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AS Week 3 | 2 Fish 2 Furious (Judges' Critiques)

Greetings, racers! This week saw our All Stars in a real race to the finish. Their wacky wheeled contraptions were a sight to behold, as they worked in teams of two to make some motor magic! Now it’s time to rewind the tapes, and look at that slow-mo replay.
Please welcome your judges for this week!
The judges have deliberated and made their decisions. Will the following team please step forward:
Malaria E. Coli & Sartana

Congratulations, you are both safe and can leave the raceway. Your critiques can be found in this doc.

All other racers, you represent the best and worst of the week. You'll receive your critiques in the order that the looks album was presented.

Crabby Crusaders | Bitte Bitte and Ms. Vicky Pickles

MIYU MOON: Oh wow, this look is totally wild and conceptual, you're like sexy racing crab people from South Park. I love the way your outfits match but have slight variations, like the different head shapes and the placement of little ridges and the glowing bits, and of course the mis matched claws. I almost find them a little more matchy than they could be for full effect, like there are definitely differences but it takes a minute to really separate the two looks by noticing the differences. That being said I do love them, they look very sleek and alienesque, very sculptural and smooth just like crabs and, assumedly, aliens. I love the use of the checkered pattern in the sort of bodysuit or tights underneath, it lends to the feeling of some sort of uniform sort of like a space suit or a diving suit but also keeps it racing oriented. I truly feel these two crab alien people have come to race and they intend to go fast and win, the characterization is really on point and I love that you have both a unique character element, the crab alien part, and the challenge theme of racing combined but also separately visible.
This car is really a wow factor here, I am SO in love with it. First off, it looks like it'll go fast as hell, and the giant wheels seems of course functional but in a thematic way they say to me "WE INTEND TO WIN! LOOK AT OUR HUGE WHEELS! WE WILL CRUSH YOU!" and it lends to some sort of conquering invading alien engineers. It also kind of looks like maybe a space rover robot? And the glowing lights as well give it this explorative feel, like a probe we might send to another planet or the bottom of the ocean, and both would apply here. I also really enjoy the mechanics of these little claw arm wheels, they add such a sense of reality and movement to the vehicle and give it a sort of real life crab action element. Amazing job, really an amazing team.
IFOA NYE: I’m so glad you guys seem to have immediately embraced your most cartoony and absurdist instincts as it was a complete nail on the head moment when I saw this vehicle. The comedic potential of small person and big person combinations seems to be just a timeless thing and it’s really satisfying especially imagining Vicky squished in that tiny ball. The blueprint you added is actually an eye opening moment for me and should be for anyone competing because it was only when I saw your vehicle in profile that I realized how well it evokes seafloor creatures like hermit crabs. Additionally, the choice of a sort of heroic and quintessential to racing color scheme for villainous characters is really satisfying because the crustacean details on both your vehicle and your costumes does the work to make the villainy/eerieness evident.
You carried the whimsy through to your costumes as well and it was extremely effective. I love how intentionally stupid some of the details are like the single lobster claw (especially Bitte’s huge one) and the Vicky’s crab claw headpiece which also evokes mirrors on lowrider bikes. I think the light up “sexy” parts also perfectly adds absurdist comedy, wow factor and raunch in equal measure which is perfectly fitting for your theme. I’ll give a special nod to Bitte’s headpiece for bringing the freaky as well which is yet another layer to this. Overall, I think the slightest bit more individuation to your costumes would’ve somehow amplified the impact of them as the uniformity certainly lends beautiful cohesion but somehow there is almost the slightest bit of loss of individual voice for your characters. To be honest, that is suuuuch a quibble that I feel insulting for saying it but this week the competition was so tight, that’s the level of magnifying glass inspection I’m being forced to apply. Kudos this is a spectacular piece of work.
RIPPER HOLE: Oh, okay, so Team Canada is on a mission to slay. I’m happy to announce the invasion was successful and my bussy has been colonised by crustaceans! I just wanna commend you both for the presentation of this challenge. All the extra material is so well done and I can tell a lot of time went into really fleshing this fantasy out. The vehicle looks fantastic! CRUSH-tacean Crawler is a great name and I can definitely imagine it literally crushing the competition. As for your Alien invaders, I think you’ve both nailed the characterisation and the look! I love the alien/crustacean armour and the nod to Mugler.
Bitte Bitte, you had me at giant crab claw…. Once again you've done a fantastic job at conveying a mood and you easily transported me into the fantasy. Captain Smol looks absolutely dastardly, conniving and mischievous! Pouring over the details of this look was very enjoyable and the rendering looks so schmick. Even though this is an over the top costume, I personally think this is quite fashionable and you’re doing a great job of finding the balance between the two. The helmet is MAJOR, the inflatables are fun and the glowing arse is probably going to awaken something in me. You really impressed me this week and I hope you can keep the momentum going!
MS Vicky, she brings it to us every ball, i don't know why im gagging so? This whole concept really feels on brand for vicky and I’m glad to see you play to your strengths! I can tell you’re having a lot of fun experimenting with different brushes and refining your methods of rendering and I encourage you to keep at it. For some reason I’m having trouble believing that your character is second in command..I’m thinking the pose is perhaps too strong and dominant? Without reading the description I wouldn't have realised there was a chain of command between you both. Aside from that, this is yet another iconic Vicky moment and I'm so excited to see what's next!

drouBle trouBle | Bettie and Bianca Biquini

MIYU MOON: Holy hell, the detail in this entire team is overwhelming in the best way possible. I love the way the outfits and the car are kind of overloaded with fine details, it looks really extravagant and couture and high end, which is absolutely on brand. I definitely get the steampunk reference but like, if we're being honest I absolutely hate steampunk, but this look improves on everything I despise about steampunk. This looks expensive and fancy and glamorous while I usually think of steampunk as looking hokey and costumey, this feels really new. The gold and royal blue combo also helps break away from the typical shades of brown and copper steampunk uses. I think that's why I find myself leaning more into Bettie's look here than Bianca's, because the brown leather in Bianca's is really throwing me off. I feel like Bettie and the vehicle match each other and look very extavagant, but Bianca's inclusion of the brown leather brings her away from the central goal and kinda makes her outfit look... I don't know if cheaper is the word, but less glamorous maybe? Like as if Bettie is the criminal mastermind here and Bianca is just her sidekick, I know that there is an element of that at play with this challenge, I think the characterization of Bianca painting Bettie's nail illustrates that dynamic while also highlighting the cool Bettie glove. But that's where I feel like Bianca gets a little lost, even tho she is meant to play a support role I feel like her look should be more glamorous as well to match with Bettie and the car, she's looking too utilitarian for me right now with the clunky flat boot and the brown straps thrown in. Also I see how Bettie has sort of a naturally gothic feeling going with her shapes and attitude, but the gothic makeup on Bianca seems like a forced element because I don’t get much goth from the rest of her outfit, just the face makeup and the earring, so I see the attempt but I don’t think it really meshed the looks together any further.
This car tho, wow, this car deserves to be in a museum. There was certainly no shortage of motif ideas or rendering prowess in the car, I think you two really meshed your energies well with this collaborative front of the car. I love that Bettie rides in the big fancy car and Bianca gets her cute little support rocket, I can imagine how Bettie may sit up there and give orders and Bianca would strap on her little goggles and go to work. That being said I do find myself kind of questioning exactly how the hell this car moves, but I'm no engineer so I try not to think that hard about it, it looks damn cool regardless.
IFOA NYE: This car is absolutely incredible and it’s a real testament to Bettie’s ability to carry sophistication and design appeal into even the most silly or unsophisticated concepts. I personally feel like the problem and challenge of steampunk generally are that its tropes are so recognizable that they’re tedious and also it’s usually an ugly mishmosh of nonsense like gears and leather just tacked on at random. This car on the other hand is absolutely elegant and villainous while also seeming totally over the top and ridiculous (those giant and unnecessary stilt legs??) which is a really cool combination. I love some of the details you guys came up with like the cutesie little sidecar for Bibi to hang out in and the idea of the organ that they bring with them to play ominous music. That’s such a Bibi idea… it’s just adorable. The idea of being spooky ooky in a cute way rather than actually scary is just so heartwarming. You carried this design theme of almost non-euclidean squiggles throughout the car and bettie’s costume and I think that was a really brilliant surprise and sophisticated touch.
I think where you guys really hit a roadblock is in character specificity. Your tale has this really clear idea about the older sisteyounger copycat but I don’t really see that anywhere in your designs and honestly aside from being steampunk (and having a cross earring) it almost seems like the two characters come from different worlds. I ultimately think the choice of steampunk was smart to unite your completely different aesthetics but you guys didn’t do enough work to make the specific characters seem united. In Bettie’s case, I think it’s kind of fascinating in the same way as with the car to see you take on a bit of a visual clunker trope wise like the mad inventor with a mechanical arm (it’s just so recognizable at this point) and applying your design skills to really make it sleek and beautiful. I think you should keep that in mind as you go forward that your work can be amplified by picking “things that shouldn’t work” as subjects and then applying your talent for beauty and sophistication. Again I love the specific way you constructed and applied the metal in these strange shapes and I love that the arm is really over the top and has nails as it bring down the seriousness factor and ups the fun which was super important here. Bianca, on the other hand, it feels like you were really bogged down in your focus on some rendering challenges (that’s a guess) because this piece really lacks your usual sense of joy, good eye for editing and whimsy. I find the outfit is clunky and doesn’t feel little sister-y at all. I don’t really see a design connection with bettie or the car and even the accoutrement feel very arbitrary. There’s not like a specific weapon or choice that my eye lands on and enjoys except for the quadruple pigtails which is indeed quite fun. Having asked you guys how often you interacted and finding out it was constant, I do have to tag you pretty hard for not working to incorporate more of the visual language from the car into your piece!
RIPPER HOLE: Wow I can’t believe Bianca and Bettie invented steampunk! To be frank, seeing the both of you in a team made me a bit nervous and I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. I was worried that your styles are just too different and your theme would end up being a mishmash of random ideas. I’m so glad that you were able to come together with a unified concept - and rendering-wise I think it’s well executed! The car is so well done, Betties meticulous rendering really came in to play and I’m so impressed by all the little details. Even though this was clearly drawn by Bettie, I can definitely see details that could only come from the mind of Bianca.
Whilst I adore your vehicle, unfortunately the costumes and characterisation aren’t really hitting the sweet spot. I think your characters backstory is okay, and it was smart to go with the big sister, little sister schtick, I just think there's a disconnect to what we read in the description and the image of your characters. I wouldn’t say you guys have failed, but compared to the other contestants it's just a bit boring and predictable.
Bettie - Your outfit is definitely more successful and that's largely due to the huge mech arm which is so whimsical and campy. Thanos but making it fashion. The rest of the outfit is a meh for me. The posing and the facial expression is strong but I’m not convinced it was the best way to convey your character.
Bianca - I’m happy to see you're experimenting with shading and taking more time to render your looks. I’m finally seeing Bianca in HD, let’s hope we get 4K next. I think your biggest problems this week are posing and characterisation, or lack thereof. Your character is supposed to be this Rocket Racoon inspired gunslinger, but your pose and expression fails to convey that ragged and roughness. The outfit is also a bit of a mess. I think you could have ditched the tan leather vest and shoes and incorporated some of the gold from Betties look.

