀̾ͬ̒̐ͣͅ.̍̂͒̊͒̏ͮ͛ͧͫͣ͑ͦ͊̐ͥ̍͏̷̭̜̖͉̠̹͉̙͓͕̝.̶̨̛̮̞̰̩̆ͬ̾ͩ̊̓̅̀.̴̫̤̮̝̺͈̯̼̼̟͓̫̗͈̻͖̜̘̒ͪ̏̂̿ͤ̃́͡.̭̖̼͓͎̲̯̻͕͑ͭ̈́͋̄̚̕͢ͅ.̡̘̪̟͓̺̰̘̖̼̺̿̋̆ͬͧ͗͑͋́̒̾͆͌ͪ̀̕.̵̷̡̠̰͕̰̦͍̃ͮ͐̋ͭ͐ͭ̔ͭͦ̓̀͋ͫ̊̉̅͞ͅ.̸̢̛̪̣̰͚̖̫̜͉̭̅̾̽̏̑̂̒̏̍ͨ̈͌̎͋̋̇͊̚͜͞.̸̡̡̟͚͍̞̜̺̲̑̈́͗́̎̐͋̀̒ͯ̀̚͞.̶́̋ͤ͋̽ͪͮ͒̓̀̀ͩ̋̍͑ͣ̏̈̚͝҉̵̤͙̦͉͇̮̪͠.͔̲̩̱̳̥̹͇̤͍͚̗̮̟̩̲ͭ̐̄͋̃̈́͋́ͪͯ͒̋͠.̇̾ͫͮͭ̔̐̀ͮͪ͌̃ͦ̏͂͗͏̶̵̫͍͎̦̞͈̥̖̼̭͔͎̖̀͢.̴̟͖͖̞̣̺̠̝͓̃͊ͤ͐̀ͮ̆ͩ̈́͆̇̈͑̚͢͜͡.̛͂͐͌́͠҉̢̥̼̙̗̘̭͚̯̫.̎ͥ̒ͣ̍̒̉ͤ͝͏͖͓̹̳̗̙͖͎̲̼͈͞.̴͖̘̰͍ͣ̑̏̒̓̀ͬ̔ͪͭ̒̑̽̌̽͘.͊̈́̾͋ͦ̂͏̺̫̩͚̫́͠ͅ.̸̶̴̛͈̰͕̯͎̞͕̺͕̭̘̠͓͎͉̓͑̎͌̂̏̔̇͠.̧͙͎̤͍̜̹̠̩̪͕̪͙͊͊̈̎̽̍ͧͫ̓̋̓̀͗̓̀ͫ̌͞ͅ.̄̉́ͤͮ͌͌ͥ͐̀ͦ͗̐̽ͧ̚̕҉̠̲̖̪̝̹̮̹̟͉͎̥͓̘̪̩̮̕ͅ.̸͈̮̞̙̭͎̟͎͓͓̽͂ͮ̔ͧ̃.̍̓̉͐̈̍ͨ̽ͧ͛ͤ̑͌͐̄ͤͪ͝҉̵̬̮͈͚̱͜.̛̉̎ͮ̅͝͏̭̰̰͔͇.̵̩̪̦̟̹̞͕̲̟̤͙̹̠͈͓̳̞͔̈́́ͩ̀͟͞.̴̸̨̛̯̦͇͖̞͍̳̤͈̝͇͎͎̩̙̤͈̏̒̐ͯ̓͊̋ͩ̒ͯ͆ͨ̐ͯ͌͒̚͜ͅ.͌͌͌͆ͤͮͯ̾͏̴͜҉̜͈̲̻̭̱͔̤͈͍͙̱̤̫͟.̢̛̼̞̞̞̳̙ͥ͒̍̾̓ͭ͗̉̈́ͨͤ̏̌͟͞.͌̓̈ͬͯͧ̐ͣ͛́ͤ̃ͩ̇̊̀͠͏͏̭̜̬̤.ͮ͛ͯ̂ͫͧ̂́͊̂͋͂ͦ̄̕҉̷̶͍͎̦͉̣́.̘̟͍̼̜͍̮̝̇͂͗ͥ̇͊́͑̂͊ͨ͋ͣ̀̚͘̕.̡̧̯̯͔̣͔̲͈͔̟͖̻̫̮̗̘ͦ̅̓ͯ̿̊̾ͯ̇̒̆̍̈̓.̡̧̨͖̙̬̝͕́͒̓̉̽̽̐̓̎̓ͪ̈̓̎̄̏̄̓͊.̶̳̪̲͉̮̦̫̓ͧͨ̾̈́̈́ͯ͆ͪ͐̅̂́̌͛͑ͩ̚.̷̠̟̘͇̙͇̱̹̎̍̍̅ͥ̿̃̌̔̚.̨̡̏ͮͮͤͩ̈́̉ͣͯ̏̇̆ͯ̽̃͗̄͆ͫ͜͏̖̣̭̗̮̖͓̪͈͔̱̱ͅ.̧̢̜̣̮̼̦̱͈̑̈ͫ́͛ͣ̀̀̓̒̿́̚͢͝.̛͔̹̖̻͈̲͚̤͋ͣ̿͋͡.̴͛͒͗̈̎ͣ̇ͧ̽̒̄̂̃̈́͐̽̚͏͢͏̮͍̗̰̫̟̰̼͇͚̭̠̜̪̜̭̜.̧̙͓̤͎̦͖̥̦̤̜̲̣͙̠̱̗̱̤͒̍̌ͣ͊ͩ̾̃͒́ͤ̾̕͟͠.̷̴̜̗͉̺̥̘̙̒͛̃ͨ͜.̲̤̣̀ͬ̔̂ͧ̈́̚͜͡.̨ͣ̎͆̂ͩͬͬ̾ͮ̽̓͘͏̡͙̞̜͍͎͕̯̜̙̘̣̰̞̳̫̥͡.̶̛̮̭̤͎̰̗͕̮̗̥̦̱̖̩͖̹̼̮ͯͪͭ̇́͑̀.̴̜͓̪͕̬͓̫͚̩̝̰͓͒͒̓̍̀ͫ͗͊ͤ̾̏̎̉ͤ͠.̵ͩ͊̒ͨ̍̋̎̋̿ͯ̍̊̒ͥ͂̎̀̕͏͙͙͉̹̮̖̭̮̠̭̬̻͙͎̮̗̼̭.̶̧̳̗͚͈̜͕̜̄̎͊̉̽͆͛ͪ̾̆̓̾̾̃ͥ́̕͝.̒̌ͦͥ̅̊͛ͫ͏̨͖̰̳̖̜͎̀.̵̙͓͎̣͓̞͎͐̈̓̀̂̂̂̂̍̊̀ͭ̾ͣ̀̕.̿͛̌͛̅͆̀͆ͧ̚҉̶̢̖̳̥̦͍̹̖̫̻̜͟.̸̷̛͇͙̜͍̲̳̥̎̍͋̒ͬͨ̿͒̎̈́ͪ͠ͅ.̔ͣͤ́̋ͧ̋̀̈́̔̒̓̂̒ͪͨ͏̵̭͇̩̗̠͖͎̪̺̲͕̗͓̕͜͡ͅ.̴̴̬̼̙̏ͤ̌̏͗ͦ̄͒ͯ̓̍̈́̍̐̀ͫͧ͌̕͜ͅ.͉̝̲͇̟̱̘̗͖̽ͨ̓̃͋ͮ̓̒͌ͬ̔́̌ͤ͜ͅ.͙̝͎͓̠̦̜͔̬̠̣̊̊͐͑̍́̿̑ͮ́͞.̷̨͇̫̙̰̘̞͔͎̦͚ͫͣͦ̑ͤ̿̕̕.̧̬̹͓̠̙̙͕̏̀̒̒̄̓͊ͮ̇ͮ̓ͭ̑͝.̡̢̣̗̫͚̯̉̓ͮͦ̽͑̊ͣͧ̽ͣ̔̍̿̽̍̅̚.̸̘̥̩̱͖̙̞͚͙̖͙̗͓̄̿ͦͯ̚̕.̘͈̱͔̲̑̄̂̓͗͊̔̆ͨͧ̓̊ͫ̕͢͝.̢̡̠͕̠̟̩͖͖̺̦̬͓̭͚͓̳ͣ̃ͧ̑̍̎̈́̉̏̍͑̓̈́͐̎͋͛͢͡͠ͅͅ .̶̷̷̩̬̣̮̦̣̪̗̙̺̞̱͙̰͉͍͚ͤ̀͋͗̿ͭ̐ͯ͑̊͆͗̾̂͋͌ͮ͘͝ͅ.̧͉͖̙͎̠̬̻̤͖͍̤̼̯ͥ̎̍̓͑̋͌ͧ̋͊̿̕͘͢͢.̷̧̛̛͇̜̯̳̥͇̤̗͇͛̃̍ͮͥ̇̎ͥ̐ͫͧ͆̽̍̅̈͗́̅.̶̵̪͚̘̖̰͇̭͙̩̟̭̟ͤ̓ͯ̍ͪ̀̑̓̐̓͢.̶̶̛̳̺̳̩͍̥̿ͮ̈́̓̆ͨ̎́ͬ̓ͯ.ͣͪ̄̿̐ͬ́͑͝͏̪̫̺̹̗͉͓̠̳̯͓̻͖̳.̶̸̰̟͉̠̯̤͇͈̅ͨͯ̐́ͅ.̡̨̛͍̹̥̣͉̖̬̹̟͍̰̯͖̯̳̗͉̭̓̌͊ͬ͢͡.̶̢̹̠̩͕̋͛̍͒͛̂ͨ̐͑̌̚.̵̧̛̦̫͔͚̤͈̠̩͈͚̼̬͇͎̗̱ͦͫͯ͋ͬͦ̄͠.