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I was paid to watch people being killed... [Part 1]


Along with an electronic key card for the east door, this is what had been placed on the control panel prior to my shift a few days ago. A very perplexing, guilt ridden and drunkenly assembled note from the day shift guy…the one who I believed to be the only person on this island other than myself.
I’ve never actually met him over these past three months. We each work an 11 hour, 59 minute shift, every day. He from 8:00am to 7:59pm and I from 8:00pm to 7:59am. We have one minute for the shift change. I wait outside the control room at the west door and as soon as he exits the through the east side, the lock on my door becomes ready to open with my key card. So, other than the scent of his cologne, the pot of coffee he leaves brewing for me and the empty bottle of cognac currently sitting on the control panel, I know nothing about him. I don’t know his name, age, or nationality. All he’s been to me is the source of the ass warmth on the cold leather desk chair when I sit down every evening at 8PM sharp.
In order to help you understand what the hell is happening on your chosen electronic device’s screen at the moment, let me take you back just a bit.
I’m in debt. A shitload of debt to be exact, and four months ago I was unemployed for a number of reasons I won’t get into. My rent was due, my truck was being moved every few hours to stay out of sight of the repo man, and I was showering with bottled water from the apartment building’s fountain due to a ‘misunderstanding’ with the utilities commission. I was in a bad way, for sure.
I’m an I.T. professional with a couple impressive degrees and 15 years of experience, so I know a lot of shit and finding a job had never been difficult for me…until this most recent tangle with irresponsibility, of course. So, I was scrambling to find work before the property management company threw me out on my ear. Plus, that fountain water and stolen hand soap from the lobby is doing a real number on my skin. Monster, Glassdoor, The Ladders…I had hit them all, willing to take just about anything. After far too long I began to grow despondent, until finally one day this email appeared in my inbox.

“Hello, Kyle. My name is David Danbury and I represent parties who are eager to have you in their employ. We’ve seen your profile and resume on several job sites and must say we’re quite impressed with your skill set--although one immediately does wonder why a man with your talents is looking for what appears to be his sixth job in the past five years?
Nevertheless, I am here to present to you an opportunity for a one time, three month contract overseas. The work will not be challenging for an advanced professional such as yourself (although you may find it difficult without the ponies to play), but you will be almost completely isolated for the duration of the contract. Although long periods of solitude can be maddening for some, I have no doubt a man with your ability to get out of sticky situations can handle some extended alone time.
If you should choose to take the assignment, I can guarantee your safety and security as long as you stay within the guidelines and boundaries presented to you. The work will be stale and boring, just as you found your life to be once you discovered the thrill of Vegas, and you will be paid as soon as the terms of your contract have been satisfied. You will find the compensation to be substantial, to say the least. We both know you could use the money at this point…
If you’re interested in this assignment please reply in kind and I’ll send you the paperwork and instructions for your travel.
David Danbury, Esq.