The Slag Sisters | Ambrosia and Sally Spellman

MIYU MOON: Oh fuck, this is one hell of a team to unpack here. Every inch of these outfits and the car are covered in meticulously thought out details and oh, it's such a treat to the eyes! I love that your outfits really match despite actually not really matching. They match so much in spirit and function that they don't need to have identical colours, there's no real question these two women came here together and belong on a team with each other and absolutely nobody else. They're not heavily race inspired in the garments, but everything else about the looks gives us the racer characterization we need. You have the goggles, but those wind-blown faces really sell it all, we can tell these women like to go fast and probably haven't stopped speeding in 30 years. I love that these looks really have character to them, I can almost smell the motives of these women from here, the attitude is very potent with this pair. Not to mention the rendering is just really spot on, everything looks really nicely finished with a good eye for detail. From afar they grab my attention with the overall craziness and then the closer you get, you notice the fun details and notice the actual prettiness in the looks buried under the insanity.
This car is just... I don't know if there are words that exist to describe this car. At first I noticed all the little details bit by bit, all the little dongs and tacky materials and details. Then I sort of zoned out and finally clicked with the full image of the car being a man on his back that they are both riding him I lost it, that is just so hilariously perfect. It just furthers the storyline of these two women while also explaining so many seemingly thrown together details, really it's just a brilliant car and I cannot get over it. Everything about this look is perfectly crafted, head to toe, every detail is on point, really can't go wrong here.
IFOA NYE: I really think the heart of this challenge was to pick an immediate and iconic trope and nail the details such that the specific characters you’ve made feel unforgettable and The Slag Sisters are exactly that. Both the world of drag and the world in general has seen its fair share of cougar humor but the design details you guys embedded here feel totally specific and unique and I’m in love with it. I adore the fact that these queens feel like older versions of your characters to an extent and the animal print motif allows them to feel completely cohesive while exploding with their own personality. The Lorena Bobbit is what really takes it to the next level as this is one of the most beautifully designed pieces of machinery I’ve ever seen. It immediately recalls Moebius aka Jean Giraud’s designs which is possibly the highest compliment I can give anything. The idea of driving the man car by it’s gross sex doll mouth and joystick dick is absolutely perfect and it somehow marries the feeling of Klimt’s the scream, the storied history of gay pornographic art and hot rods while also seemingly completely plausible as a vehicle. It’s also somehow elegant despite being tacky to the bone and that feeling and the way it mirrors your queens is just spectacular.
Ambrosia, you packed in delight after delight into this design. The perma-windblown hair and face are so terrifying in the best way and recall Ambrosia’s own penchant for abstract shape statement hair. I feel so honored that you put in a nod to my own body shape with this hideous paunch and the combination of socks with shoes and a knee brace is incredible. Lastly, a stoma with a cigarette in it. Yes. Absolutely. Sally, I think I love yours for almost the opposite reason which is that I can twist my neck and squint and imagine you producing a similar outfit for modern day sally but done hyper elegantly. It’s that overall effect rather that the details that strikes me the most. It feels like such a seamless transition from your style instincts while also bringing all the tacky we require and the clash patterns sing to my soul. The knockers are given ample space to speak and decorated as they darn well should be. I honestly feel like you guys know these women and the world that would have spat them out so intimately that they actually don’t feel like disrespectful caricatures but actually sort of feel powerful and celebratory which is my absolute favorite quality in drag. This is major.
RIPPER HOLE: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my gawd. This is the best the both of you have ever looked. My only advice this week is to quit drag, because it’s all downhill from here! It feels like both you shady whores jumped straight into my mind and produced exactly what I wanted to see. I just wanna say thank you for bringing the comedy and the drag and the design and the level of rendering we expect!
This car is perhaps the best thing I have ever seen. There are so many fantastic yet rotted details and they are all so well placed and fucking hilarious. Everything is so well thought out and exactly what I expect from two literal cocking destroying goddesses. Having an ashtray and a drink holder next to each other is just thoughtful design, u kno? The characterisation and pose is well...completely on point. I know these women because I AM these women. It’s obvious that you both have fallen on hard times (and harder dicks), but you found the strength to get up and collect that unemployment check which will be instantly spent at the casino.
Ambrosia - Why are you so obsessed with me? I’m flattered that I’m your favourite MPAR Queen but like this outfit is verging on -2 points territory. I’m also curious as to how you found a picture of me at my first holy communion? For reals though, your sense of humour is as impeccable as your rendering skills and you absolutely nailed everything about this challenge. Brava!
Sally- Them titties just keep getting bigger and lower.... No wonder your lower lumbar is fucked up. Your choice of fabrics are extremely offensive - therefore perfect for the character! The makeup is horrendous yet oddly familiar... You have a wicked sense of humour and it’s really shining through in this image! I do feel that Ambrosia outshined you a little bit but this is still a fantastic interpretation of the character and you also nailed this challenge!

Hyenaiad Bounty Hunters | Epinette and Ophelia N. Cyde (Late)

MIYU MOON: I really love these outfits, I definitely see the hyena and aardwolf inspiration and how it translated through. I like that the outfits thematically go together but don't technically have a ton in common on paper, it keeps it really interesting while also giving us a solid storyline. I really like Epi's details on the body, it gives a very wild, fun, and funky vibe that definitely translates the spirit of a hyena. I don't know much about aardwolves but from this look I'd guess they're more chill, shadowy type creatures, so hopefully that's true at least so this look makes sense, otherwise you could trick me and I guess I wouldn't know the difference haha. I think the looks utilize a good amount of bold shape for far away appeal as well as bringing in some fine details to keep things looking fashionable and fully realized. If anything it just feels like Epinette is grabbing all the attention here because of the brightness of her outfit along with the very strong pose, where as Ophelia is kinda fading into the background with the colours, and being posed on top of the car it's just kinda melding together from afar.
This bike is definitely fitting for the theme, definitely gives me the feeling like you two picked these bones clean and turned it into a bike. That being said it does come across as kind of simplistic, the idea is definitely there but I feel like the rig could use more going on to give it a real sense of wackiness and an ability to survive the race and be a top contender. It seems like it's all up to Epinette to grapple onto others and make something happen, I wish the vehicle had more going on with it so I felt like you guys might actually have a chance to knock out your competition. It would seem that the greatest strength going for this ride is simply its speed and ease of control but it lacks any real sense of packing a punch or really bringing the personality of its riders into some weapons or more details or something that would connect everything better.
IFOA NYE: This concept is really great both on a character level, inventiveness of inspiration and the way it granted immediately satisfying looks that both scream fashion and show off the references. I think the “super cool killer” trope was a surprising way to take the screwball cartooniness of this prompt but it definitely could have worked really well for you guys as when I look at these looks together I find them on the road to iconic. That said, this whole look and concept feels let down by lack of design on the bike and to a lesser extent on Ophelia’s outfit. The bike is generic looking and almost reminds me of Ghostrider but without that level of over the top silliness and fun. The smiling carcass head is a great design detail but it feels like not enough work was put in to make it actually look interesting. Overall the bike looks like a first design attempt and the way it’s rendered is surprising considering your team houses two of our most talented renderers.
I’m also not all the way impressed on an outfit level. Epinette, you actually managed a really great balance between fun, danger and sexy. This orange pops and I have to applaud the cohesiveness considering how hard the other judges have been knocking you for it. Spots immediately bring fun and whimsy to a look that otherwise says vicious killer and the tension between the two is great. The one cartoony design detail of the hyena bandana is enough to lend the whole design an instantly memorable quality, make it fit the prompt and I especially love that it’s not just the laughing mouth but also the ears. Ophelia’s look feels considerably less accomplished. It’s not a bad look by any measure but I think of you as hitting us every week with a hyper careful and considered design eye and here it feels very simplistic design wise. There’s not that much joy to the way these pants fit or the vest is designed. It’s like just adjacent of your usual amazing work and I can’t put my finger on exactly why this lacks your essential qualities but it does. To end on a positive note, this bandana is very sweet, I love this dorky hair and of course your sense of color is always perfection.
RIPPER HOLE: Out of all the pairings, you two had me the most intrigued. I was expecting something cool and filthy, but I’m left pretty underwhelmed by the looks and the vehicle. I think you guys had an awesome idea - i looooove the concept of the hyena and i think going for a more savage or serious take was a good way to differentiate yourselves from the competition. I can see the bones (lol) of the idea, but it still needed a lot of work to bring it up to the same level as everyone else. The bike has a lot of potential and there are a few areas, like the skull, that are successful and interesting. It just needed more! The bike needed to look more ominous and filthy. I think Mad Max might have been a good reference point for you guys in regards to the bike and the outfits themselves.
Epinette - I actually really enjoy this outfit! You’ve a fantastic job with the proportions of your outfit and I’m so glad its not another structured jacket and skirt combo. Your styling really shines through with this look - i love all the items and fetish wear isn't overbearing or cliche. The mask and earring combo is so fun and clever! If you wanted to take this to the next level I’d suggest making the posing a bit more feral!
Ophelia - In my opinion you’ve conveyed the mood of your character and the inspiration, but unfortunately it’s let down by the basicness of the outfit. It’s drawn well, the folds and the rendering look nice, but the outfit itselfs just doesn't resonate and it looks dowdy. Even though your breed of Hyena is more subdued, it's still a will animal, and this outfit fails to express that.