̖̗͔͙͒̀ͭ͋̈̐ͫ̃̀̽ͣ̆̓ͯͬͪ̽́̚͟͟͞.̵̛̛̹̗̻̯̺͔̥̩̿ͫͫ̉ͨ͘͡.̈́̈̉ͨ͌̽̄ͯͭ̿͌̌͂̓̇̈́ͦ͏̶̧̬̬͉̫̣̘̥̝̟̝̯̮̝͇̣̀͝.̸̣̦̱͙̦̯̱̬̲͓̘ͬ͗̏́̌͆̆̅ͩ̉̒͗ͭ͘.̔ͥͦ̓̉̐̏̔̒̐̂ͭ̔͢͏̸̖̞̝̗̩̜̮̩̰̕.̛͚̲̱̦̺̦͑̌̒͊̀͜͟.̨͉̳̟̭͇͍̖͎̆͑́̌̄ͣ̒́̀́͟͞.̶̲̦̘͎͖͈͍͕͇̦̹̰͇̠ͪ͋̋̓̊ͬ̽ͮͧ͂̾̐̀͋̂̎ͫ̔̚͝ͅ.̸̛̬̠̟͎͔͖̹̞̯̗̣̮̼̖͕̈̀̈́̊͡.̵̡̺̝̞̯̞̬͗ͩ̃́͌ͤ̃͞ͅ.ͮ̏ͦͩ͝҉̢̖̱̻̱̫ͅ.̵̢͙̮̓͒̒ͯ̓̍͐ͣͪ͛͑ͦ̇̚͠͡͞ͅ.̵̷̵͍͚̯̪̬͙̭̲̻͚̣̭̻͎͔͇͈̫̐ͥ̃͊͌̓͗̽ͣ̚͡.̶̷̵̧̳̯̖̺̟̖̝̭̙͙͎̝͈̤̥ͭͮͧ͌̓̉̂̈́͝.̪̮̖̹͈͇̩̟͕̟̖͐ͦ͐̅ͤͣ̇̓͢͝͡.̶̢͕͎͎͍̠͓̙͈̺̪͖̦͋̒̅̏͛͊̂̀͘͟.̶̡̡̮̠̥ͭ͋̆͗̐̊ͮͧ͒̄̾̉̑̄͠ͅ.͇̩̙͔ͬͣ̽̏ͤͩ̈ͩ̇͐ͩ͒̉̓́̚͘͘͠.̷̹̠̙̻̥̤͚̦̠̯͓̲̙͚͙̌̽͒͂͌ͣͣ͗ͦ̎ͫͬ̽ͭ̂͌̾̀̀͟͠.̴̵̛̯̹͕̝͖̮͔̤̓̐̿̃́͛̌ͫ͆̄̃͛ͨ̿̓́͜.̡̧̬͕̭͚͙̠̼͍̞̹͙̫̞͈̤̫̀̔ͩ̒́͘̕.̹͔͎̟̞̗̻̫̳̯̣̣̻̫̺͇͖̘̯̑̀̏̋͋ͫ̄̒̈̔͌̇̆͐̕͝.̷̸̺̝̖̘̻̭͆͂ͧͧ͒̀̀̾ͬ̒̐ͣͅ.̍̂͒̊͒̏ͮ͛ͧͫͣ͑ͦ͊̐ͥ̍͏̷̭̜̖͉̠̹͉̙͓͕̝.̶̨̛̮̞̰̩̆ͬ̾ͩ̊̓̅̀.̴̫̤̮̝̺͈̯̼̼̟͓̫̗͈̻͖̜̘̒ͪ̏̂̿ͤ̃́͡.̭̖̼͓͎̲̯̻͕͑ͭ̈́͋̄̚̕͢ͅ.̡̘̪̟͓̺̰̘̖̼̺̿̋̆ͬͧ͗͑͋́̒̾͆͌ͪ̀̕.̵̷̡̠̰͕̰̦͍̃ͮ͐̋ͭ͐ͭ̔ͭͦ̓̀͋ͫ̊̉̅͞ͅ.̸̢̛̪̣̰͚̖̫̜͉̭̅̾̽̏̑̂̒̏̍ͨ̈͌̎͋̋̇͊̚͜͞.̸̡̡̟͚͍̞̜̺̲̑̈́͗́̎̐͋̀̒ͯ̀̚͞.̶́̋ͤ͋̽ͪͮ͒̓̀̀ͩ̋̍͑ͣ̏̈̚͝҉̵̤͙̦͉͇̮̪͠.͔̲̩̱̳̥̹͇̤͍͚̗̮̟̩̲ͭ̐̄͋̃̈́͋́ͪͯ͒̋͠.̇̾ͫͮͭ̔̐̀ͮͪ͌̃ͦ̏͂͗͏̶̵̫͍͎̦̞͈̥̖̼̭͔͎̖̀͢.̴̟͖͖̞̣̺̠̝͓̃͊ͤ͐̀ͮ̆ͩ̈́͆̇̈͑̚͢͜͡.̛͂͐͌́͠҉̢̥̼̙̗̘̭͚̯̫.̎ͥ̒ͣ̍̒̉ͤ͝͏͖͓̹̳̗̙͖͎̲̼͈͞.̴͖̘̰͍ͣ̑̏̒̓̀ͬ̔ͪͭ̒̑̽̌̽͘.͊̈́̾͋ͦ̂͏̺̫̩͚̫́͠ͅ.̸̶̴̛͈̰͕̯͎̞͕̺͕̭̘̠͓͎͉̓͑̎͌̂̏̔̇͠.̧͙͎̤͍̜̹̠̩̪͕̪͙͊͊̈̎̽̍ͧͫ̓̋̓̀͗̓̀ͫ̌͞ͅ.̄̉́ͤͮ͌͌ͥ͐̀ͦ͗̐̽ͧ̚̕҉̠̲̖̪̝̹̮̹̟͉͎̥͓̘̪̩̮̕ͅ.̸͈̮̞̙̭͎̟͎͓͓̽͂ͮ̔ͧ̃.̍̓̉͐̈̍ͨ̽ͧ͛ͤ̑͌͐̄ͤͪ͝҉̵̬̮͈͚̱͜.̛̉̎ͮ̅͝͏̭̰̰͔͇.̵̩̪̦̟̹̞͕̲̟̤͙̹̠͈͓̳̞͔̈́́ͩ̀͟͞.̴̸̨̛̯̦͇͖̞͍̳̤͈̝͇͎͎̩̙̤͈̏̒̐ͯ̓͊̋ͩ̒ͯ͆ͨ̐ͯ͌͒̚͜ͅ.͌͌͌͆ͤͮͯ̾͏̴͜҉̜͈̲̻̭̱͔̤͈͍͙̱̤̫͟.̢̛̼̞̞̞̳̙ͥ͒̍̾̓ͭ͗̉̈́ͨͤ̏̌͟͞.͌̓̈ͬͯͧ̐ͣ͛́ͤ̃ͩ̇̊̀͠͏͏̭̜̬̤.ͮ͛ͯ̂ͫͧ̂́͊̂͋͂ͦ̄̕҉̷̶͍͎̦͉̣́.̘̟͍̼̜͍̮̝̇͂͗ͥ̇͊́͑̂͊ͨ͋ͣ̀̚͘̕.̡̧̯̯͔̣͔̲͈͔̟͖̻̫̮̗̘ͦ̅̓ͯ̿̊̾ͯ̇̒̆̍̈̓.̡̧̨͖̙̬̝͕́͒̓̉̽̽̐̓̎̓ͪ̈̓̎̄̏̄̓͊.̶̳̪̲͉̮̦̫̓ͧͨ̾̈́̈́ͯ͆ͪ͐̅̂́̌͛͑ͩ̚.̷̠̟̘͇̙͇̱̹̎̍̍̅ͥ̿̃̌̔̚.̨̡̏ͮͮͤͩ̈́̉ͣͯ̏̇̆ͯ̽̃͗̄͆ͫ͜͏̖̣̭̗̮̖͓̪͈͔̱̱ͅ.̧̢̜̣̮̼̦̱͈̑̈ͫ́͛ͣ̀̀̓̒̿́̚͢͝.̛͔̹̖̻͈̲͚̤͋ͣ̿͋͡.̴͛͒͗̈̎ͣ̇ͧ̽̒̄̂̃̈́͐̽̚͏͢͏̮͍̗̰̫̟̰̼͇͚̭̠̜̪̜̭̜.̧̙͓̤͎̦͖̥̦̤̜̲̣͙̠̱̗̱̤͒̍̌ͣ͊ͩ̾̃͒́ͤ̾̕͟͠.̷̴̜̗͉̺̥̘̙̒͛̃ͨ͜.̲̤̣̀ͬ̔̂ͧ̈́̚͜͡.̨ͣ̎͆̂ͩͬͬ̾ͮ̽̓͘͏̡͙̞̜͍͎͕̯̜̙̘̣̰̞̳̫̥͡.̶̛̮̭̤͎̰̗͕̮̗̥̦̱̖̩͖̹̼̮ͯͪͭ̇́͑̀.̴̜͓̪͕̬͓̫͚̩̝̰͓͒͒̓̍̀ͫ͗͊ͤ̾̏̎̉ͤ͠.̵ͩ͊̒ͨ̍̋̎̋̿ͯ̍̊̒ͥ͂̎̀̕͏͙͙͉̹̮̖̭̮̠̭̬̻͙͎̮̗̼̭.̶̧̳̗͚͈̜͕̜̄̎͊̉̽͆͛ͪ̾̆̓̾̾̃ͥ́̕͝.̒̌ͦͥ̅̊͛ͫ͏̨͖̰̳̖̜͎̀.̵̙͓͎̣͓̞͎͐̈̓̀̂̂̂̂̍̊̀ͭ̾ͣ̀̕.