I’ll skip the bullshit about ‘thinking it over.’ The truth is, I couldn’t accept fast enough. I’m in debt, remember? For three months I could handle anything, but I know what these contract jobs consist of; high hourly pay, fat per diems, and nice hotel rooms.
Now, I’ll spare you the details of my travel and arrival. Reddit doesn’t have the attention span for that kind of thing, and truthfully, I’m as guilty as anyone of scanning past the fluff in an nosleep tale to get right to the meat and bones of it. Yeah I know, someone worked hard on all that fluff. I did too, then deleted it when I knew no one would care. So, here’s that meat and bones…
I was picked up and delivered by plane, basically blindfolded, to a small island in the middle of somewhere and left standing inside the door of a concrete bunker with nothing but my suitcase and a stack of instructions on, of all things, dot matrix paper—and no…it wasn’t stripped or separated. Some asshole is out there having a grand old time handing this archaic shit to unsuspecting contractors.
While littering the hallways with side strips I explored my work and living situation while scanning through the instructions. The work was simple…diagnostics and debugs, software updates, calibration and testing of lines and connections, and other general maintenance for a bunch of communications and video equipment.
My living quarters was really pretty damned sweet. In addition to all the bottled water I could ever need for showering, I had a nice big bedroom with a sitting room off to the side, a large, fully stocked kitchen, a few TV’s, a VR headset, tons of video games and several hundred movies. And to top it all off, there was a large selection of alcohol and beer.
I walked the main hallway where I found a good sized fitness room with all sorts of workout stuff, another big kitchen with a small cafeteria, a few more vacant living quarters identical to mine, and a big pantry with an endless amount of supplies and necessities. There were several rooms full of the equipment I would be maintaining, all of which was brand new stuff from the top manufacturers. .
The hallway ended at the big steel door to the room where I would spend the majority of my 11 hour, 59 minute shifts. Attached to the door was an envelope with my name on it.
“Hello Kyle, and welcome to your home for the next three months. The room beyond this door will be the hub of your operations and you will be sharing it with another technician. Your shift will begin promptly at 8:00PM each night and will end at 7:59AM the next morning. DO NOT arrive late or leave late. When the daytime technician’s door closes at 7:59PM you will have one minute to open the lock with the included magnetic keycard. Once you’ve opened the door it will remain unlocked for the remainder of your shift so you can move freely about the west end of the facilities. Under no circumstances are you to interact with the day technician. This work is part of a controlled study and it is critical that your duties be conducted 100% independently. In addition to this, it is STRONGLY suggested that you DO NOT leave the bunker. For reasons of personal safety, you are not locked inside, but let us assure you, outside the bunker is somewhere you only want to be as an absolute last resort.
Good luck, and remember…safety first!”

Everything went down as described. The work was gravy. So gravy in-fact that it would have made a great Poutine for our Canadian friends. You nasty fuckers. Who ever dreamed up mixing brown gravy and curdled cheese anyway??
I ran through the scheduled checks, calibrations, reports each night. I arrived at the door a couple minutes early, heard the door on the other side slam shut, and shoved my card in the slot as soon as the lock’s activation indicator went green. Although it was probably against the rules, the day shift technician left a fresh pot of coffee brewing for me each evening and I began to do the same for him each morning. How did I know the other tech was a man? It was the cologne. Kenneth Cole, circa 2005. I bought a bottle back then at the suggestion of the new lady I was seeing. She was bat shit crazy and I barely managed to cling to my sanity for the four months we were together. That one is an nosleep all of its own. I will *never* forget that scent. Not ever…
Everything was going smoothly for a long ass time. I ran into very few problems in my work, and they were solved quickly and without disruption to the gear under my care. My life may be in a constant state of uncertainty and downright chaos, but when it comes to equipment? Those devices are my babies. I take great pride in my work and it’s ALWAYS first class.
I really didn’t know what all the shit was for, though. The functions I performed were strictly for operational stability. Were the video monitors connected? Was the video storage equipment running smoothly? Was it cold enough in the server room? Were the video test images (a loop of wild horses galloping on the beach) clear and sharp? I just kept everything functioning and ensured all the backup systems were good to go at any moment.
So who was running all this sweet ass gear? The day shift guy, I presume. All those damned video monitors in that control room were for something, and it was a big something. At the time I figured the island was probably under surveillance from coast to coast to coast to coast. Why? Who knows…I didn’t particularly care, but I did feel a bit cheated when I propped my feet up on the terminal and all I got to see was horses kicking up wet sand and tossing their manes back and forth like a shitty beer commercial. I had watched that scene so many times that after a couple months I knew every detail. I had the horses named, had picked out which ones were married, which were single, which were cheating, who the assholes were, and various other daytime soap opera kind of shit.
Why not fire up a movie? Because I HAD to watch that loop. I spent an hour every night with my eyes glued to those screens, making sure not a pixel was out of place. I was under clear instruction that everything should be perfect at all times.
So what the hell did the day shift guy do? I presume he ran the cameras, collected images, data, wrote up observations, reports, etc. I think he got to be James Bond and I was the inventor in the basement at MI6 who didn’t get any of the glory for keeping Bond’s ass alive. It figured. Life had been pinching my ball sack with a big pair of salad tongs for years, so why expect to get the glorious job? I bet that motherfucker was getting paid double my salary. Asshole. HOWEVER, he did brew a great cup of Joe.
My free time was spent doing a little of everything. I like to work out, although with no money for a gym membership I’ve not exerted much energy lately outside of running from bill collectors. So I hit the gym, watched movies, surfed the web, and ate a shit ton of good food. One thing I do miss is gambling. I’ve spent my fair share of time at tracks and in casinos, for sure. It’s a rush like nothing else, but when you crash you crash hard. I crash too often.
Truth be told, I’m a mess. I have an ex-wife, a kid I hardly ever see, and I’ve destroyed most of my other interpersonal relationships. Solitary work is probably what’s best for me and I think I’m probably just not a very good person. But don’t think I don’t dwell on that fact—I do. I’ve just yet to actually DO anything about it.
However, everything changed when the day shift guy went AWOL and I found the Island’s residents. And then the plane washed ashore.
…and then the bodies began piling up.