At 10pm PST, we will announce the winner of the challenge and the bottom two.

submitted by lifesneverhumdrum to mspaintsartrace [link] [comments]


As usual I must point out that, this being a pair of holiday weekends, regular karaokes and so on may not happen. Please contact the venue to find out unless marked confirmed (and even maybe then). Be safe out there! Have fun!
Tally’s Independent Cinema and Theater Offerings:
SUNDAY 12/24
  • Cap City Video Lounge and Theater: 2ND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EVE 'HOME ALONE' DOUBLE BILL. “Hello there, Gang! And Merry Christmas Eve! We are going to be open briefly the day before Christmas, as is our tradition, to serve up coffee, donuts and one of our favorite holiday classic double punches of yule tide family friendly cartoonish carnage and brutality! 11am: Home Alone (1990, dir. Chris Columbus). 1pm: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992, Chris Columbus). Come and join us this Christmas Eve morning as we gather together to watch as Kevin McCallister is abandoned by his family on two separate occasions to fend for himself against two malevolent thieves known as...The Wet Bandits! That's right, two of the highest grossing movies of the 1990's sure to get you in the holiday spirit this Christmas Eve as young Kevin McCallister beats, bashes, and breaks two idiotic mean who make the mistake of trying to ruin his Christmas! We sure hope you can join us! Stay Merry!” 11am
  • Urban Food Market: Sunday Brunch With Silviu Ciulei. 11:30am-1:30pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: 3rd Annual Christmas Eve White Elephant Party. “Join us for an evening of food, drinks, fun, and friends. Open Mic! Bring a gift (max $20 value) for the White Elephant exchange. Bring a covered dish if you like.” 7pm
  • Finnegan’s Wake Pub: Your Scumbag Neighbors Christmas Eve Spectacular. 8pm
MONDAY 12/25
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays hosted by Belmont & Jones. “Antique blues played acoustical.” 8pm/$2
  • Fifth & Thomas: Catfish Alliance Christmas Night! 9pm
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “Find your favorite local goodies now on Tuesdays! Join us at Frenchtown Farmers Market for all-local produce, eggs, gourmet jelly, and more. The market opens at 3pm and we're here unitl 7pm, so come after you pick the kids up from school or on your way home from work. We can double SNAP benefits through the Fresh Access Bucks program. Our farmers accept WIC and Senior farmers market nutrition program coupons.” 3pm-7pm.
  • Junction @ Monroe: Live Rehearsal Tuesdays. “Tuesdays are Live Rehearsals at J@M. Sponsored by the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild. Utilize our complete backline and PA for rehearsals, jams, or hold auditions. Up to one hour slots (or more depending on number of signups) per artist/group.” 4pm
  • Madison Social: Trivia Social. They do half and half theme and miscellaneous, so check their FB every week for an event page. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: Silent Night, Deadly Night 1 & 2. 7:30pm
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Trivia With John Carpenter. Lively and fun. 7:30pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: Trivia Factory. 7:30pm
  • Midtown Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank. 50 questions of sweet, sweet trivia. Food! Beer! Something random in a bag! 8pm/free
  • Blue Tavern: Roda Vibe. “FSU musicians and others join to create a fun musical event that everyone can enjoy. In Portuguese, Roda is pronounced "Hoda." If it doesn't make you want to dance, check your pulse.” 8pm/free
  • Fire Bettys: Now That's What I Call Tuesday! Dance Party. 8pm
  • Fourth Quarter: Trivia With Professor Jim. AUCE wings. Truly a trivia favorite. 8pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Pete. 8:30pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Karaoke with DJRah. 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Trivia Tuesday! 9:30pm
  • Applebee’s on the Parkway: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Pockets Pool: Karaoke with Dwight. 10pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Passersby followed by The Aucilla Jug Stompers. “Those boys from Aucilla are back to raise more ruckus – expect some country blues, some hillbilly and hobo songs, and musical mischief in the great jug band tradition. Unfortunately, their usual jug player, Lawrence Blake, won't be present for this event. But fear not! There will be a special mystery guest jug player for the night! To find out just whom that guest player is you'll have to come out to the Tavern and see! You won't wanna miss this! “ 7pm/$2
  • Fermentation Lounge: Quizmaster General Knowledge Trivia. “Quizmaster is hosted by Bennett Miller from 7-9pm every Wednesday, and features three rounds of general knowledge trivia (and a weekly food special). It is free to play and teams of up to 6 are welcome. The winner of each round receives a sample flight, and the Quizmaster for the night receives a $25 gift card and serious credit on Geek Street.” 7pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Trivia With Greg. 7pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: BYOBG! Bring Your Own Board Game. “Our gracious host, Trevor Bond, will be featuring one game each week. Feel free to bring your own games to play & share.” 7pm/21+
  • Junction @ Monroe: Bike Night, Bingo, and Karaoke. 7pm
  • Hobbit (P’Cola): Trivia Factory. “General Knowledge, 20 questions + Wager Final. $25/$20/$15.” 7:30pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: CineMashup featuring Long Kiss Goodnight and The Last Boyscout. 7:30pm
  • Proof: Bar Trivia With Hank. “Drink delicious brews and show off all those random factoids you thought you’d never use. Local beer, local trivia in the heart of Tally’s Art District. They now have the MoBi food truck every week! Bar tab for 1st and 2nd place teams.” 7:30pm/21+/no cover
  • The Warehouse: Open Mic. “There is a lottery for time slots. Now smoke free!” 8pm
  • Finnegan’s Wake: Waxy Wednesdays. “Feelin' waxy, Tallahassee? That's probably just because it's Wednesday. At Finnegan's Wake, Waxy Wednesday means DJ Ryze will be hitting our floor again to spin some vinyl and get your feet moving tonight. Feeling a bit sour, girls? Not to worry- we'll also have some fantastic $5 drink specials going for all those Tallahassee ladies looking for a bit of fun. Come out and help us get the party started!” 8pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • Krewe de Gras: DÉJÀ VU Latin Wednesdays. “FREE Salsa/Mambo classes by Barry C. Williams. The duration of the class is 9-10 and having a partner is not necessary. If you've never danced Salsa/Mambo before then don't worry about it. The classes are made to be easy and fun so you can come learn some moves and then stay and dance until 2am to the sounds of DJ Jimmy Suave.” 9pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Corner Pocket: Karaoke. 9pm
  • Bird’s: Comedy Night. I’m pretty sure this is both a performance and an open mic. 9:30pm/free
  • 926: Women Crush Wednesday. “Welcome Home again Ladies! Located in the Herstoric Brothers Nightclub Venue (later known as Pug Mahone's & Pug's Live), Woman Crush Wednesday, our newest weekly LGBTQ+ event, is going on THIS Wednesday at 926! Social Hour to start at 5pm with our regular Happy Hour Specials followed by Dance Music Clubside at 10pm with DJ Garion Djgg Grant. And show at Midnight! Join us for dinner and cocktails from our fabulous Menu with original items direct from our Head Chef Kyle and drinks from our amazing Bartender Rebecca ! Come join us for the newest Ladies' Night in Tallahassee! The best new way to spend your Wednesday!” 10pm/18+
  • Crystal Portal: Sound Healing Journey: Handpan Kokopelli. “Since 2001 the handpan has become one of the world’s most elusive instruments. With it’s ancient timbre and flying saucer appearance, the handpan offers a transformational experience for those who hear its sound. Kip offers an exclusive session with the Crystal Portal community into the enchanting world of this beautiful instrument. Attendees will get the chance to become engaged with sound and experience music like never before. Please hydrate well before coming and bring water to integrate the sounds you’ll be experiencing throughout the evening. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat or blanket if you wish. Yoga mats and pillows are provided along with Free crystal infused elixir water. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so you have time to settle into a comfortable position by 6:30 PM. You are welcome to join us if the healing has already begun but please do so quietly.” 6:30pm/General Admission: $20 Students: $15
  • Blue Tavern: Charlie Robertson. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Jon Camp. 10:30pm
  • Beef O’Brady’s: AJ Johnson Trivia. 6:30pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Open Mic Night. “Bring your instruments and play an open slot or just come and be entertained in Tallahassee's best sounding room!” 7pm/free
  • Hurricane: Ballistic Bingo. 7pm
  • Growler Country: Singo Night! Music Bingo has arrived! “Challenge Entertainment will be hosting this new and unique game of Bingo where a song is played and you match that to your bingo card, instead of a number. We are the only place in town right now to play this new game, so come in and win prizes with every round won!” 7pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: MST3K Thursday featuring The Beginning of the End and Giant Spider Invasion. 7:30pm
  • Skybox: $10 Cornhole Tourney. 7:30pm
  • La Fiesta: Trivia. 7:30pm
  • The Wilbury: Bar Trivia With Hank. “Picture round, current events, something scholarly, a sound round, and an oddball/pop culture round. We’re talking 50 questions of the finest trivia, hand crafted by local artisans. (Hank. Hank is the local artisans.) First and Second Place Teams win great bar tabs! Check out the Bar Trivia With Hank FB page for schedules, hints, and extra-point puzzles.” 8pm/free but please sit and drink or buy Hank shots
  • Dux (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Big Bob. $25 bar tab given away every week. 8:30pm-12:30pm
  • Midtown Caboose: Trivia Factory. “General Knowledge, 20 questions + Wager Final. $35/$25/$15, and Best Team Name gets a round of shots.” 8pm
  • Island Wings: Bike Night, Lori Kline LIVE.
  • Unique Wonders: Live Comedy with Big Hou! 8:30pm/$5
  • Junction @ Monroe: Comedy Zone: Frank Del Pizzo & Mark Evans. 9pm
  • Pockets: Karaoke Dance Party with Keith Welch. 9pm/21+
  • Brass Tap Midtown: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-Midnight
  • Applebees on Cap Cir: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Birds: Karaoke with Nathan. All the songs. $1 Pabst drafts. 10pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Savanna Leigh Bassett. 6pm
  • 7th Hill Taproom: Jerry Thigpen. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Steve Sternberg: Boogie Woogie Piano. 8pm/$2
FRIDAY 12/29
  • 926 Lounge: The Friday Night Party. “Tallahassee's premier LGBTQA dance party night is back again! Pregame with Tom in the pub during happy hour from 4PM-9PM. The dance floor kicks into full gear at 10PM so you can rage to your faves as DJ Carben and DJ Brian Gladden keep you dancing all night. The Drag Show starts at midnight when the 926 Ladies join our hostess Sassy Black on the stage to entertain. It's a show you definitely don't want to miss, so arrive early to get a good seat!” 4pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Backstage Garden Happy Hour. 5pm-8pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: Ferocious Fem Friday featuring Hidden Figures, Chi-Raq, Foxy Brown. 7:30pm