̿͛̌͛̅͆̀͆ͧ̚҉̶̢̖̳̥̦͍̹̖̫̻̜͟.̸̷̛͇͙̜͍̲̳̥̎̍͋̒ͬͨ̿͒̎̈́ͪ͠ͅ.̔ͣͤ́̋ͧ̋̀̈́̔̒̓̂̒ͪͨ͏̵̭͇̩̗̠͖͎̪̺̲͕̗͓̕͜͡ͅ.̴̴̬̼̙̏ͤ̌̏͗ͦ̄͒ͯ̓̍̈́̍̐̀ͫͧ͌̕͜ͅ.͉̝̲͇̟̱̘̗͖̽ͨ̓̃͋ͮ̓̒͌ͬ̔́̌ͤ͜ͅ.͙̝͎͓̠̦̜͔̬̠̣̊̊͐͑̍́̿̑ͮ́͞.̷̨͇̫̙̰̘̞͔͎̦͚ͫͣͦ̑ͤ̿̕̕.̧̬̹͓̠̙̙͕̏̀̒̒̄̓͊ͮ̇ͮ̓ͭ̑͝.̡̢̣̗̫͚̯̉̓ͮͦ̽͑̊ͣͧ̽ͣ̔̍̿̽̍̅̚.̸̘̥̩̱͖̙̞͚͙̖͙̗͓̄̿ͦͯ̚̕.̘͈̱͔̲̑̄̂̓͗͊̔̆ͨͧ̓̊ͫ̕͢͝.̢̡̠͕̠̟̩͖͖̺̦̬͓̭͚͓̳ͣ̃ͧ̑̍̎̈́̉̏̍͑̓̈́͐̎͋͛͢͡͠ͅͅ .̶̷̷̩̬̣̮̦̣̪̗̙̺̞̱͙̰͉͍͚ͤ̀͋͗̿ͭ̐ͯ͑̊͆͗̾̂͋͌ͮ͘͝ͅ.̧͉͖̙͎̠̬̻̤͖͍̤̼̯ͥ̎̍̓͑̋͌ͧ̋͊̿̕͘͢͢.̷̧̛̛͇̜̯̳̥͇̤̗͇͛̃̍ͮͥ̇̎ͥ̐ͫͧ͆̽̍̅̈͗́̅.̶̵̪͚̘̖̰͇̭͙̩̟̭̟ͤ̓ͯ̍ͪ̀̑̓̐̓͢.̶̶̛̳̺̳̩͍̥̿ͮ̈́̓̆ͨ̎́ͬ̓ͯ.ͣͪ̄̿̐ͬ́͑͝͏̪̫̺̹̗͉͓̠̳̯͓̻͖̳.̶̸̰̟͉̠̯̤͇͈̅ͨͯ̐́ͅ.̡̨̛͍̹̥̣͉̖̬̹̟͍̰̯͖̯̳̗͉̭̓̌͊ͬ͢͡.̶̢̹̠̩͕̋͛̍͒͛̂ͨ̐͑̌̚.̵̧̛̦̫͔͚̤͈̠̩͈͚̼̬͇͎̗̱ͦͫͯ͋ͬͦ̄͠.̖̗͔͙͒̀ͭ͋̈̐ͫ̃̀̽ͣ̆̓ͯͬͪ̽́̚͟͟͞.̵̛̛̹̗̻̯̺͔̥̩̿ͫͫ̉ͨ͘͡.̈́̈̉ͨ͌̽̄ͯͭ̿͌̌͂̓̇̈́ͦ͏̶̧̬̬͉̫̣̘̥̝̟̝̯̮̝͇̣̀͝.̸̣̦̱͙̦̯̱̬̲͓̘ͬ͗̏́̌͆̆̅ͩ̉̒͗ͭ͘.̔ͥͦ̓̉̐̏̔̒̐̂ͭ̔͢͏̸̖̞̝̗̩̜̮̩̰̕.̛͚̲̱̦̺̦͑̌̒͊̀͜͟.̨͉̳̟̭͇͍̖͎̆͑́̌̄ͣ̒́̀́͟͞.̶̲̦̘͎͖͈͍͕͇̦̹̰͇̠ͪ͋̋̓̊ͬ̽ͮͧ͂̾̐̀͋̂̎ͫ̔̚͝ͅ.̸̛̬̠̟͎͔͖̹̞̯̗̣̮̼̖͕̈̀̈́̊͡.̵̡̺̝̞̯̞̬͗ͩ̃́͌ͤ̃͞ͅ.ͮ̏ͦͩ͝҉̢̖̱̻̱̫ͅ.̵̢͙̮̓͒̒ͯ̓̍͐ͣͪ͛͑ͦ̇̚͠͡͞ͅ.̵̷̵͍͚̯̪̬͙̭̲̻͚̣̭̻͎͔͇͈̫̐ͥ̃͊͌̓͗̽ͣ̚͡.̶̷̵̧̳̯̖̺̟̖̝̭̙͙͎̝͈̤̥ͭͮͧ͌̓̉̂̈́͝.̪̮̖̹͈͇̩̟͕̟̖͐ͦ͐̅ͤͣ̇̓͢͝͡.̶̢͕͎͎͍̠͓̙͈̺̪͖̦͋̒̅̏͛͊̂̀͘͟.̶̡̡̮̠̥ͭ͋̆͗̐̊ͮͧ͒̄̾̉̑̄͠ͅ.͇̩̙͔ͬͣ̽̏ͤͩ̈ͩ̇͐ͩ͒̉̓́̚͘͘͠.̷̹̠̙̻̥̤͚̦̠̯͓̲̙͚͙̌̽͒͂͌ͣͣ͗ͦ̎ͫͬ̽ͭ̂͌̾̀̀͟͠.̴̵̛̯̹͕̝͖̮͔̤̓̐̿̃́͛̌ͫ͆̄̃͛ͨ̿̓́͜.̡̧̬͕̭͚͙̠̼͍̞̹͙̫̞͈̤̫̀̔ͩ̒́͘̕.̹͔͎̟̞̗̻̫̳̯̣̣̻̫̺͇͖̘̯̑̀̏̋͋ͫ̄̒̈̔͌̇̆͐̕͝.̷̸̺̝̖̘̻̭͆͂ͧͧ͒̀̀̾ͬ̒̐ͣͅ.̍̂͒̊͒̏ͮ͛ͧͫͣ͑ͦ͊̐ͥ̍͏̷̭̜̖͉̠̹͉̙͓͕̝.̶̨̛̮̞̰̩̆ͬ̾ͩ̊̓̅̀.̴̫̤̮̝̺͈̯̼̼̟͓̫̗͈̻͖̜̘̒ͪ̏̂̿ͤ̃́͡.̭̖̼͓͎̲̯̻͕͑ͭ̈́͋̄̚̕͢ͅ.̡̘̪̟͓̺̰̘̖̼̺̿̋̆ͬͧ͗͑͋́̒̾͆͌ͪ̀̕.̵̷̡̠̰͕̰̦͍̃ͮ͐̋ͭ͐ͭ̔ͭͦ̓̀͋ͫ̊̉̅͞ͅ.̸̢̛̪̣̰͚̖̫̜͉̭̅̾̽̏̑̂̒̏̍ͨ̈͌̎͋̋̇͊̚͜͞.̸̡̡̟͚͍̞̜̺̲̑̈́͗́̎̐͋̀̒ͯ̀̚͞.̶́̋ͤ͋̽ͪͮ͒̓̀̀ͩ̋̍͑ͣ̏̈̚͝҉̵̤͙̦͉͇̮̪͠.͔̲̩̱̳̥̹͇̤͍͚̗̮̟̩̲ͭ̐̄͋̃̈́͋́ͪͯ͒̋͠.̇̾ͫͮͭ̔̐̀ͮͪ͌̃ͦ̏͂͗͏̶̵̫͍͎̦̞͈̥̖̼̭͔͎̖̀͢.̴̟͖͖̞̣̺̠̝͓̃͊ͤ͐̀ͮ̆ͩ̈́͆̇̈͑̚͢͜͡.̛͂͐͌́͠҉̢̥̼̙̗̘̭͚̯̫.̎ͥ̒ͣ̍̒̉ͤ͝͏͖͓̹̳̗̙͖͎̲̼͈͞.̴͖̘̰͍ͣ̑̏̒̓̀ͬ̔ͪͭ̒̑̽̌̽͘.͊̈́̾͋ͦ̂͏̺̫̩͚̫́͠ͅ.̸̶̴̛͈̰͕̯͎̞͕̺͕̭̘̠͓͎͉̓͑̎͌̂̏̔̇͠.̧͙͎̤͍̜̹̠̩̪͕̪͙͊͊̈̎̽̍ͧͫ̓̋̓̀͗̓̀ͫ̌͞ͅ.̄̉́ͤͮ͌͌ͥ͐̀ͦ͗̐̽ͧ̚̕҉̠̲̖̪̝̹̮̹̟͉͎̥͓̘̪̩̮̕ͅ.̸͈̮̞̙̭͎̟͎͓͓̽͂ͮ̔ͧ̃.̍̓̉͐̈̍ͨ̽ͧ͛ͤ̑͌͐̄ͤͪ͝҉̵̬̮͈͚̱͜.̛̉̎ͮ̅͝͏̭̰̰͔͇.̵̩̪̦̟̹̞͕̲̟̤͙̹̠͈͓̳̞͔̈́́ͩ̀͟͞.̴̸̨̛̯̦͇͖̞͍̳̤͈̝͇͎͎̩̙̤͈̏̒̐ͯ̓͊̋ͩ̒ͯ͆ͨ̐ͯ͌͒̚͜ͅ.͌͌͌͆ͤͮͯ̾͏̴͜҉̜͈̲̻̭̱͔̤͈͍͙̱̤̫͟.