Ok really, now. I’m not gonna put you off until tomorrow just yet.
So back to the letter from the day shift guy. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. I mean…it sounded like he was really torn up about something. Something so bad in-fact, it made him walk out into the jungle never (presumably) to be seen again. And what the hell was he saying about “no matter what they did?”
Seriously, dude. You couldn’t hang onto your guilt ridden conscience another few days for what…a million bucks? Was he serious? Part of me was scared for what I was about to find out, and the other part of me was wondering if I was getting anywhere near a million dollars for my own gig…unless whatever he was doing on day shift was so terrible it would require ridiculous money to keep someone participating.
DSG (as we’ll call him for now) had left the entire operation unlocked and active. The monitors were all running and the control computers were unlocked. Most of the screens had a solid gray color displaying, but some were kicking on and off. I quickly realized they were motion activated, so the camera would run for a while if something was happening in its field of vision and send a live stream to the monitors. The sun was nearly gone and there wasn’t much light remaining, so I figured the night vision on the cameras would be kicking in soon.
I watched the displays come and go for a bit. Nocturnal animal activity, giant bugs landing on the lenses…stuff like that. Then out of nowhere, I saw people. A whole lot of people, to be exact. I’m a shitty guess on crowd size but some very sloppy counting put the number close to 50, if not more. It was like an encampment of some kind. Several fires burned and makeshift torches were set up in a crude perimeter. Everyone I could see was male and most of them were sitting or lying down. Their clothing matched—extremely dirty white coveralls.
Some of the men appeared to be standing guard with homemade spears or clubs, or with no weapon at all. It was surreal to suddenly see other humans on this island that for three months I thought was only inhabited by DSG and myself. They obviously were some sort of group, which meant they had a common origin or source.
One other thing was common…every single one of them looked either scared, angry, or despondent.
As the last bit of evening sun faded off into the horizon, I watched them for a while and let the past couple hours’ events soak in. What were these people doing here? Who were they? What were they scared of? And was I working for whoever was responsible for them being here?
I was pondering all these questions when my screens starting switching on like crazy. Movement caught my eye but it was quick, and whatever I had seen was not alone. The men in the camp (who I’ll now refer to as the captives) went into panic mode, either scrambling to get into the jungle or taking up some kind of defensive position. Judging by mouth movements they looked to be screaming, but I had no audio feed and as best I could tell from searching through the computer, an audio feed didn’t exist. As the chaos unfolded I finally caught a look at what was getting the captives in such a fuss.