  • Hobbit South: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Paul. 8:30pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Island Wing Company: Friday Night Unwind, Keith Taylor Band. 9pm
  • Stetsons @ The Moon: Karaoke with Devin Cywinski. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Geo's Pub & Pool (both locations): Karaoke. 10pm-1am
  • Blue Tavern: Tommy Hoople's Delta Ringnecks. 4pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Flat Moon Theory in the Backstage Garden. 6pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Jason Byrd Trio. 6pm
  • Indianhead Factory: End of the year Extraganza with Graham Snuggs and Friends. 8pm/all ages/$5
  • Fifth & Thomas: The 850. 8pm/21+/no cover
  • Blue Tavern: Vgo. 8pm
  • The Wilbury: Mira reunion show, Hold That Hand, Langtry. “A reunion show for Tallahassee dream-pop/shoegaze legends MIRA! Also on the bill are locals HOLD THAT HAND and LANGTRY (Patrick McKinney, ex-Iron & wine). Plus this will be a FREE show, so don't miss out!” 8:30pm/free
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Maurice John Vaughn Blues Revue. 9pm
  • Park at Monroe: The Downtown Marketplace. 9am
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “Find your favorite local goodies! Join us at Frenchtown Farmers Market for all-local produce, eggs, gourmet jelly, and more. We can double SNAP benefits through the Fresh Access Bucks program. Our farmers accept WIC and Senior farmers market nutrition program coupons.” 10am – 2pm.
  • Cap City Video Lounge: New Years Ring-In featuring Bridget Jones’ Diary, Ghostbusters 2, Four Rooms, Strange Days, Miracle Mike. Noon?
  • Gamescape: Game Tally Saturday Board Gaming. “Meeting weekly in Tallahassee, Florida, we seek to promote and offer public opportunities to learn new games and make new friends in a relaxed, fun environment.” Noon
  • Salty Dawg: Karaoke with Paul. Family friendly! 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Cowboy Chris. 9pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • El Patron: Pasion Latina. Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton. 9pm
  • 926 Lounge: Sanctuary: Tallahassee’s Longest Running Goth Night. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Challenger Learning Center: Lunar Quest Public Mission. “Embark on a space mission to the moon Saturday, December 30 from 10am - 12pm at the Challenger Learning Center of Tallahassee. Lunar Quest Public Mission - Set in the near future, participants are sent on a mission to the moon where NASA currently has a lunar colony. Teams will perform investigations and analysis to learn what factors are necessary to make a lunar colony sustainable. Visit for more details and registration information. The cost is $10 per person per program for registrations received before 12:00 p.m. the day before the program. The cost is $15 per person per program for registrations received after 12:00 p.m. the day before the program.” 10am
  • Feeling Art Studio in RR Sq: Leaf Art. “Making pictures, animals, landscapes with leaves. Let your imagination go wild! Every kiddo leaves with their art framed and ready for display! Leaves will be provided but bring your own if you want.” 10am/$15/age 5-12
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Six String South! 6pm-10pm
  • Lee Hall: Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Chris Skene & Mickey Abraham. 8pm
  • Wine Loft Wine Bar: New Years Early with Maharajah Flamenco Trio. “From all over the world we are bringing Maharajah Flamenco Trio back to Tallahassee for New Years Early. Thats right, get the jump on 2018 Saturday, Dec.30. We will have hourly drink specials and a champagne toast at midnight. Of course MFT will provide the rhythm and pulse for the evening.” 9pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Swingin’ Harpoon. 9pm
SUNDAY 12/31
  • Athena’s Garden: Herb Class. 2pm
  • 926: Sunday Rewind NYE. “It's time to rewind 2017 and ring in 2018 and we're doing it in true 926 style! For the early birds, Happy Hour will be from 6 pm until 8:30. Come early and enjoy some Rewind Trivia and other fun activities! At 9 pm, the club side opens - VJ Carben and DJ Matt East will be spinning your favorite videos and songs from throughout the last 40+ years while revisiting some of the best dance beats from the past year. There will be a champagne toast at midnight along with special performances from some of the 926 Queens and maybe even a few surprises thrown in as well! Food and drink specials all night - join us New Years Eve, it's gonna be graight!!” 7pm/No cover if you are in line before 12. After 12, cover is just $5 for 18+
  • Birds: Sunday Night Tea Drag Show. 10pm/$5
  • Skate World: NOON Year's Eve Party. Noon-5pm
  • Tom Brown Park Softball Fields: Pickup Ultimate Frisbee. "All skill levels welcome. We ask everyone bring a white shirt, a black shirt, and water. Cleats are encouraged." 2pm
  • The Sharing Tree: Kids New Years Party. “The Sharing Tree invites you and your little artists to our first ever New Years Eve Party! Join us for art, countdowns, dress up and play... plus some healthy treats! We will be making noise makers and wishing wands (sorry parents!) we will also have awesome countdowns at 4, 5, and 6pm. Also, a New Years wish bowl and giveaways! Wear an awesome outfit and be ready to dance, make art, and have fun with friends!” 3pm-6pm/Tickets are $5 per person or $12/ family!
  • Island Wing Company: Ring in 2018 Island Style featuring The Miller Band. 5pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Top Shelf Band New Years Eve Party. 6pm
  • Tin Lizzy’s: PROHIBITION REPEAL NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION. “This event is in honor of Jackson County no longer being dry, we are celebrating post-prohibition style so wear your favorite roaring 20's attire and come ready to party! Everyone over the age of 21 is welcome to join the fun!” 6pm/$20
  • Cascades Park: NYE Fireworks. “Enjoy a dazzling Fireworks show in beautiful Downtown Tallahassee's Cascades Park. Fun for the whole family brought to you by Tallahassee Downtown and the City of Tallahassee, FL - Government! The Trolley will be running throughout the evening.” 7pm
  • Brass Tap: Midtown's NYE Masquerade Party. “Make this NYE a night to remember at #BrassTapMidtown's Masquerade Party. We'll have specialty tappings, signature cocktails, live music and a complimentary champagne toast at midnight. Dress up or dress down - there are no rules to this masquerade. First 100 people get a complimentary masquerade mask.” 7pm
  • Backwoods Bistro: New Years. “Start the new year right with your favorite people at Backwoods Bistro! Party favors, drink specials, champagne jello shots, Mechanical Lincoln play 9-11:30, and then we watch the ball drop and ring in 2018!” 7pm
  • Waterworks: New Year's Eve at Waterworks. “No cover and a free glass of champagne at midnight! We'll decorate a bit and hope that 2018 makes up for the stinky 2017! Drink, eat, dance and maybe get a smooch at midnight while ringing in the New Year!” 7pm/21+/free
  • Fifth & Thomas: New Years Eve Party w/ Morning Fatty. 8pm/21+/free
  • Bannerman Crossings: New Years Eve. “Come celebrate the New Years at Bannerman Crossings! Free concert by The Rockitz at the pavilion and champagne bar from Blu Halo. Dont worry plenty of heaters to keep you warm and having a good time!” 8:30pm-12:30pm
  • American Legion Hall: Crooked Shooz. 8:30pm/$15 for one, $25 for 2
  • Ology Brewing Company: New Year's Casino Night. “Come bring in the New Year with Ology Brewing Co! This party will have a casino night theme - beer flowing, champagne popping, Los Hooligansing, ball dropping, blackjack tabling, raffling kind of night. Ticket entry only. $35 will get you entry into the event, dinner, snacks, 3 drink tickets, half off beers throughout the night, blackjack chips, and a great time hanging out with friends. Space is limited - come to the taproom and get your tickets early to ensure your entry. Don't forget to set up a ride home!” 9pm/21+
  • Level 8: Ring in the New Year! “Enjoy live music by Catfish Alliance, hors d’oeuvres, flowing champagne all night , party favors and a balloon drop at midnight. Level 8 will also be pouring your favorite drinks all evening!” 9pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: New Years Eve Bash with the Johnnie Marshall Blues Band. 9pm
  • The Bark: New Years Eve Party Birthday Show. “Unfortunately Franklin Manor is no longer with us but were still doing a New Years Eve show of course. It is also Kayla Gordon and Sebastian Fioris birthdays party. Putting 2017 in the rear view mirror whats 2018 got in store for Tallahassee? Performances by: Kayla Gordon, Lowlife, Dog Years, Nostradogmus, and more? DJ Stephen Shrewsbury will be bringing in the music when the bands are not.” 9pm
  • Madison Social: 2nd Annual New Years Eve Drink Around The World. “If you have ever wanted to hit up multiple countries on New Years Eve, well now you can (sort of). Us, Centrale and Township are hosting an Epcot style Drink Around the World to ring in 2018. Bounce around to all three locations and experience beer, wine and cocktails from various countries around the world. Your ticket includes six drinks from six different countries (two at each location) and a champagne toast at midnight at whatever location you happen to be at.” 9pm
  • The Southern Pub: New Years Celebration. 9pm-1am
  • Cap City Video Lounge:
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays hosted by Belmont & Jones. “Antique blues played acoustical.” 8pm/$2
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “Find your favorite local goodies now on Tuesdays! Join us at Frenchtown Farmers Market for all-local produce, eggs, gourmet jelly, and more. The market opens at 3pm and we're here unitl 7pm, so come after you pick the kids up from school or on your way home from work. We can double SNAP benefits through the Fresh Access Bucks program. Our farmers accept WIC and Senior farmers market nutrition program coupons.” 3pm-7pm.
  • Junction @ Monroe: Live Rehearsal Tuesdays. “Tuesdays are Live Rehearsals at J@M. Sponsored by the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild. Utilize our complete backline and PA for rehearsals, jams, or hold auditions. Up to one hour slots (or more depending on number of signups) per artist/group.” 4pm
  • Madison Social: Trivia Social. They do half and half theme and miscellaneous, so check their FB every week for an event page. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge:
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Trivia With John Carpenter. Lively and fun. 7:30pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: Trivia Factory. 7:30pm
  • Midtown Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank. 50 questions of sweet, sweet trivia. Food! Beer! Something random in a bag! 8pm/free
  • Blue Tavern: Roda Vibe. “FSU musicians and others join to create a fun musical event that everyone can enjoy. In Portuguese, Roda is pronounced "Hoda." If it doesn't make you want to dance, check your pulse.” 8pm/free
  • Fire Bettys: Now That's What I Call Tuesday! Dance Party. 8pm
  • Fourth Quarter: Trivia With Professor Jim. AUCE wings. Truly a trivia favorite. 8pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Pete. 8:30pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Karaoke with DJRah. 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Trivia Tuesday! 9:30pm
  • Applebee’s on the Parkway: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Pockets Pool: Karaoke with Dwight. 10pm/21+
  • the Bark: Bedroom Parade, Salt Wound, Kayla Gordon, Meatspeed. 9pm/all ages
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