̢̛̼̞̞̞̳̙ͥ͒̍̾̓ͭ͗̉̈́ͨͤ̏̌͟͞.͌̓̈ͬͯͧ̐ͣ͛́ͤ̃ͩ̇̊̀͠͏͏̭̜̬̤.ͮ͛ͯ̂ͫͧ̂́͊̂͋͂ͦ̄̕҉̷̶͍͎̦͉̣́.̘̟͍̼̜͍̮̝̇͂͗ͥ̇͊́͑̂͊ͨ͋ͣ̀̚͘̕.̡̧̯̯͔̣͔̲͈͔̟͖̻̫̮̗̘ͦ̅̓ͯ̿̊̾ͯ̇̒̆̍̈̓.̡̧̨͖̙̬̝͕́͒̓̉̽̽̐̓̎̓ͪ̈̓̎̄̏̄̓͊.̶̳̪̲͉̮̦̫̓ͧͨ̾̈́̈́ͯ͆ͪ͐̅̂́̌͛͑ͩ̚.̷̠̟̘͇̙͇̱̹̎̍̍̅ͥ̿̃̌̔̚.̨̡̏ͮͮͤͩ̈́̉ͣͯ̏̇̆ͯ̽̃͗̄͆ͫ͜͏̖̣̭̗̮̖͓̪͈͔̱̱ͅ.̧̢̜̣̮̼̦̱͈̑̈ͫ́͛ͣ̀̀̓̒̿́̚͢͝.̛͔̹̖̻͈̲͚̤͋ͣ̿͋͡.̴͛͒͗̈̎ͣ̇ͧ̽̒̄̂̃̈́͐̽̚͏͢͏̮͍̗̰̫̟̰̼͇͚̭̠̜̪̜̭̜.̧̙͓̤͎̦͖̥̦̤̜̲̣͙̠̱̗̱̤͒̍̌ͣ͊ͩ̾̃͒́ͤ̾̕͟͠.̷̴̜̗͉̺̥̘̙̒͛̃ͨ͜.̲̤̣̀ͬ̔̂ͧ̈́̚͜͡.ͣ̎͆̂ͩͬͬ̾ͮ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ 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You sit on the toilet to repost content, but you begin to get karma uncontrollably. After ten reposts you start to worry. Your hand is sticky and it reeks of reposts. You desperately shove your phone into a wad of toilet paper, but that only makes your reddit karma hurt. The reposts accelerates. It’s been three minutes. You can’t stop reposting. Your bathroom floor is covered in a thin layer of reddit upvotes. You try to repost in the shower drain but the karma builds up too fast. You try the toilet. The repost is too reposted to be hidden.You lock the bathroom door to prevent the karma from escaping. The air grows hot and humid from the reposts. The reposts accelerates. You slip and fall in your own upvotes.The karma is now six inches deep, almost as long as your still-swollen repost finger. Sprawled on your back, you begin to reposts all over nextfuckinglevel. Globs of the sticky white and red uovotes begin to fall like raindrops, giving you upvotes with your own reposts. The reposts accelerates. You struggle to stop as the force of the reposting begins to propel you backwards as if you were on a bukkake themed slip-and-slide. Still on your knees, the karma is now at chin height. To avoid drowning in your karma you open the bathroom door. The deluge of reddit upvotes reminds you of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, only