At first all I could see was a glimmer of what I now know was their eyes reflected in the night vision. It started with just one, down low, then another and another and even more, and suddenly I was looking at HUNDREDS of eyes seemingly floating along the ground. God they were FAST too, just shooting back and forth. One of the men began to flail around in an absolute panic. I couldn’t see the outline of a snake, but his neck was gone from the sight picture and I could see the glint of one of those snake eyes. It had wrapped the guy up like a scarf and was choking him to death.
Another man was spinning in circles as if he was surrounded by multiple attackers. The tiny lights of the snake eyes were shooting at him like bullets from at least 10 feet out. Striking his legs over and over, then working their way up. He turned away from the camera briefly and when he came back around the moonlight gave me a clear view of his face. He had a snake’s fangs clamped down directly on each eye. I watched his muted screams, pulling at them furiously as the others continued to strike with relentless enthusiasm. Finally the captive managed to pry both snakes free and flung them to the ground. The moonlight caught his face again, and to my horror, I could see the eye sockets were empty.
I shut off the monitors. I could take no more of the nightmare playing out on these screens. I was helpless in my position and watching this was going to do them no good.
I took a break for food, coffee and some deep breathing exercises to calm my nerves. This was fucked up. Those guys were captives for sure, and it didn’t appear to me that the snakes were just naturally hanging out. Plus, the sheer speed and ruthlessness of those things. Geez. That was NOT normal.
Getting back on the main computer, I poked around in DSG’s files with shaky hands. I opened one labeled “DAY SHIFT DUTIES.” I was a little jealous that DSG didn’t get the pleasure of dot matrix paper. The word document was fairly brief.

So…what the fuck?
“Participants?” “Events?” “Non-human Participants?”
It wasn’t hard to surmise the man’s job was to watch sadistic, brutally violent shit happen to the captives, log the serial numbers of the survivors, and provide post game analysis. I came to the eye-opening realization that I had been going about this mundane existence completely oblivious to the fact that terrible things may be going on all around me. And I was sitting there every night, pounding oreo cookies and making sure the controls of this nightmare were in tip top shape.
I mean…I may as well have been Freddy Krueger’s knife sharpener.

I was blown away and trying to figure out what the hell to do when I realized something…DSG, aka Mr. Ivanov, was gone. And in order to keep the powers-that-be in the dark about his departure, those daily duties still had to be carried out...carried out by ME.

I had just watched “feeding time” happen live. Furthermore, at some point after 8:00AM when his shift would normally start I would have to review the footage, describe the incident, fill out the required logs…

...and roll those fucking dice again.
submitted by hgtv_neighbor to nosleep [link] [comments]

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam

Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.
Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited
John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.
Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.
Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings in 1993. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. At a pizzeria in town Maria was kidnapped only to be found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump had known Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by a witness) had four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss while Epstein’s bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave known as Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time. Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her that happened to Maria if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose. Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria was a paid agent by Epstein and Trump. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and the underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
submitted by jennylamb2006 to esist [link] [comments]

Trump is a traitor a pathological liar and draft Dodger and eventually will be inmate number?

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam updated September 13th 2019
Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.

Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited

John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.

Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.

Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. Maria’s mother died in 2015. Maria was kidnapped outside of Nash’s pizzeria on March 19, 1993. The girls kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided young girls to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein. She was found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
In 1994, Maria Johnson was approached by an Epstein party recruiter while she was at the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. She was told that she might become a model if she met the right people at a fashionable party.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump was friends with Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms. Plenty of private space to take advantage of the young and naive.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by Maria from Danbury) had at least four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump was having a bad year financially in 1994. He sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss. Epstein’s was a principal in a bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars. However, Epstein was not charged.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their staggering business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time.
Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose.
Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria became a paid agent by Epstein. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"

Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
According to Maxwell, Epstein had a video recording system in his New York Townhouse that was used to blackmail important people and leverage their sexual activities for future favorable business dealings.
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
Trump has indicated that all of the above girls are lying and that without providing any details to dispute their stories we should believe Trump when he says is is innocent. Trump has lied approximately 13 times a day or 12 thousand times since becoming President. Trump has lied more times than the 44 other Presidents combined with plenty of room to spare.
House panel approves impeachment inquiry rules.
On September 12th, 2019, the United States House of Representatives Judiciary panel voted to consider procedures for future hearings in the first step towards impeachment of Trump. The basis for impeachment include
Felony assault against underage girls
obstruction of justice
violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause and Domestic Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution;
conspiring with others to: (a) commit crimes against the United States involving the solicitation and intended receipt by the Donald J. Trump campaign of things of value from a foreign government and other foreign nationals; and (b) conceal those violations;
advocating illegal violence, giving aid and comfort to white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and undermining constitutional protections of equal protection under the law;
abusing the pardon power;
recklessly threatening nuclear war against foreign nations, undermining and subverting the essential diplomatic functions and authority of federal agencies, including the United States Department of State, and engaging in other conduct that grossly and wantonly endangers the peace and security of the United States, its people and people of other nations, by heightening the risk of hostilities involving weapons of mass destruction, with reckless disregard for the risk of death and grievous bodily harm;
directing or endeavoring to direct law enforcement, including the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to investigate and prosecute political adversaries and others, for improper purposes not justified by any lawful function of his office, thereby eroding the rule of law, undermining the independence of law enforcement from politics, and compromising the constitutional right to due process of law;
undermining the freedom of the press;
cruelly and unconstitutionally imprisoning children and their families; and
making and directing illegal payments to influence the 2016 election.
It is believed this process will last through the campaign season next year with impeachment to occur in early fall 2020. Trump will be the first president to be impeached and sent to jail.
submitted by jennylamb2006 to fucktrump [link] [comments]

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam

Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.
Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited
John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.
Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.
Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. Maria’s mother died in 2015. Maria was kidnapped outside of Nash’s pizzeria on March 19, 1993. The girls kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided young girls to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein. She was found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
In 1994, Maria Johnson was approached by an Epstein party recruiter while she was at the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. She was told that she might become a model if she met the right people at a fashionable party.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump was friends with Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms. Plenty of private space to take advantage of the young and naive.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by Maria from Danbury) had at least four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump was having a bad year financially in 1994. He sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss. Epstein’s was a principal in a bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars. However, Epstein was not charged.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their staggering business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time.
Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose.
Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria became a paid agent by Epstein. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
According to Maxwell, Epstein had a video recording system in his New York Townhouse that was used to blackmail important people and leverage their sexual activities for future favorable business dealings.
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
Trump has indicated that all of the above girls are lying and that without providing any details to dispute their stories we should believe Trump when he says is is innocent. Trump has lied approximately 13 times a day or 12 thousand times since becoming President. Trump has lied more times than the 44 other Presidents combined with plenty of room to spare.
submitted by jennylamb2006 to democrats [link] [comments]

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam
Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.
Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited
John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.
Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.
Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. Maria’s mother died in 2015. Maria was kidnapped outside of Nash’s pizzeria on March 19, 1993. The girls kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided young girls to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein. She was found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
In 1994, Maria Johnson was approached by an Epstein party recruiter while she was at the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. She was told that she might become a model if she met the right people at a fashionable party.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump was friends with Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms. Plenty of private space to take advantage of the young and naive.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by Maria from Danbury) had at least four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump was having a bad year financially in 1994. He sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss. Epstein’s was a principal in a bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars. However, Epstein was not charged.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their staggering business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time. Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose.
Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria became a paid agent by Epstein. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
According to Maxwell, Epstein had a video recording system in his New York Townhouse that was used to blackmail important people and leverage their sexual activities for future favorable business dealings.
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
Trump has indicated that all of the above girls are lying and that without providing any details to dispute their stories we should believe Trump when he says is is innocent. Trump has lied approximately 13 times a day or 12 thousand times since becoming President. Trump has lied more times than the 44 other Presidents combined with plenty of room to spare.
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