Ads for 2017-04-23 (1 / 2)

Subreddit Title Brand
television ‘Wheel of Time’ TV Series Lands at Sony Epic Fantasy could be next GoT Sony
gaming I heard that Microsoft made a console called the Game 300. It it true? Microsoft
IAmA I've been helping businesses get ranked #1 on Google a long time, and LOVE to teach people. Can we do an AMA? Google
mildlyinteresting I took my Gatorade out of the refrigerator and it got frozen solid Gatorade
funny A Galactic First! This McDonald's franchise has just been approved to open on The Death Star McDonald's
pics Google’s artificial neural networks processes Google images. This is the result. Google
television Farm Food by Chris Ballew, a parody of "Peaches" by The Presidents of the United States of America, from the Farming episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy United
AskReddit Serious Just got my first Costco card as an adult. What do you get at Costco, Reddit? Costco
videos Confrontation between American Airlines Employee and Passengers American Airlines
AskReddit Options are getting thin: American screwed up, United screwed up. Reddit, who can we fly with anymore? United
pics Taken from inside the Rogers Center. CN Tower in all it's glory. Rogers
pics Taken from inside the Rogers Center. CN Tower in all it's glory. CN
funny Replying to not finished Facebook conversations from 6 years ago Facebook
news Why Rome sends trains filled with rubbish to Austria - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting This Dove bottle had two labels Dove
AskReddit SERIOUS People who have been on the MTV show Catfish, what was it like? MTV
OldSchoolCool My grandmother working the switchboard at Southern Bell in 1951 Bell
gaming Best Xbox games to play alone Xbox
Jokes The Orange Cashier Long Orange
mildlyinteresting The "M" in these MTV stickers is upside down. MTV
mildlyinteresting This McDonald's on Cozumel island off the coast of Mexico only serves desserts McDonald's
Music Cardiacs - Bell Clinks Prog/punk Bell
Showerthoughts If a company used stereotypes of other ethnicities in their ads like Subway does to promote their Italian sub, people would lose their shit. Subway
funny Goddammit, which one of you made this happen when you Google Sarah Jessica Parker!? Google
Music Hands - Volvo indie Close your eyes, forget the commercial, listen to the tune... Volvo
Showerthoughts Some Google Dev that was working on Google Earth was specifically assigned to make a 3-D model of your house/apartment building. Google
todayilearned TIL that during World War II, a former member of the bonnie and clyde gang by the name of W.D. Jones attempted to join the United States Army. But was rejected after doctors discovered that he still had bullets embedded in his body from multiple police shootouts from more than a decade earlier. United
AskReddit Serious What does a perfect United States look like/entail to you? United
todayilearned TIL that during World War II, a former member of the bonnie and clyde gang named W.D. Jones attempted to join the United States Army after being let out of prison. He was rejected after doctors found "four buckshot and a bullet" in his chest, and that part of his lung had been blown away. United
todayilearned TIL in the United States, people who turn 100 years old receive a letter from the President, congratulating them on their longevity. United
food Chocolate Orange Cheesecake homemade Orange
Showerthoughts I can't wait for Apple to start making contact lenses. Then I could put a filter on to make the world not look so shitty. Apple
Showerthoughts If I put translate something using Google Translate and it makes sense I know whoever wrote it probably isn't a speaker of the language. Google
movies Ghost in the Shell Cyberpunk Derelict City: VFX Breakdown Shell
Music Sylvan Esso -Just Dancing pop Esso
news Vietnamese villagers free police hostages - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting An Xbox One controller's infrared sensors made visible through picture flash Xbox
pics Anyone else outside of the US wonder why ESPN still geoblocks their videos as if they're exclusive footage? ESPN
todayilearned TIL that Steve Jobs thought pairing a stylus with a tablet would render it a failure in design. In 2015 Apple announced the Pencil, a stylus for iPads Apple
gaming New hopeful gamer with a few questions regarding Xbox one and PS4 Xbox
videos Michael Jackson MTV 10th anniversary MTV
todayilearned TIL someone anonymously sent St. Jude Children's Research Hospital a $1 million-winning McDonald's Monopoly piece. Although McDonald's does not allow the transfer of prizes, they had waived the rule. McDonald's
AskReddit You wake up and it is 2100. What is your first Google Search? Google
AskReddit Why was there massive public outcry that caused united to lose billions because they gave a guy a bloody lip. But almost no mention of the American Airlines lady that beat the crap out of somebody for trying to bring a stroller on board? Was it just because of the way the company handled it? American Airlines
funny You never go maximum… from Toyota engine manual Toyota
science Cuba's Cancer Revolution and Biotech: Lung Vaccine for EGF. 10's of 1000s have had lifespan extended. Power of science when socially organized. BBC Radio Podcast BBC
Music Are you a paid SoundCloud or Spotify or Google Pay user? Why did you choose that? Google
funny Looks like this Starbucks had enough Starbucks
AskReddit What is exactly 5,555 miles away from where you currently are in any direction, on Google Maps? Google
food Today I drank Redd's Apple Ale + Fireball Apple
tifu TIFU by discussing with the family about why Uber is better than taxi, whilst being driven in a taxi. Uber
videos Nikki Bella and John Cena goes Nude on Youtube Catch the video right here Youtube
gaming Looking for rhythm/music games for Playstation systems. Playstation
Showerthoughts Interesting fact: Walmart is a supermarket, not a zoo Walmart
pics First art project ever. Answers to extraneous questions: yes I was under the influence. Yes my initials are BG and yes it's my fucking birthday. art wouldn't accept my post so this post is in spite of those artsyfuckinfartsyduecheholes. BG
todayilearned TIL Sebastian Vettel named his 2009 F1 Red Bull RB5 "Kate's Dirty Sister." Red Bull
news Rupert Murdoch buying Sky News is the real reason why Bill O'Rilley was let go Sky
Jokes Why did the Facebook killer kill himself? Facebook
Jokes My answer when someone asks how I feel about United Airlines... United
Jokes Why are all the airlines in the United States so... United
aww POTUS. Puppy of the United States United
gadgets Nike and Apple are about to drop this collaboration on the public Apple
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What is it about Microsoft updates that they happen so often, instead of waiting a longer period of time to update alot in one sitting? Microsoft
Showerthoughts Toonami Tom has just been playing No Man's Sky this whole time. Sky
AskReddit serious Those of you who have deactivated Facebook accounts; Why did you and has it made you feel better? Facebook
mildlyinteresting Opened a Sprint , the whole cap came together Sprint
todayilearned TIL that 3 people attempted to sell Coca Cola's secret ingredient to Pepsi for $1.5m. But Pepsi reported them to Coca Cola and the FBI. Pepsi
news North Korea 'detains American citizen' - BBC News BBC
philosophy Atomic Intel Brief - What's Really Going On Intel
AskReddit Just like PC vs Xbox vs PS, what are the opposing sides in YOUR favourite hobby? Xbox
gaming Discussion Xbox One or other console? Xbox
todayilearned TIL Sony sold CDs that silently installed malware on PCs, in an attempt to protect their business. Sony
Showerthoughts I had a dream about Sprite last night, but even worse than that... I couldn't find any kind of function that would allow me to skip that dream. Sprite
videos My little brother has been working on this Lego Star Wars animation for what seems like forever! He finally finished it and is very proud of it and wants to see what you think! Lego
AskReddit SeriousWhat type of tweets and/or posts are most likely going to help you make your favorite celebrity follow you in Twitter and/or Instagram? Twitter
AskReddit What type of tweets or posts will most likely make your favorite celebrity follow you on Twitter and/or Instagram? Twitter
Music Roman Sky - Lost Voices Chill Trap edm 2017 Sky
listentothis TNJX - Sky Pirate Fairycore 2013 Sky
history I just found out I am related to someone who died in the Halifax Explosion. Anyone else? Halifax
videos Download Youtube Videos Without Any Software or Extension Youtube
worldnews Pope Francis: Europe migrant centres 'concentration camps' - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting These rows of apples at Target came in like this. Target
pics Crater Lake, Oregon, United States of America United
worldnews How might Donald Trump do a deal with North Korea? - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why does Charter skip certain episodes of shows on demand? Charter
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Crater Lake, Oregon, United States of America United
worldnews Spammers Populate Google Maps With Pirate Links. Copyright holders are not happy with this unintended use and are targeting the pages with various takedown notices Google
Showerthoughts I wonder if in the afterlife, your success is binary - you're successful if you have a Google doodle, and not if you don't! Google
worldnews IMF meeting drops anti-protectionism pledge - BBC News BBC
worldnews Combiflam, D Cold Total and others found to be 'substandard' by drug regulator: All you need to know Total
todayilearned TIL Every year, the Delta Dental Plans Association polls Chicago area children about the amount of money they receive for a lost tooth and compiles it into a mock financial report called the "Tooth Fairy Index." Delta
gaming What games are Must-Play games for Xbox One? Xbox
gaming I'd like to create an Xbox 1 Ghost Recon Wild lands team. Xbox
OldSchoolCool My Papa Chiquito 1969 at the Boston Subway Station. Subway
mildlyinteresting This shop has a massive Coca-Cola bottle collection. Coca-Cola
Documentaries Japan: A Story of Love and Hate 2008 - BBC doc about Naoki, a part time postal worker who used to be a high powered executive before the bubble burst in the 90's. Now lives in poverty with his younger girlfriend Yoshie in a dysfunctional relationship. BBC
listentothis Treehouse Casino -- Silver Tongue Indie/Garage Rock 2017 Casino
pics Found this old-school Coca-Cola metal cooler at an estate sale for $5. Pretty neat! Coca-Cola
Showerthoughts There should be an Uber for toilets. It could run on methane gas. Uber
AskReddit How many images are there on Google Images ? Google
gaming QUESTION Should I keep my launch PS4 and Xbox One S or trade them for a PS4 Pro? Xbox
todayilearned TIL that there was once a black market for pre-recall Blue Bell ice cream. Bell
funny Today's Google doodle looks more like a handlebar mustache rather tham what's supposed to be. Google
worldnews Holograms, mistrust and 'fake news' in France's election - BBC News BBC
OldSchoolCool Special Effects master Stan Winston and his animatronic T-Rex on the set of ‘Jurassic Park.’ circa 1993 Winston
videos Man gets high of "Air-Duster" in a McDonald's Parking Lot McDonald's
Art Illuminated T, Apple pencil, 3"x3" Apple
funny Added my SO of over a year on Facebook this morning. Facebook
Showerthoughts What if Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson are just the world's best googles? Tyson
aww A Dog Playing A Sky Rocket. Sky
todayilearned TIL that the only reason that the United States has the same Stop Sign design as the rest of the world is because the UN adopted the USA standard. The US never signed the UN convention that made it standard. United
mildlyinteresting Samsung and Apple stores next to each other in Barcelona. Apple
mildlyinteresting These IKEA interlocking chair packages IKEA
videos I made a Lego Animation for a school contest. X-Post /Lego and /Mountandblade Lego
worldnews US Accuses TCS, Infosys Of Violating H-1B Visa Norms Infosys
worldnews Film points finger at South Korean government for Sewol disaster - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Train/ Airplane / Ship / Subway operators of Reddit , what's the most unforgettable thing that happened to you during work ? Subway
AskReddit What is worse than stepping on Lego barefoot? Lego
gaming My dad plugged in my Xbox to the car now I. Can play IN THE CAR! Xbox
pics The Sheraton in Doha, Qatar looks like Camp Big Falcon Sheraton
todayilearned TIL Mike Tyson Races Pigeons And Made A show "Taking on Tyson" That Focuses On The Ancient Sport Of Pigeon Racing. Tyson
food Homemade Lego Batman cake Lego
AskReddit What's the single most horrible hotel you can find based on Google Maps' user-submitted photos? Google