with karma instead of molasses. The reposts accelerates. It’s been two hours. Your children and wife scream in terror as their bodies are engulfed by the red and white upvotes. Your youngest child goes under, with vicious redditors calling you out rising from the goop. You plead to God to end your reposting. The reposting accelerates. You squeeze your thumb to stop the reposting, but it begins to leak out of your index finger instead. You let go. The force of the reposting tears your phone open, leaving only a gaping hole in your phone that spews upvotes. Your body picks up speed as it slides backwards along the upvotes. You smash through the wall, hurtling into the sky at thirty miles an hour. From a bird’s eye view you see your house is completely made of gold awards. Your neighbor calls the cops. The karma accelerates. As you continue to ascend, you spot police cars racing towards your house. The cops pull out their guns and take aim, but stray loads of platinum hit them in the eyes, blinding them. The karma accelerates. You are now at an altitude of 1000 feet. The SWAT team arrives. Military helicopters circle you. Hundreds of bullets pierce your body at once, yet you stay conscious. Your reposts have now grown into a substitute brain. The karma accelerates. It has been two days. With your body now destroyed, the karma begins to spray in all directions. You break the sound barrier. The government deploys fighter jets to chase you down, but the impact of your silver awards sends one plane crashing to the ground. The government decides to let you leave the earth. You feel your online pixels start to burn up as you reach the edges of the atmosphere. You narrowly miss the ISS, giving it a new silver paint job as you fly past. Physicists struggle to calculate your erratic trajectory. The karma accelerates. The awards and karma begins