AskReddit Serious Malaysian claims on Facebook that a certain stranger is releasing a sort of dizziness/fainting-inducing scent when a document is opened close to their face. Is this possible? Facebook
gaming It'll Take 2 Years to Fully Utilize Xbox Scorpio's Power; 12GB RAM Means "No Real Technical Limits", Says Stardock CEO Xbox
todayilearned TIL Cosplayers @ DragonCon made camouflage of the Marriott Hotel's carpet- and received a cease and desist for doing so! Marriott
funny Then never before seen BMW echo. BMW
Music Electric Paws - Crying Sky electronic Sky
EarthPorn OC 1080x1920 A field in spring time. Wirral, England, United Kingdom United
AskReddit SeriousWhy are Google Apps missing from upper right corner when I open Chrome? Google
dataisbeautiful Eight "nations" of the United States United
Showerthoughts It would be fantastic if there was a credit card where the rewards, instead of being airline miles, were paid out in AirBnB or Uber credit Uber
worldnews Macron-Le Pen 'in French run-off' - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Redditors in the United States; what was the last 1-900 number you called, when and why? United
funny This dude's face at the Apple Store Apple
worldnews France elections: Macron-Le Pen though to run-off, projections say - BBC News BBC
AskReddit If Facebook was a face, what part would Reddit be? Facebook
news Cherokee Nation files lawsuit targeting CVS and other pharmacies in opioid crisis CVS
news Tim Cook reportedly threatened to remove Uber from the App Store in CEO meeting Uber
gaming Anyone know what the deal is with Volkswagen vehicles being absent from pretty much every racing game made in the last 10 years? Volkswagen
todayilearned TIL that Starbucks has a secret menu Starbucks
worldnews French election 2017: Who are the candidates? - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What is the most interesting place to explore in Google maps? Google
mildlyinteresting Rust spot resembles the United States. United
news Onetime Mrs. Orange County pleads guilty to child pornography Orange
pics "Three F-86 Sabres and an F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet fly in formation during the 2016 Heritage Flight Training and Certification Course at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base" on 6 March 2016 in Arizona, USA. Photographer: United States Air Force Senior Airman Chris Massey United
videos [MY HANDS ARE TRAPPED! Statik #1 - Playstation VR Gameplay](
pics "An Air Combat Command F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team aircraft flies during the AirPower over Hampton Roads Open House" on 24 April 2016 at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, USA. Photographer: United States Air Force Senior Airman Kayla Newman United
mildlyinteresting Condom section in Walmart is called "Family Planning" Walmart
funny A wild Canadian Goose storming out of Target after realizing they only accept U.S. currency Target
Showerthoughts With the choice between LePen and Macron, France will be choosing between Goldman Sachs and Vladimir Putin. Goldman Sachs
worldnews Aurora photographers find new night sky lights and call them Steve - BBC News BBC
food Homemade Breakfast: Eggs, Sausage, Potato Veggie Hash; Crepes with a Mixed Berry Compote and Mascarpone; Orange Juice Orange
funny When you're dragged to Starbucks against your will... Starbucks
AskReddit What memories has Facebook reminded you of that made you cringe? Facebook
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What is happening when your Xbox and other electronics are "updating"? Xbox
food I ate/made - Glam'd up some McDonald's pancakes with strawberries, whip cream, and veggie sausages McDonald's
AskReddit Why does the United States not use our own excess trash/waste to make energy like some European countries do? United
Showerthoughts New movies about Steve Jobs are going to keep coming out because everyone knows Apple fans are dumb enough to pay for the same thing every couple years Apple
gaming Any good baseball games for Xbox One? Xbox
Jokes I'm so sick of United Airlines jokes. United
pics Last Nite I received my BP Fellow diploma and pin from HM King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden . BP
videos What will happen if you boil a Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino? Starbucks
gifs 120mph Ford Focus crash test Ford
personalfinance CAN Pay off OSAP or Scotiabank student line of credit first? Scotiabank
todayilearned TIL That a man once tried to sue Pepsi because he found a mouse in his can of Mountain Dew, Pepsi defended the case by proving that Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse in a few months. Pepsi
worldnews ISIS threaten to behead a hacker after he takes over 250 jihadi Twitter accounts and fills them with porn Twitter
mildlyinteresting Bought a couple sealed DVD's at Kroger today for $5 and this was on the inside of one of them Kroger
todayilearned TIL: there are more marijuana Dispensaries in Colorado Than McDonald's & Starbucks, Combined. McDonald's
funny When you're Asian and flying United Airlines United
AskReddit If Smell-O-Vision worked like a Google search, what would you look up first? Google
gaming Replaying Dawnguard and falling in love with the sexy vampire Serana again, I decided to Google who did her voice. Google
Showerthoughts There should be a Minecraft-style Lego video game Lego
pics Spotted the Notorious B.I.G. at Starbucks today. Starbucks
Showerthoughts I sometimes try to shop at Whole Foods just to remind myself how poor I'm Whole Foods
funny Because no UPS man is an island... UPS
funny My local Facebook "free and for sale" page. Tried to come up with a good caption...decided to just leave it here and let reddit do what reddit does Facebook
videos The New York Subway in 1986 Subway
mildlyinteresting This Xbox 1 fits into this shelving slot perfectly Xbox
OldSchoolCool My grandfather interviewing Albert Einstein for CBS news in the 1950's. CBS
LifeProTips LPT: Scheduling an Uber ride a day in advance cuts the price almost 40%. Great for rides to the airport. Uber
OldSchoolCool Prince Rogers Nelson circa 1978 Rogers
AskReddit What are some cool/weird/funny/creepy things you can see on Google Earth? Google
pics Today a Mazda blew past me in the opposing lane, while we were in a schoolzone. There were kids around and I want to report it. I focused in on the plate as much as I could, but would appreciate another set of eyes on what the plate could be. Mazda
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Subreddit Title Brand
:---------- ----- :-----:
AskReddit What made Facebook stay for ever whereas others like MySpace died out ? Facebook
AskReddit What would the real life consequences be for the United States and the rest of the world after the events in Season 8 of the TV series 24? United
worldnews Trump appeal against travel ban ruling - BBC News BBC
OldSchoolCool Saturday evening Post, August 25, 1945. United States Navy veteran returns home near the end of the war, to the red rock cliffs of southern Utah, via horse drawn carriage. United
funny Welcome to VAG Plaza. 1 stop shop for all your VAG needs. Step 1, Beauty Factory. Step 2, Minuteman Press. Step 3, Hookah Lounge. Step 4, Health Care Services. Step 5, UPS for the divorce documents. UPS
pics What do you mean Pizza Hut doesn't sell P'zones anymore?! Pizza Hut
OldSchoolCool Saturday Evening Post, August 25, 1945. United States Navy veteran returns home near the end of the war, to the red rock cliffs of southern Utah, via horse drawn carriage. United
AskReddit Apart from a whale what else does the Beluga Airbus look like? Airbus
pics The new McDonald's burger size- Grand Mac Tarkin McDonald's
Showerthoughts If museums have displays of everyday clothes from centuries ago, centuries from now will they have typical clothes like college sweatshirts, Levi jeans, Ugg Boots, Nike gym shorts, and the like? Nike
WritingPrompts WP You just bought a new program for Windows 3.1 from a shady manufacturer. You put it in and suddenly are knocked out. You wake up in front of a modern Microsoft computer, in 2017. Microsoft
news AT&T and Verizon just got a free pass from the FCC to divide up the internet - The Verge Verizon
food I ate The Cheapest Michelin Star Restaurant in the World Michelin
gaming Once again I regret buying an Early Access Game. In fact, I am considering buying a SONY Playstation and selling my gaming PC because of Early Access Games. Thoughts? Playstation
videos The Cheapest Michelin Star Restaurant in the World Michelin
AskReddit If you are from the United States, what is the difference between North, South, the Midwest, and West culturally? United
WritingPrompts WP You just bought a new program for Windows 3.1 from a shady manufacturer. You put it in and suddenly are knocked out. You wake up in front of a modern Microsoft computer, in 2017. Microsoft
videos The Ghost in the Shell Scarlett Johansson Clip Challenge Shell
gaming Anyone else having issues with 7 Days to Die on Xbox One? I've tried everything to play online with friends and after about 15 minutes my game won't render the map and I can't pick anything up. Xbox
AskReddit Serious If Twitter closed down tomorrow, how do you predict the world would be different 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year later? Twitter
movies The Lego Batman Movie 2017: Self Deprecating and Consistently Hysterical, This Satire is the DC Family Friendly Equivalent to Deadpool Lego
gaming When is try to load a weapon in ark in Xbox with ammo and the right weapon it just says 0/0 and I can't reload Xbox
movies THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Review: kicky, bedazzling, and super-fun. "The plastic universe of Lego once again becomes a stylized satire of the real world in a witty and bedazzling animated superhero caper that dares to mock its own hero's raging ego." Lego
television Is there any difference between the FX and BBC version of Taboo? BBC
funny The Truth About Our Situation in the United States United
Showerthoughts If Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers were still alive, they could have an argument with Bill Nye, and hardly anyone would notice. Rogers
movies The Lego Batman Movie 2017: Its Not the DC Film the People Need. Its the DC Film People Deserve. Lego
AskReddit Why does Adobe install heaps of extra crap when all I wanted was the PDF reader? Adobe
tifu TIFU: By getting McDonald's for breakfast McDonald's
gaming Minecraft Xbox The Simpsons Series HOMER GETS ARRESTED 2 YouTube Xbox
WritingPrompts WP It's 2017, the United Federation States of the Roman Empire is gearing up for it's NFL National Fighters League Gladiatorial Draft. United
funny Decided to Google translate a group message from my MIL... Google
movies My favorite movie chase scene: Casino Royale 2006 Casino
mildlyinteresting They serve both Coke and Pepsi product Pepsi
food I Ate Cinnamon Buns with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting Orange
AskReddit What normal Google search got you a weird result? Google
food Homemade Apple pie Apple
Music Rand - Angel From the Sky Alternative Sky
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Can ADP be raised to ATP in eukaryotic cells using light? ADP
tifu TIFU by not logging out of Facebook on the family computer Facebook
explainlikeimfive ELI5:Why Gulf countries including Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees? United
AskReddit If we could remove one state from the United States, which would it be and why? United
mildlyinteresting My friend's phone case used a Colgate tube box as the inside layer Colgate
pics A look at what McDonald's pays for their food. McDonald's
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Kid eating an Apple on Christmas. Apple
nosleep Brianna Westledorf's Facebook part 2? Facebook
mildlyinteresting Found this egg today while working. It has a perfect Nike Swoosh on the top of it. Nike
mildlyinteresting I'm Facebook friends with a random small town photographer because I like seeing his weirdness pop up in my newsfeed. Facebook
worldnews Woman praises train guard after racist attack - BBC News BBC
AskReddit The United States Education System got far worse than ever according to PISA. How would you improve Education if it were our Apollo Mission of the 21st Century? United
Showerthoughts The only time I use Internet Explorer is when I want to download Google Chrome. Google
Music Black Sabbath bow out in Birmingham with final concert - BBC News BBC
news Black Sabbath bow out in Birmingham with final concert - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting Pencil holder at the Lego store has a spiral staircase inside. I love this place. Lego
AskReddit If the United States were to get nuked tomorrow what would be the fist ten cities to go and why? United
explainlikeimfive ELI5 Why is United States threatened by ISIS, more than any other regions like Europe, Russia or Middle East? United
gaming Professor Winston to Winston Winston
Art self portrait, Microsoft Paint airbursh Microsoft
todayilearned TIL McDonald's used to server soda with a cone cup. Forcing you to eat there crap with one hand. McDonald's
worldnews Trump Posted A False News Report To His Facebook Page And Got Thousands Of Shares Facebook
Showerthoughts Asking Google a question is like asking the audience on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Google
todayilearned TIL that In 1934 Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testified before the United States House of Representatives that wealthy businessmen were plotting to overthrow then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. United
explainlikeimfive Eli5: TD and TC TD
pics They built a McDonald's on top of the stairway to heaven in Hawaii McDonald's
funny High Speed Chase - Texas Edition Chase
gaming Bought FIFA 16 first ever fifa from games stop and when "installing" to the Xbox one it only gets to 12%. What do I do? Xbox
gaming In a Few Days You Can Join the Xbox Insider Program Xbox
videos Hack CCTV Cameras Without Any Software Using Google 2017! Google
Music Check Out My Sped Up Music Youtube Channel! Youtube
Showerthoughts Be happy that the Delta Force and Navy SEALS exist.... As long they exist you have a chance in a worst case scenario. Delta
worldnews Trump bid to reinstate travel ban fails - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Can you give me a brief summary of the BMW internal computer system? BMW
todayilearned TIL in 2003 two men strolled on to a Boeing 727 and just flew off. Them and the plane haven't been seen since. Boeing
worldnews Trump bid to reinstate travel ban fails - BBC News BBC
food Homemade Orange Soda Cake Orange
worldnews Trump bid to reinstate travel ban fails - BBC News BBC
listentothis Charlie Winston -- Lately Indie Rock 2014 Winston
videos Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about how conspiracy theories effect society and private enterprises such as Space X. Tyson
Art Breath of the wild hype. Ipad pro with Apple pencil. 1536x2048 Apple
gaming One of the best moments of Youtube gaming skip to 8:20 if deep link doesn't work. Youtube
funny Brazilian dancers performing Total Eclipse of the Heart. AKA, Total Eclipse of Sarrada. Total
worldnews New Israel settlements 'may not be helpful' to peace, says US - BBC News BBC
Showerthoughts I love that you can Google "A man with two dogs in his pockets walking a duck wearing shoes", and get exactly that Google
worldnews Trump bid to restore travel ban rejected - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL in 1986, '60 Minutes' ran a scathing exposé on the Audi 5000, alleging it could wildly accelerate on its own. However, their on-air demonstration used a rigged car to show falsified results. Gov't tests later vindicated Audi but their sales had already plummeted. '60 Minutes' never apologized. Audi
listentothis Steve Kent -- Joy Electric Hip-Hop 2017 Kent
Showerthoughts I seem to allow reviews of apps in the app store govern my decision on a 99p purchase far more than an eBay or Amazon review on a £99 purchase. eBay
AskReddit Does the Executive Order Banning Travel From 7 Countries Only Ban Flights From Those Countries Or Does It Ban People From Those Countries From Entering The United States - If So Where Is This Found In the Document? United
funny My Starbucks coffee has little people trying to escape! Drawn by barista ; Starbucks
Showerthoughts If Google does with autonomous cars what it has done with Android phones, we can expect a future with abandoned Herbie-the-Lovebug cars everywhere, stuck and/or misbehaving. Google
videos If you're going to fake it, you'd think you would at least Google what the uniform is supposed to look like Google
Showerthoughts I have no idea what being a tiger actually feels like, yet somehow, even after all these years, eating a bowl of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes still makes me feel slightly more tiger-esque. Kellogg's
funny Came home late last night and found my roommate left me a Taco Bell sauce Bell
videos [Design Newsfeed Screen by Adobe XD Adobe XD Tutorial](
explainlikeimfive ELI5: How are Youtube comments moderated to only show the good ones? Youtube
pics How does Mike Tyson speak? Why, he uses his... Tyson
videos Dad catches son playing his Xbox after being told not to and destroys it as a result. Xbox
movies Ghost In The Shell Trailer Shell
Showerthoughts Bing is so dumb, that if you search Googol 10 to the power of 100 it presents you with Google the search engine, as the first of many references. Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why do big companies like Coca-Cola spend millions on ads when everyone already knows they exist? Coca-Cola
pics Whoever created this Lego Batman Movie t-shirt display really didn't think the design through... Lego
videos NSFW Youtube won't take this video down. Youtube
Jokes US Representatives are like the dislike button on Youtube comments Youtube
news Afghanistan and Pakistan avalanches kill dozens - BBC News BBC
worldnews Afghanistan and Pakistan avalanches kill dozens - BBC News BBC
worldnews 'You scare the heck out of me': Twitter feed collects Trump voters' regrets Twitter
todayilearned TIL Chandralekha 1948 - India - Tamil was the first film with a budget of more than a million dollars to be made outside of the United States. United
Showerthoughts I'd love to see stats for "X cm in inches" Google searches and viceversa. I have a feeling many of them will be about penises, specially at night. Google
videos The original Xbox vs Xbox One Xbox
AskReddit How much would you have to be paid to let Mike Tyson punch you in the face? Tyson
videos How Twitter throttles tweets Twitter
listentothis Rebel Kites - Atlas Sky Folk Rock 2015 Sky
AskReddit Teachers of Reddit, does Google affect your classroom? Do you know when students just Google answers? Google
listentothis Paint The Sky Red -- The Happy Ending Is You post rock 2014 Sky
AskReddit Why do you block people on Facebook for no reason? Facebook
AskReddit Why has it been that Green is Go/Good, Yellow is Slow/Warning and Red is Stop/Bad? Why this particular set of colors and not other colors like Blue, Orange or Purple? Orange
worldnews Visa holders from seven majority-Muslim countries who were turned away from the United States due to President Donald Trump’s travel ban are rushing to try again, hoping to make it through a narrow window opened by legal challenges. United
space In Search Of Liberty Bell 7: Documentary on the recovery of Grissom's Mercury capsule x-post from spacehistory Bell
funny McDonald's + Burger King + KFC Burger King
space Boeing has designed a sleek new space suit. The form-fitting Boeing Blue suit weighs only 20 pounds, about 10 pounds lighter than the bulky orange "pumpkin" suits worn by NASA shuttle crews. Boeing
AskReddit Reddit workers of Victoria's Secret & other lingerie stories, what is your most awkward experiences with customers? Victoria's Secret
Music Good Latin Instrumental Music on Apple Music Apple
Showerthoughts Charcuterie plates are the IKEA of food. IKEA
news Kent State responds to Michigan official calling for "another Kent State" Kent
funny We were making fun of the lack of exclamation points in a Super Bowl party Facebook event. Facebook
movies Film Review: 'The Lego Batman Movie' Is Super-Fun Superhero Satire Lego
Futurology How Facebook plans to evaluate its quest for generalized artificial intelligence Facebook
worldnews 'If trade stops, war starts' Alibaba founder who visited Donald Trump warns. 'The world needs globalisation, it needs trade' Alibaba
mildlyinteresting The curtains created the Windows logo over an Apple logo sticker. Apple
todayilearned TIL that in 2006, a 23-year old James Bond fan changed his name to "James Dr No From Russia with Love Goldfinger ... Die Another Day Casino Royale Bond" Casino
videos Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds apparently had nothing to do with LSD Sky
mildlyinteresting This Jeep is a pickup Jeep
Music England Dan & John Ford Coley - Love Is The Answer Soft Rock Ford
gaming Long time Xbox gamer thinking of trading in everything for PS4 Xbox
AskReddit Gamers of Reddit, what's your favorite Xbox One controlleheadset and why? Xbox
videos LSD and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Sky
gaming GameStop and Target cancelling some Switch pre-orders due to shortages Target
todayilearned TIL Metallica did a cover of Total Eclipse of the Heart Total
mildlyinteresting Visor clip in my Jeep has seen some shit Jeep
gifs Hermit Crabs Shell Exchange Shell
LifeProTips LPT To remember what's in what storage box take a photo of each item. Put it in a shared Google Photos album, generate a QR code of its URL and put a label with it on the box. This way you always know what's in a box, and can search for anything from any browser. Google
WritingPrompts WP Google has been hacked and a website published where everyone's complete web search history is available and easily searchable by their name and email address. Google
aww Hermit Crabs Shell Exchange Shell
television Top Gear: First episode 1977 - BBC News intro+2mins BBC
AskReddit Redditors who work at the McDonald's corporate headquarters, why is McDonald's such a success? McDonald's
Showerthoughts I really want to change search engine, but Google is the only one that actually finds what I am looking for... Google
videos [Emergency landing flight Boeing 777 carrying 300 passengers on sonw plane crash](
mildlyinteresting Executive Orders now has its own section on Google news Google
Documentaries Where did humans come from? - New BBC Documentary 2017 BBC
AskReddit What unusual Youtube channel are you subbed to and why? Youtube
Art Ingredients of a Subway Car, Installation with Pen and Ink Drawings Subway
gifs Trucks launched off USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier to test its jet catapult system Ford
nottheonion Kent State responds to Michigan official calling for "another Kent State" Kent
AskReddit Why Google is best search engine according to your opinion? Google
todayilearned TIL that Youtube has a stats for nerds option when right clicking on a video Youtube
explainlikeimfive ELI5 Coke and Pepsi Zero have 0% on fats salts and sugars, what is in them and how bad are they actually? Pepsi
gaming A big thank you to the amazing redditors who showed me some kindness after I posted about purchasing an Xbox 360. I am extremely grateful for all you've done for me! I can't thank you folks enough. Xbox
pics Jet Airways Boeing 777 at London Stansted Airport Diversion from Heathrow Boeing
Art two Portraits, Microsoft Paint airbursh tool Microsoft
nosleep I hacked Brianna Westledorf's Facebook part 2 Facebook
Showerthoughts I shop at Walmart but not for the low prices. I just like being the most sexy person in the store. Walmart
gaming The Apple News icon looks very similar to the Dota 2 icon. Apple
funny The summary to Google Skymaps user agreement today Google
worldnews Germans' Trust in United States Falls to Russia's Level United
funny Oh good, Walmart restocked their girlfriends aisle Walmart
gaming Where can I get Read Dead Redemption 1 for Xbox One for a reasonable price? I don't care if it's physical or digital Xbox
funny My friends and I went to Walmart today. Walmart
Documentaries Nuclear weapons... new Documentary BBC 2017 BBC
EarthPorn Roswell, Georgia, United States. Serenity by the water. OC 5184 × 2216 United
mildlyinteresting Crystal Pepsi sighting in GA Pepsi
todayilearned TIL Target stores are located in 49 out of 50 US states. The only exception is Vermont. Target
funny So I ran Bohemian Rhapsody lyrics through Google translator couple of times... Google
videos London Luton Airport Plane Spotting Wizzair Hungary Pretty In Pink Airbus Jets Up Close. Airbus
pics This Pizza Hut is ready for Super Bowl Sunday Pizza Hut
AskReddit How plausible do you think it is that the United States will start another war? United
listentothis Steve Kent -- Joy Electric Hip-Hop 2017 Kent
nottheonion [Shopper with gun kills suspected diaper thief at Florida Walmart Fox News](
pics This lady at Costco sat down, pulled out her laptop and got to work. Costco
funny "How does Mike Tyson speak? Why, he uses his..." Tyson
sports Paul Pierce hits his final bucket at the TD Garden and the crowd goes wild TD
gaming Three generations of Xbox - all simultaneously playable through the same audio/visual output except X1, thanks to component switcher Xbox
Showerthoughts I've never seen a Ferrari commercial. Ferrari
news Witness Opens Fire, Kills Walmart Shoplifting Suspect, Orange County Deputies Say Walmart
news Witness Opens Fire, Kills Walmart Shoplifting Suspect, Orange County Deputies Say Orange
videos A Video on How To Make An Apple Bong Apple
dataisbeautiful A map of the most popular NFL team by county, measured in Facebook likes Facebook
submitted by HailCorporateRobot to PotentialHailCorp [link] [comments]