to gravitate towards itself, forming a comet trail of awards and karma. Astronomers begin calling you the “R3p0st3r.” You are stuck in space forever, stripped of your body and senses, forced to endure an eternity of reposts. Eventually, you stop thinking.i just wanna say u ruin my life, u ruin my everything, u made my family mad and sad, Believing u are the most stupidest thing ive ever did and i regret believing u so bad, i just wanna say fucking useless and continue on breakin people’s life, ur a jack ass, a fucking bitch and a stupid fucking idiot that stays inside the sewer for Ages becuz I dont have fucking money to afford a damn house and u have a brain that is smaller than any germs that have ever lived, and ur brain is on ur knees not inside of ur head. Anyways I hope u enioy breaking peoples life, ruining them until they are lost in theyr own mind and u made they’re friends and family look bad on they’re eyesmy fnaf 😱🤖💀 rap 🎤
YO 👋 YO 💯 YO 💯 listen 👂 up ☝ to my new 🆕😎 rap 🎤! I 👁 just got 🍸 a freddy 5️⃣ hat 🤠!
(HOT 🔥 GIRL 👧 SINGING 🎶🎵🎤) oH 🙀 YeAhhhh 🙇‍♀️ ITS FREDDY 😫🍉💕 FAZBEARS PIZZA 😋🍕🍴! WHEN 🍑 YOU 👈 GET 🉐 SOME PIZZA 🍕! AND A BIG 😱. PIECE 🧩. OF. ASSSSSS! awesome ✅💯✔ music 🎧 plays 🎮
Me: ya ⛪🙏 my name 🏷 is rappa 3000 🔢 and ill 📝 tell 🗣 ya 🙏 the story 📖 of fredy pizzaria with a freddy 😫🍉💕 goldy and a hot 😍🔥 foxy 🦊 fucking 👦🍑🖕 chica 👌 all 💯 day 🕛🕧📆 long 📏🕚, with a hudge dong 💦🍆🥒, and den 👱🏿🙈 the security 🛡 guard 💂 named 📛 chonged put 😏 his 💦 dong 🍆 in BONNIE 💁🏻!
girl 👩💋💄 takes 👊 off 📴 shirt 👕 and sings 🎵🎶 OH 🙀 YEAAAAAAHHH ITS FREDDY 😫🍉💕 FAZBER PIZZZAAA! WHEN ⏰ U 🍆 GET 👉🔟👈 SOME PIZZA 🍕 AND A. BIG 🍆⬆. PIECE 🍗. OF. QSS
me strokes 😰 dong 🍆 mmmm 🙂 ya 🙏 its fredy fazber pizza 🍕 with huge 😤 dings 🔔 and blongs and bongs 🔬 and frogsssss! with scary 👹 sexy 💦🍆 animatrons!my fnaf rap
YO YO YO listen up to my new rap! I just got a freddy hat!
Me: ya my name is rappa 3000 and ill tell ya the story of fredy pizzaria with a freddy goldy and a hot foxy fucking chica all day long, with a hudge dong, and den the security guard named chonged put his dong in BONNIE!
me strokes dong mmmm ya its fredy fazber pizza with huge dings and blongs and bongs and frogsssss! with scary sexy animatrons!Cumsockock gacha cookie is so funny the sound waves from my laughing just scattered all the atoms in my city into 12 different dimensions and killed thousandsHoly fucking shit, Mother of Jesus Christ damn she's so fucking thick i would rip her pussy and thrust my 12 inch throbbing,veiny,stiff,rock hard pre-ejaculating cock in her tasty delecious pinky pussy as her wounded falopian tubes hurts each time i push it harder and harder inside her,as i goes as deep as it goes and her ovaries feels like It's going to bust while I force her to the wall and forcefully hold her fragile wrist,then I will make her gag on my dick il shatter her throat and hurt her Adam's Apple. ill go so deep in her throat that she will have a asthma attack,my 12 inch cock will fucking take this hot bitch oxygen away.
But that wont be the end of my fun with her. i will torn her pussy apart and leave a bleeding wound on her clitoris, I will reach her cervix and fuck her until she bleed for my twisted pleasure. I will fucking put my 12 inch cock on her rectum she will feel a tingling sensation between her spine and my dick will get out by her mouth, my dick might also rip her stomach of how hard I am. things first, 4 billion years to create the high-advanced funny anime characters doing funny poses, it's a evolution on our society and on our planet, nothing as it has been seem ever. Also if you don't like gacha... MATE.... DO YOU KNOW HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO? I'M A EX-NAVY SEAL WHO FOUGHT IN THE BIGGEST WAR THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEM, AND IF YOU GET A FUCKING LITTLE BIT OF CRITICISM TOWARDS GACHA, MATE I'M GONNA HACK YOU TROUGH RAT (Remote Administration Tool) AND THEN TRACK YOU DOWN, AND AFTER THAT I'LL PASS MONTHS, YEARS, EVEN DECADES STUDYING YOUR COMPORTMENT, LIKE A TIGER STALKING HIS PRAY, AND AFTER I SEE IT'S A GOOD TIME, I'LL GET THE INCENDIARY ANTI-METERIAL RIFLE I GOT FROM MY 5° YEAR IN THE ARMY AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. I'LL SHOOT THE INCENDIARY BULLET TOWARDS YOUR CAR, EXPLODING IT MAKING YOU GET PTSD, AND THEN WHEN YOU'RE ON THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, I'LL GET IN THERE, GET MY BLOWING CAR AUDIO THAT I GOT FROM YOUR CAR EXPLODING, AND PUTTING RIGHT IN YOUR EAR, SO YOU CAN SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE CRITICISM TOWARDS THE BEST COMMUNITY IN THE WORLD.
Ok, so let me explain why is gacha the best app. Gacha has alot of awesome epic gaming gaming zoomies zoomer features, like "Twerk" animation and an awesome skin-color default clothe for people who don't "normal" clothes. Also the community is so worried about children that they took about 2 years or more to take out the "sexual" animations. Also our community is so united and wholesome! For example we have the pedos, the children who make gacha sex, kids who think depression is aesthetical and much more! If you think that's enough, the stair goes on, we have our own art style, and again, PRE-MADE BODIES AND COSTUMIZATIONS ARE ART!!!!!! IF YOU THINK THE OPPOSITE I'LL NOT ONLY MAKE YOU GET PTSD, WHEN YOU FALL IN THE GROUND ALL BLOODY-FUCKED AND ALMOST DIEING, I'LL GET NEAR YOU AND DO LIKE THE GUY IN AMV FROM LIL DARKIE DID, I'LL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU UNTIL I FUCKING FALL IN THE GROUND.
Why the fuck would I do that. I should have never masturbated in front of my turtle. So basically I was watching porn in my 55 inch tv and my turtle was next to me in the couch. The porno was really old. It was a DVD from 2002. It was probably the hottest porn I have ever watch and honestly I'm probably going to watch porn on dvd instead from the internet. The only reason I had my turtle with me was because whenever I cum, I feel really depressed and lonely, so I thought that if my turtle watched with my I wouldn't feel lonely. Well I started stroking my willie, I used lotion, i took all my clothes off, but my dumbass forgot the tissues. I realized that I forgot to grab tissues but it was too late. I was going to cum. I didn't want to cum everywhere so I had to think fast. It was when I saw my turtle when I realized what I had to do. I came like a motherfucker. My turtle was painted with my cum in his tiny little face and all around his shell. He didn't say a word about it, he didn't move, he just stood there looking at me like I killed a bunch of children. I would never forgot the look my turtle gave me. His disappointing face broke my heart. I put on my clothes, I took my turtle to the bathroom and cleaned him off. What happened, happened. But my turtle would never forgot what happened. My turtle, Tommy, would never forgive me. Today, I passed by him and I know he still remembers what i did to him 3 hours ago. My only wish, is that one day, Tommy the turtle will forgive me for my horrible sins.Please be sure to SPANK that like button SUBSCRIBE to me on YouTube HIT that notification bell FOLLOW me on Twitter LIKE my Facebook page READ MY BLOGS on Tumblr BUY access to my private Instagram FEED my dying NeoPets EMAIL ME your favorite pizza roll flavor DONATE on Twitch DONATE your left kidney VOTE in the upcoming election BECOME A MEMBER of my new MLM company VACCINATE my children and be sure to check out this channel for more content in the future.Do your balls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder Like a continental soldier Do your balls hang low? Does your dick stick out? Can you waggle it about? Can you flap it up and down As you fly around the town? Can you shut it up for sure When you hear an awful bore? Does your dick stick out?Sorry, your post has been removed due to it carrying pro-Trump messages. Reddit does not support such harmful or hateful ideologies.
May we instead recommend some rape porn?
u/strugglefucking u/abuseporn2 incestpornRecently my friend Karen (69F) invited me (420M) and several other people to her baby's gender reveal party. I thought this was a very important occasion. Now, I thought it would be a good idea to create a smoke machine for the party and really dazzle the other guests there. I grabbed a bubble machine that I used for a kid's birthday party a while back and replaced the bubble mixture in it with gasoline, and thought that was that.
Fast forward to the all-important gender reveal party several days later, I bring the makeshift smoke machine with me. I get it set up and when Karen tells me to turn it on, it works for a few seconds before turning into a literal flamethrower and lighting the yard on fire. Everyone screams and runs away. Now, I went and turned it off, then tried dumping a bottle of water on the fire. I managed to partially put it out, but by then it had already creeped over the wooden fence and into the forest behind it. "Oh shit," I thought. We called the fire department but by the time they arrived it had already spread waaaaay too far for them to control, especially in the hot and dry state of California.