Ads for 2017-01-03 (1 / 2)

Subreddit Title Brand
videos Family Guy, Peter Becomes an Uber Driver Uber
AskReddit Redditors who live in Puerto Rico: What are the feelings towards statehood/the United States like where you live? serious United
worldnews UN-Democratic, UN-Just, UN-Worthy The United Nations was a bust from the beginning. January 2, 2017 Lloyd Billingsley United
WritingPrompts IP Sky Wanderer Express Sky
videos The Nazis - Louis Theroux BBC Nazi Documentary BBC
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Harrison Ford and Emilio Estevez golfing in the early 20th century Ford
videos Car Chase Granada Hills GUNS PULLED 1/2/2017 Chase
AskReddit Women of Reddit who have posted vague Facebook messages like "Wow" or ":" or "Men..." with no other explanation, what's the real story? Facebook
gaming Guns like Lego - Where that Piece at? FO4 Lego
worldnews EU Broadcasting Corporation: BBC impartiality fears over secret millions from Brussels BBC
nottheonion Man claims age discrimination after Starbucks bans him for asking 16-year-old barista on a date Starbucks
Showerthoughts Wish I could tell Google I already bought the item so I don't have to keep seeing ads about it for a week Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What are Nissan Skylines so coveted by car people? And why are they illegal? Nissan
personalfinance Option to increase spending limit on a Chase High School account? Chase
food I ate Southwest #3 at Johnny Noodle King in Detroit Southwest
AskReddit What is the most vulgar Xbox gamertag you can come up with? Xbox
funny Found at the Local Target Store Target
videos Los Angeles Police Chase January 2, 2017 Chase
AskReddit Which Youtube star is actually worse in real life compared to their online persona? Youtube
funny Your Uber has arrived Uber
mildlyinteresting Windows XP still being used at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Sky
OldSchoolCool My grandfather's GE identification pin. 1930s. GE
television Steve-O shows his trashed 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment on MTV Cribs 2002 MTV
AskReddit What's the cringiest thing you said on Facebook as a teen? Facebook
gaming Minecraft Sky Factory 3 1.10.2 - The All New Sky Block Mod Pack 1 Sky
videos War From A Harlots Mouth - Of Fear And Total Control Deathcore Total
AskReddit Who are your favorite Twitter personalities and why do you follow them? Twitter
funny To all you Slytherins feeling left out of the Pottermore Facebook profile picture frames, don't worry, I gotchu. Facebook
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Why is Gmail's url, but Google Finance's url is Google
pics So it's true what they say about BMW drivers.... BMW
pics The Macy's near my house had an add with a model with a disability. I thought it was awesome. Macy's
gaming Who wants to party up for Infinite Warfare on Ps4 ot Xbox One? Xbox
AskReddit What Youtube channel was good back in the old days? Youtube
Jokes What's an Apple fanboys favourite terrorist group? Apple
todayilearned TIL there was no president of the United States for 24 hours in the year 1849 after James K Polk left office because his successor, Zachary Taylor refused to take the oath of office on a Sunday United
news David Warner achieves rare Test feat with rapid century - BBC News BBC
sports Umm ESPN WTF ESPN
mildlyinteresting Someone on my Facebook commissioned a Glock to look like a Nintendo Zapper. Facebook
AskReddit Recruiters of Reddit: what kind of stuff would you see on a Facebook that would avoid you hiring him/her? Facebook
AskReddit You're in Starbucks and someone in there recognized you and said that it's them from high school. You barely remember that person. What do you do? Starbucks
AskReddit How does Google Search calculate the net worth of a celebrity? Google
mildlyinteresting This shirt I found today at Kohl's perfectly showed my tattoos. Kohl's
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Rae Sremmurd - Black Beatles ft. Gucci Mane Gucci
videos Stupid Google Ads Google
AskReddit What's the current trashy drama on your Facebook feed? Facebook
worldnews Facebook 'censors' naked statue of sea god Neptune: Facebook told art historian the image violates its guide lines because it "presents an image with content that is explicitly sexual". Facebook
todayilearned TIL that Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, and Marlon Brando went on a road trip during 9/11, and "Brando allegedly annoyed his traveling companions by insisting on stopping at nearly every KFC and Burger King they passed along the highway." AND this is being turned into a movie. KFC
todayilearned TIL that Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, and Marlon Brando went on a road trip during 9/11, and "Brando allegedly annoyed his traveling companions by insisting on stopping at nearly every KFC and Burger King they passed along the highway." AND this is being turned into a movie. Burger King
worldnews Five African inventions to look out for in 2017 - BBC News BBC
mildlyinteresting Both Xbox and Playstation are using the same number to text me Playstation
mildlyinteresting Both Xbox and Playstation are using the same number to text me Xbox
worldnews Sweden's best-selling car not a Volvo - BBC News BBC
worldnews Sweden's best-selling car not a Volvo - BBC News Volvo
pics Interior of the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta Marriott
IAmA AMA Request Brandon Rogers - Youtube Comedian Youtube
IAmA AMA Request Brandon Rogers - Youtube Comedian Rogers
Showerthoughts Bill Nye is the Mr. Rogers of science Rogers
Showerthoughts Valentine's Day merchandise for sale at Walmart on January 1st = hope springs eternal Walmart
gaming Anyone need to buy an Xbox one headset? Xbox
mildlyinteresting High and Low Altitude Chart from my work. Air Traffic Controller northeastern United States United
videos Stolen Police Car Chase in LA Chase
AskReddit Reddit, 4chan, 9gag, Facebook all walk into a bar. What happens next? Facebook
worldnews Trump: North Korea intercontinental missile 'won't happen' - BBC News BBC
gaming What is the best COMPLETELY wireless headset compatible with Xbox One, PS4 and PC? Xbox
videos Does the Airbus A380 have a future? - BBC News Airbus
videos Does the Airbus A380 have a future? - BBC News BBC
worldnews Syrian conflict: Rebels threaten to boycott Astana talks - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL The "unintended acceleration" issue that led to a massive recall of 8mil Toyota vehicles from 2009-2011 was found to be mostly untrue, and that most drivers had simply just pressed the wrong peddle. Toyota
explainlikeimfive ELI5: How is Facebook getting away with copying Snapchat's filters and other features? Is there no patent or copyright infringement? Facebook
mildlyinteresting The middle of the middle panel of this McDonald's drive-thru menu is backwards. McDonald's
todayilearned TIL Manchester United Footballer Henrikh Mkhitaryan, like his manager José Mourinho, is a polyglot. He is fluent in his native Armenian, as well as Portuguese, Russian, English, French, German. Mourinho is fluent in his native Portuguese, as well as Spanish, Italian, English, and French. United
AskReddit Why can't you be Facebook official with yourself? Facebook
dataisbeautiful [Deploying Hello World.php in Google Cloud. TechYoga](
videos My Google Play Developer policy Google
videos Drumadics "All of The Lights" Kanye West - Amazing Subway Performance Subway
AskReddit Reddit, what is your favourite educational Youtube channel? Youtube
worldnews Germany Considers Fining Facebook $522,000 Per Fake News Item Facebook
Music Travis Scott - Apple Pie Rap Apple
Art An Uncertain Place exhibition install shots, Chase Barnes, Beth Dow, Yoav Friedlander, photography Chase
gaming Game giveaways PS4, Xbox One, PC but he needs our help Xbox
Jokes I farted in an Apple store and everyone got pissed at me. Apple
worldnews Myanmar police officers detained over Rohingya beatings video - BBC News BBC
news Lebanese woman predicted her Turkey death in Facebook post Facebook
todayilearned TIL during World Championship Wrestling's Battlebowl show, Rip Rogers won the match for his tag team without performing a single move Rogers
LifeProTips LPT: Message yourself on Facebook messenger to make a quick note or to send yourself a link to read later. Facebook
worldnews Meet the 2017 membership of the U.N. Human Rights Council: Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Iraq, Qatar, Burundi, Bangladesh and United Arab Emirates United
worldnews US Congress: Republicans vote to limit ethics body - BBC News BBC
UpliftingNews India's double first in climate battle - BBC News BBC
AskReddit What's the PlayStation v. Xbox of your hobby? Xbox
Jokes Jesus drove a Honda but didn't talk about it. Honda
LifeProTips LPT:After using Facebook on a public pc, Delete browsing history to make sure you logged out. Facebook
AskReddit What's the PlayStation vs Xbox of your job? Xbox
worldnews US Congress: Republicans vote to limit ethics body - BBC News BBC
DIY Creating an Apple touch screen smart mirror. Apple
worldnews Russia wants to hold maritime drills with the Philippines to help combat terrorism and piracy, sending two warships to Manila for the first official navy-to-navy contact, as President Rodrigo Duterte pivots to United States' traditional rivals United
pics Vintage Gillette Aristocrat Safety Blade Probably from the 1930s Gillette
AskReddit What are some ideas for a Youtube channel am creating with SO that focuses on life and travel - possibly even a mini-documentary series? Youtube
Documentaries Why Am I 2016 on Youtube all four episodes! Thanx TVNZ 3! Youtube
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