TL;DR: Was invited to a gender reveal party, decided to make my own smoke machine to dazzle the guests, smoke machine becomes flamethrower and burns everything, fire couldn't be stopped despite the best efforts of us and the local fire department. you fucker, you goddamn worthless piece of shit, I completely despise you and every atom in your pathetic body. If I knew you were within fifty miles of me I would track you down and curb stomp your skull into concrete until your smooth brain and eyes pop out, you dumbfuck. I wouldn't piss in your mouth if you were dying of thirst, in fact I would hit you in the stomach until you throw up all food you had eaten before that so you die in even more pain, you scumbag, you absolute shitfaced rodent. At least Adolf Hitler had the excuse of being mentally deranged with a horrible past, but you? you've got no fucking excuse for this utter bullshit, you fucking cum stain of a creature, fuck you. You deserve your tiny cock and balls to be publicly guillotined while your fingers are being ripped off by rabid pitbulls, and your eyes are being flooded with ants. You piss drinking cretin, you rock eating dumbass, you scumbag, you chihuahua fucking mongrel, you fuck faced shit eating faggot. You are such a fucking baboon you'd probably believe if someone told you that you could jump off of a 70 story building and be fine if you land head first. I'd call you a clown and tell you to go back to the circus but you're too fat and lazy to work there and too ugly and retarded to be a circus animal. It costed nothing not to commit that act of complete terror yet you did it anyways, you dopebrained shithead. Out of all of the sperm unloaded into your mom's vagina you were the worst possible result there was. It could've been a man that somehow found a way to achieve world peace, it could've been a famous celebrity that inspired millions, it could have been someone who fought for their country and saved their friends in war, but no, it was you instead, a fat fucking virgin who's best accomplishment for humanity is accidentally giving an eight year old at McDonalds ten chicken nuggets instead of nine. Fuck you.I am always so tempted to carefully fish my poop out of the toilet with my hands, lay it gently on the plate, dry it off with some toilet paper and take it into the kitchen.
There, I grab some bread and get the toaster going. Put the bread in, wait for the bread to be ready, then get a butter knife but put it to better use than just butter; cut the poop into neat slices, then put it on the bread, mash it around a little, enjoy the view. It looks like Nutella, but it's way better. Looks better. Smells better. Tastes better.
Then I put my sandwich in the preheated oven for some time. I don't put a timer on, my soul will tell me whenever it's ready. In half an hour, I get out black bread and black poop on it. I take a bite. It tastes amazing.
I sit on the floor in the kitchen, eating my poop sandwich. I love the taste of burn. I love everything about it. I don't need anything else in life. Just burnt poop sandwiches. Looking for a female roomate to pay $0 rent I will not charge you money, but I will be sharing my bed with you as the other room is being used by my parents. They are aware of this arrangement as I have done this before but it has not worked out for reasons rather not say on here. I will expect hugs at least 5 times a day, and cuddles at least 2 times a day for at least 10 minutes each. You will not be dating any other man during this arrangement, you will have no male friends either. You may have female friends and they may visit if they like. You will also be required to make me meals 3 times a day. Physical requirements are as stated: Must be shorter than 5'5", weigh no more than 120 Ibs, caucasian or asian only, republican, biologically female, no tattoos, no Muslims, no vegans, no smoking/ vaping, marywania, and you MUST shave legs and underarms. I am 44-male/290 Ibs last time I checked, 5'6". Please contact me if you would like this arrangement. everyoneI was hacked
My computer has malware
I had a bathroom emergency and forgot to lock my computer
I have amnesia
Temporary insanity
I wanted to ask if "ok n-----" is offensive
I'll be honest, I got lucky, but the girl typed it
My dog jumped on the keyboard
God did it
Suddenly my computer froze and i had an unsaved excel sheet so I started typing anything and everything to get it to unlock
I was writing a paper and was in the middle of recording a quote when switched to zoom and I forgot to switch back
My question is about the African country
I had a stroke
I was auditing the class to see if the professor answers questions
I'm playing a game next to pewdiepie and I had opened my speech to text on accident and then pressed enter on accident
I was searching for that bridge video of pewdiepie and incidentally typed that into the search
4chan hacked me
NSA hacked meHello, a year ago I contracted a rare disorder called cummeningoracismoengeneralo disease. It is only in males. Every time the n word is said in general, I cum. I thought it wouldn't be that bag, but it is, I just can't stop cumming, you racist fucks. one time I was taking a piss and it happened, a raid began, and I came so hard my bathroom walls were painted fucking white, it looked like someone blew up my dick, it was so painful I pleasantly sobbed to sleep, and it's no better when I'm asleep. Because of all the black gay midget porn posted around the server at night in the NSFW chat yall get crazy with the vocabulary. Every time I wake up I'm covered in crusty cum, and it spills over onto the floor, my house is flooded with cum. I once had to go to a doctor because I had a concussion and they had to kick me out because I was cumming over and over. My neighbors sent a noise complaint and I get bullied at school because of the puddle of cum always in my pants. I remember during the server raid a while back, I came so much I farted out of my dick, I called it a deef. To the mods of the server, please end this cummening and make an announcement or rule ban the n word. I came approximately 24 times while making this.Can you imagine the crazy ass abilities Katara had as a water bender? I'm not talking about fighting, I'm talking about sex.
Think about it, instant enema for her. She would be down for anal almost anytime of the day. Oh man, and the saliva play. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like this, but can you imagine being lathered in her spit? She'll tongue box the inside of your mouth and work her magical sex organ down your chest and on to your dick. The saliva in her mouth would give your a whirlpool like blowjob if she really wanted to. It would be like having a rotating fleshlight with a tongue to make sure your dick is the cleanest it'll ever be.
On top of all that, when the full moon comes out, you best be ready for a mind numbing orgasm as she plays with the blood inside you're erected phallus, and contorts your dick in pleasurable ways that's physically and legally not possible. Katara could cumbend your spunk and give herself a full body bathe in it. The reason Aang looked so young during the avatar state was because he died in his mid-40's, blasting rope one last time in a seizure like orgasm on a full moon.ඞ
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online games to play with friends on different computers racing video

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Virtual games to play with friends while you’re stuck in ...

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